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Everything posted by freeheart4sale

  1. any mirrors for this available? i have been trying for hrs to downlosd this, thank you
  2. any mirrors for this available? thank you
  3. will this override my windows media player and be the default player if added to xp install disc? thank you
  4. i was just curious if anyone has changed this addon to place the shortcut in all programs/games
  5. ^^^ lol! lol! sorry, couldn't resist! lol! lol!
  6. thank you kel the virtual tek nlite addon maker would do this for you also qwesta i do beleive http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1342
  7. i added the branding to the winnt.sif, i loaded the nlite last session with the homepage set to yahoo & added the branding, but either google or msn opens with internet explorer, please help! am i missing something? thanks (if i choose google, it works, but not yahoo) yahoo doesn't open even on 2nd,3rd,4th try nlite last session: Internet Explorer-Set Homepage-www.yahoo.com winnt.sif : [branding] BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes Home_Page=http://www.yahoo.com/
  8. a friend of mine wants yahoo set as default home page after xp installed, nlite doesn't have yahoo option so i edited the last session & winnt.sif as below: however when internet explorer is opened msn.com is opened i tried www.yahoo.com & also http://www.yahoo.com/ , is there something missing to make yahoo the default? thank you & happy holidays to all here is nlite last session: it is same as if you selected google, i just edited it to yahoo & saved [Tweaks] Desktop-Desktop icons size-48 Desktop-Internet Explorer icon-Show Desktop-My Computer icon-Show Desktop-My Documents icon-Show Desktop-Recycle Bin icon-Show Explorer-Change Windows Explorer folder view-Icons Internet Explorer-Disable Download Complete notification Internet Explorer-Keep IE URL-History for-0 Days Internet Explorer-Set Homepage-http://www.yahoo.com/ <<<<<<<<<< edited here Internet Explorer-Set Internet Explorer to accept 10 connects at a time Start Menu-Clear most recently opened documents list on logoff Start Menu-Disable Highlight newly installed programs Start Menu-Number of programs on Start menu-0 Start Menu-Reduce popup delay Taskbar-Disable Language-Bar Taskbar-Disable Windows Tour popup Windows Media Player-Accept Privacy Statement Windows Media Player-Disable starting with Media Guide here is winnt.sif: it is same as if you selected google, i just edited it to yahoo & saved Home_Page=http://www.yahoo.com/ <<<<<<<<<< edited here
  9. thanks bjfrog for addon, for some reason when added to nlite, & then install xp, it causes my drives(burners/rom) not to show up, if i remove from nlite, install xp, my drives show up again. i use slysoft's virtual clonedrive alot and this would be a great addon for my custom disc, am i doing something wrong here or is this for rvm program only? thank you
  10. there are 2 seperate posts with Universal Extractor, yours and shahed, are they different? thanks
  11. ok is part 4 video ready yet? lol! i'm ready to give this a wack or 2 or 3 or 4 lol! thanks
  12. question about the Universal Extractor, there are several diff installs on their site, do i need all of them, UniExtract installer, binary archive, source code, etc.... thank you i figured it out, da! sorry for the post!
  13. freeheart4sale posted a post in a topic in Addon Discussion
    hope posted in right place any fat chance someone can whip up a silent addon for nlite for clock tray skins 4.1 if free time, thank you!
