sfc failures on install media created by wintoolkit
ahh ok, But I thought this Convenience Rollup is that same 400MB Update, thats included in the Dr.Windows Pack, and that this amkes the SFC-errors?!
sfc failures on install media created by wintoolkit
I had that already. Ma old build had 3,9GB had all updates, but no IE11 and worked fine,.....but sfc failed. I deleted all local packs and games now. Will see if thats enough. If nothing helps I think I integrade alle updates but let IE11 out, because then its fat32.ready. IE11 I have to install afterwards. Anyway it is much improvement then it comes to installtime. Still looking for a method to make a home+prof-version with all updates+IE11 in it.
sfc failures on install media created by wintoolkit
Ahh THX for the tipp. I now integrated all, also the updated that failed I installed again on the already integrated project and now it worked. I did not test it yet, but again I have the problem, that the install.wim is now 4,14 GB :-( Do you have any tipps how I can get rid of the 140MB? If their is no way Im going to dont integrade IE11, because then its 3,9GB
sfc failures on install media created by wintoolkit
I only have IE11-Windows6.1-x64-de-de, the others I unchecked, as the WindowsXPMode_de-de.exe is 400mb and I thought that I dont need the others. But I can get them all in list if I have to, because I think I have enough space not because I kicked homebasic & ultimate EDIT: I tried it. this update gave me an unknown error "4-Windows6.1-KB3172605-x64.msu"
sfc failures on install media created by wintoolkit
I did not change the names, but I sorted the list bye name afterwards, so the updates are sorted from numbers, I hope thats no problem...
sfc failures on install media created by wintoolkit
Grüße aus Kassel I cant use the convenience Rollup, as Im working as IT-Technican, and I cant install a Windows 7 that gives SFC-errors from begin, even if the errors are some kind of missinterpretation/hashmissmatch,etc. I just added all Updates in wintoolkit. It moved 4 to silent installers (KB2533552, KB2603229, KB3020369, KB3046269). 2 Updates it moved to prerequistes (KB2574819, KB2857650). one update is moved to "internet Explrer" (KB3175443, 52MB) The IE11 install file itself (IE11-Windows6.1-x64-de-de.exe) is not in list, do I have to add this in some other kind of way? And do you know if all updates are in correct lists now? greetz revnu PS: I can write you the tutorial I have to integrate all updates to all versions EDIT: Then I was looking to whom I have to give credits for the tutorial how to integrade all updates in all version I find out THAT IT WAS YOU THIERSEE!!! :-) I use what you wrote here, and it worked for me
sfc failures on install media created by wintoolkit
OK, to make communication easier I attached what updates I donwloaded. Could you plz tell me if thats all I need to have my German Up-to-date-Version of my Windows 7 (Im going to include only home+professional, so I think I wont have problems with install.wim >4GB) Also I would be really happy if someone could tell me which updates I should move to prerequisites and how I can integrade the internet Explorer11, that never worked for me. Also Im unsure if I really should move all updates to silent installers if wintoolkit tells me so. greetz revnu EDIT: SRY I did not see it, but it is described on that site what updates to load. Im now going to integrade, but im still unsure how to integrate IE11 and if there is anything I should change in wintoolkit (prerequisites, etc)
sfc failures on install media created by wintoolkit
OK, but if I download the " UL x64 26/08/2016 " I cant 100% tell what from the list I should include. I checked the german IE11, IE11 Updates, Windows 10 integration/telemetry. should I then just check "classic integration Updates" & "common Convenience Rollup and Classic integration Updates" ? And then I have all Updates I need for my home+pro version? Also you could check the KB3125574 in that Downloadlist, but I think "common Conveniece Rollup" is that big Updatepack in single patches and I wont have SFC-Problems after install right? THX 4 help revnu
sfc failures on install media created by wintoolkit
Hi, I work as IT-Service-Technican and we install Windows 7 many times. We spent a lot of senseless time bye installing the patches all time again & again. My goal is to make an ISO that contains all Updates. I also like to install Windows 7 in UEFI-Mode, so the start-file-management of Windows is better, and we get better results for people. Unfortunately if you want to install Win7 in UEFI-Mode the USB-Stick has to be FAT32. This limits the install.wim to 4GB. You can split the install wim, but I heared that leads to strange problems with licensing. So then I integrated the Dr.Windows Update pack it was really good. The install.wim was 3,9 GB. After fresh install he searched 4 Minutes for Updates, and only a few was left......but the SFC-Problem destroyed my plans Now Im searching for a similar method. I really aim for a method that includes all Updates and lets the install.wim <4GB I think I try to download all Updates that are included in the 400MB update and try it again. Also I had problems integrating IE11, but thats a seconds problem. greetz revnu
sfc failures on install media created by wintoolkit
Ohh Thx for this information. You have any advice how to integrate most updates in Win7 x64 so that it works? For me it is important that the install.wim is not bigger than 4GB, as I have to use it on FAT32......but if I integrate all Updates its always bigger than 4GB. And their are so many different Update-packs/downloaders, that Im confused a bit which to use. greetz revnu
sfc failures on install media created by wintoolkit
Hi, ive the same problem and really like to find out why. I integrated the Updatepack "Dr.Windows Update Pack Juli2016" in my Windwos 7. Made a AIO Version and tought it is fine. Updates are integrated, thats great. But after fresh install I run SFC and have corrupted files that could not be repaired. SOme other guy posted, that this error also comes from the KB3022345 Patch, but I dont know if this this is the only thing casing this error.
If I remove ei.cfg afterwards do I have an AIO-Version with Updated included?
Hi, Thx 4 the answer. I thought it is the right forum. Could you plz move me to the right section and/or help me with my request ? I like to understand if it makes a difference if I only select Windows Professional in Wintoolkit, before integrating updates and afterwards remove ei.cfg, so I have a all-in-one-version with all updates. AFAIK it should work, as only the install.wim is modified, and its global. But Im not 100% sure, as I dont know if some special files are modified, so it will only work for Professional version. The Question how to split the install.wim, so it works on fat32 I will investigate on other forums if nobody can give me a tip. greetz revnu
If I remove ei.cfg afterwards do I have an AIO-Version with Updated included?
Nothings going on here
If I remove ei.cfg afterwards do I have an AIO-Version with Updated included?
baah, one problem chasing the other problem. The finished install.wim is 3,7 GB. Now I cant use it with UEFI-Boot, as the USB-Stick must have fat32 in order to make that work. Anybody has a solution for that? I know there is a method to split the install.wim, but only in fragments not bigger than 600mb. Also Im not expirienced in that. Would be nice if someone could help me making an AIO-Version with all Updates and an install.wim, that is divided in 2 parts. THX for any help greetz revnu
If I remove ei.cfg afterwards do I have an AIO-Version with Updated included?
Hello, I try to make a Windows 7 x64 Version with all updates included. Then I first tried it, I made it with a version where I removed the ei.cfg out of "sources", so I can select which version to install. I then selected all versions in WinToolkit an realised, that it took much longer. Then I was unsure what exactly happens, because of that I made it again with a ei.cfg (Windows 7 Pro) included. So I only had one version selected. At the end I had a version with all updetes included. My question is, if I now remove the ei.cfg after including updates if I have a version there the updates are included for every version, or only for Windows 7 Pro ? greetz revnu
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