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  1. any mirrors for this available? i have been trying for hrs to downlosd this, thank you
  2. any mirrors for this available? thank you
  3. will this override my windows media player and be the default player if added to xp install disc? thank you
  4. i was just curious if anyone has changed this addon to place the shortcut in all programs/games
  5. ^^^ lol! lol! sorry, couldn't resist! lol! lol!
  6. thank you kel the virtual tek nlite addon maker would do this for you also qwesta i do beleive http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1342
  7. i added the branding to the winnt.sif, i loaded the nlite last session with the homepage set to yahoo & added the branding, but either google or msn opens with internet explorer, please help! am i missing something? thanks (if i choose google, it works, but not yahoo) yahoo doesn't open even on 2nd,3rd,4th try nlite last session: Internet Explorer-Set Homepage-www.yahoo.com winnt.sif : [branding] BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes Home_Page=http://www.yahoo.com/
  8. a friend of mine wants yahoo set as default home page after xp installed, nlite doesn't have yahoo option so i edited the last session & winnt.sif as below: however when internet explorer is opened msn.com is opened i tried www.yahoo.com & also http://www.yahoo.com/ , is there something missing to make yahoo the default? thank you & happy holidays to all here is nlite last session: it is same as if you selected google, i just edited it to yahoo & saved [Tweaks] Desktop-Desktop icons size-48 Desktop-Internet Explorer icon-Show Desktop-My Computer icon-Show Desktop-My Documents icon-Show Desktop-Recycle Bin icon-Show Explorer-Change Windows Explorer folder view-Icons Internet Explorer-Disable Download Complete notification Internet Explorer-Keep IE URL-History for-0 Days Internet Explorer-Set Homepage-http://www.yahoo.com/ <<<<<<<<<< edited here Internet Explorer-Set Internet Explorer to accept 10 connects at a time Start Menu-Clear most recently opened documents list on logoff Start Menu-Disable Highlight newly installed programs Start Menu-Number of programs on Start menu-0 Start Menu-Reduce popup delay Taskbar-Disable Language-Bar Taskbar-Disable Windows Tour popup Windows Media Player-Accept Privacy Statement Windows Media Player-Disable starting with Media Guide here is winnt.sif: it is same as if you selected google, i just edited it to yahoo & saved Home_Page=http://www.yahoo.com/ <<<<<<<<<< edited here
  9. thanks bjfrog for addon, for some reason when added to nlite, & then install xp, it causes my drives(burners/rom) not to show up, if i remove from nlite, install xp, my drives show up again. i use slysoft's virtual clonedrive alot and this would be a great addon for my custom disc, am i doing something wrong here or is this for rvm program only? thank you
  10. there are 2 seperate posts with Universal Extractor, yours and shahed, are they different? thanks
  11. ok is part 4 video ready yet? lol! i'm ready to give this a wack or 2 or 3 or 4 lol! thanks
  12. question about the Universal Extractor, there are several diff installs on their site, do i need all of them, UniExtract installer, binary archive, source code, etc.... thank you i figured it out, da! sorry for the post!
  13. freeheart4sale posted a post in a topic in Addon Discussion
    hope posted in right place any fat chance someone can whip up a silent addon for nlite for clock tray skins 4.1 if free time, thank you!
  14. if i insert silent framework 1.1 ahead of this addon in the nlite list, will this install then? thanks
  15. thanks rick, i figured that at out least, lol! what about using the $oem$ way?, if i delete system defaults, and only leave the ones to match the default theme thanks again