  14. if i insert silent framework 1.1 ahead of this addon in the nlite list, will this install then? thanks
  15. thanks rick, i figured that at out least, lol! what about using the $oem$ way?, if i delete system defaults, and only leave the ones to match the default theme thanks again
  16. where in list & how should it appear in the winnt.sif & nlite last session to set computer to a specific default sounds here is examples of both, where would i insert this? is it possible? thank you winnt.sif example: ; Generated by nLite [Data] AutomaticUpdates="No" Autopartition=0 MsDosInitiated=0 UnattendedInstall="Yes" [unattended] UnattendMode=DefaultHide UnattendSwitch="No" OemPreinstall="Yes" OemSkipEula="Yes" FileSystem=* WaitForReboot="No" NoWaitAfterTextMode=1 NoWaitAfterGUIMode=1 DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore NonDriverSigningPolicy=Ignore [Display] Xresolution=1024 Yresolution=768 BitsPerPel=32 [systemRestore] DisableSR=1 CreateFirstRunRp=0 [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=* TimeZone=035 OEMSkipRegional=1 OemSkipWelcome=1 [shell] CustomDefaultThemeFile="%WinDir%\Resources\Themes\XXXXXX.Theme" [Components] [userData] ProductKey="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" ComputerName=FAMILY FullName="OWNER" OrgName="HOME" [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 Language= "0409" [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents="Yes" [WindowsFirewall] Profiles=WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall [WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall] Mode=0 [identification] JoinWorkgroup="FRIENDS" Home_Page=http://www.XXXXX.com/ nlite last session example: [Main] Env = - 2.0.50727.1433.Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Target = Windows XP Professional SP3 - 5.1.2600.5512 - English (United States) [Tasks] Service Pack Integration Remove Components Unattended Setup Hotfixes and Update Packs Tweaks Create a Bootable ISO Options [Components] ;# Keyboards # Albanian keyboard Arabic (101) keyboard Arabic (102) AZERTY keyboard Arabic (102) keyboard Armenian Eastern keyboard Armenian Western keyboard Azeri Cyrillic keyboard Azeri Latin keyboard Belarusian keyboard Belgian (Comma) keyboard Belgian (Period) keyboard Belgian French keyboard Bengali (Inscript) keyboard Bengali keyboard Bosnian Cyrillic keyboard Bosnian keyboard Bulgarian (Latin) keyboard Bulgarian keyboard Canadian French (Legacy) keyboard Canadian French keyboard Canadian Multilingual Standard keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - Microsoft Pinyin IME 3.0 keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - NeiMa keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - QuanPin keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - ShuangPin keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - US Keyboard keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - ZhengMa keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Alphanumeric keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Array keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Big5 Code keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - ChangJie keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - DaYi keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - New ChangJie keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - New Phonetic keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Phonetic keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Quick keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Unicode keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - US Keyboard keyboard Croatian keyboard Czech (QWERTY) keyboard Czech keyboard Czech Programmers keyboard Danish keyboard Devanagari - INSCRIPT keyboard Divehi Phonetic keyboard Divehi Typewriter keyboard Dutch keyboard Estonian keyboard Faeroese keyboard Farsi keyboard Finnish keyboard Finnish with Sami keyboard French keyboard FYRO Macedonian keyboard Gaelic keyboard Georgian keyboard German (IBM) keyboard German keyboard Greek (220) keyboard Greek (220) Latin keyboard Greek (319) keyboard Greek (319) Latin keyboard Greek keyboard Greek Latin keyboard Greek Polytonic keyboard Gujarati keyboard Hebrew keyboard Hindi Traditional keyboard Hungarian 101-key keyboard Hungarian keyboard Icelandic keyboard Inuktitut Latin keyboard Irish keyboard Italian (142) keyboard Italian keyboard Japanese Input System (MS-IME2002) keyboard Japanese keyboard Kannada keyboard Kazakh keyboard Korean Input System (IME 2000) keyboard Korean keyboard Kyrgyz Cyrillic keyboard Latin American keyboard Latvian (QWERTY) keyboard Latvian keyboard Lithuanian IBM keyboard Lithuanian keyboard Luxembourgish keyboard Malayalam keyboard Maltese 47-key keyboard Maltese 48-key keyboard Maori keyboard Marathi keyboard Mongolian Cyrillic keyboard Nepali keyboard Norwegian keyboard Norwegian with Sami keyboard Pashto keyboard Polish (214) keyboard Polish (Programmers) keyboard Portuguese (Brazilian ABNT) keyboard Portuguese (Brazilian ABNT2) keyboard Portuguese keyboard Punjabi keyboard Romanian keyboard Russian (Typewriter) keyboard Russian keyboard Sami Extended Finland-Sweden keyboard Sami Extended Norway keyboard Serbian (Cyrillic) keyboard Serbian (Latin) keyboard Slovak (QWERTY) keyboard Slovak keyboard Slovenian keyboard Spanish keyboard Spanish Variation keyboard Swedish keyboard Swedish with Sami keyboard Swiss French keyboard Swiss German keyboard Syriac keyboard Syriac Phonetic keyboard Tamil keyboard Tatar keyboard Telugu keyboard Thai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock) keyboard Thai Kedmanee keyboard Thai Pattachote (non-ShiftLock) keyboard Thai Pattachote keyboard Turkish F keyboard Turkish Q keyboard Ukrainian keyboard United Kingdom Extended keyboard United Kingdom keyboard United States-Dvorak for left hand keyboard United States-Dvorak for right hand keyboard United States-Dvorak keyboard Urdu keyboard US English Table for IBM Arabic 238_L keyboard Uzbek Cyrillic keyboard Vietnamese keyboard ;# Languages # ;Arabic Arabic (Algeria) Arabic (Bahrain) Arabic (Egypt) Arabic (Iraq) Arabic (Jordan) Arabic (Kuwait) Arabic (Lebanon) Arabic (Libya) Arabic (Morocco) Arabic (Oman) Arabic (Qatar) Arabic (Saudi Arabia) Arabic (Syria) Arabic (Tunisia) Arabic (U.A.E.) Arabic (Yemen) Divehi (Maldives) Pashto Syriac (Syria) Urdu ;Armenian Armenian ;Baltic Estonian Latvian Lithuanian ;Central Europe Albanian Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Croatian Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Czech Hungarian Polish Romanian Serbian (Latin) Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Slovak Slovenian ;Cyrillic Azeri (Cyrillic) Belarusian Bosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Bulgarian FYRO Macedonian Kazakh Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan) Mongolian (Mongolia) Russian Serbian (Cyrillic) Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Tatar Ukrainian Uzbek (Cyrillic) ;Georgian Georgian ;Greek Greek ;Hebrew Hebrew ;Indic Bengali (India) Gujarati (India) Hindi Kannada (India) Konkani Malayalam (India) Marathi Nepali (Nepal) Punjabi (India) Sanskrit Tamil Telugu (India) ;Japanese Japanese ;Korean Korean ;Simplified Chinese Chinese (PRC) Chinese (Singapore) ;Thai Farsi Thai ;Traditional Chinese Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.) Chinese (Macau S.A.R.) Chinese (Taiwan) ;Turkic Azeri (Latin) Turkish Uzbek (Latin) ;Vietnamese Vietnamese ;Western Europe and United States Afrikaans Basque Catalan Danish Dutch (Belgium) Dutch (Netherlands) English (Australia) English (Belize) English (Canada) English (Caribbean) English (Ireland) English (Jamaica) English (New Zealand) English (Philippines) English (South Africa) English (Trinidad) English (United Kingdom) English (Zimbabwe) Faeroese Filipino Finnish French (Belgium) French (Canada) French (France) French (Luxembourg) French (Monaco) French (Switzerland) Frisian Galician (Spain) German (Austria) German (Germany) German (Liechtenstein) German (Luxembourg) German (Switzerland) Icelandic Indonesian Inuktitut (Latin) Irish Italian (Italy) Italian (Switzerland) Luxembourgish Malay (Brunei Darussalam) Malay (Malaysia) Maltese Maori Mapudungun Mohawk Northern Sotho Norwegian (Bokmal) Norwegian (Nynorsk) Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Quechua (Bolivia) Quechua (Ecuador) Quechua (Peru) Romansh Sami, Inari (Finland) Sami, Lule (Norway) Sami, Lule (Sweden) Sami, Northern (Finland) Sami, Northern (Norway) Sami, Northern (Sweden) Sami, Skolt (Finland) Sami, Southern (Norway) Sami, Southern (Sweden) Spanish (Argentina) Spanish (Bolivia) Spanish (Chile) Spanish (Colombia) Spanish (Costa Rica) Spanish (Dominican Republic) Spanish (Ecuador) Spanish (El Salvador) Spanish (Guatemala) Spanish (Honduras) Spanish (International Sort) Spanish (Mexico) Spanish (Nicaragua) Spanish (Panama) Spanish (Paraguay) Spanish (Peru) Spanish (Puerto Rico) Spanish (Traditional Sort) Spanish (Uruguay) Spanish (Venezuela) Swahili Swedish Swedish (Finland) Tswana Welsh Xhosa Zulu ;# Operating System Options # Manual Install and Upgrade Out of Box Experience (OOBE) Security Center Service Pack Messages ;# Directories # DOCS SUPPORT VALUEADD ;# Compatibility # [KeepFiles] msconfig.exe [RemoveFiles] clock.avi yahoo.bmp swtchbrd.bmp [Options] ClassicSetup BlackSetupBack DupeFiles ProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings" TargetPath = "WINDOWS" temp_dir = %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp [Patches] TcpIp = 100 DoUxTheme DoSFC [services2] [Tweaks] Desktop-Desktop icons size-48 Desktop-Internet Explorer icon-Show Desktop-My Computer icon-Show Desktop-My Documents icon-Show Desktop-Recycle Bin icon-Show Explorer-Change Windows Explorer folder view-Icons Internet Explorer-Disable Download Complete notification Internet Explorer-Keep IE URL-History for-0 Days Internet Explorer-Set Homepage-www.XXXXX.com Internet Explorer-Set Internet Explorer to accept 10 connects at a time Start Menu-Clear most recently opened documents list on logoff Start Menu-Disable Highlight newly installed programs Start Menu-Number of programs on Start menu-0 Start Menu-Reduce popup delay Taskbar-Disable Language-Bar Taskbar-Disable Windows Tour popup Windows Media Player-Accept Privacy Statement [unattended] ComputerType = Automatic FirewallOff Resolution = 1024x768 BitsPerPel = 32 bit (True Color) DisableSRestore MaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 12 RestorePointLife = 30 DesktopTheme = "%WinDir%\Resources\Themes\XXXXXX.Theme"|| AutoUpdates = 4 AutoUDay = 5 AutoUHour = 15 ProgFilesPath = "\Program Files" [NetAdapter1] connname = "" macaddress = "" ipaddress = "XXX.XXX.X.X" subnetmask = "XXX.XXX.XXX.X" defaultgateway = "" dnsserver1 = "" dnsserver2 = "" winsserver = "" netbiossetting = "0" ipxnetworknumber = "00000000" ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF" [NetAdapter2] connname = "" macaddress = "" ipaddress = "XXX.XXX.X.X" subnetmask = "XXX.XXX.XXX.X" defaultgateway = "" dnsserver1 = "" dnsserver2 = "" winsserver = "" netbiossetting = "0" ipxnetworknumber = "00000000" ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF" [GuiRunOnce] [Drivers] [Hotfixes]
  17. looking for the .net framework addon to make this awesome media center work, guess i'm not searching for the proper words, any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks for the media ctr addon rick
  18. request to repair download link thank you
  19. request to repair download link please, thank you
  20. thank you that was fast!
  21. download link dead, if someone can fix, it would be greatly appreciated, thank you
  22. thanks, after i posted, i further realized this, but get this strange thing, i over wrote the original urlmon.dll in every location it showed up during search with one i downloaded and now when i change the theme or desktop, the run dll quit popping up, now its really stumped me, i don't see how that could stop it, but it did for now, lol!
  23. added the aio vista themes & runtime pack addon to my nlite created disc, they work but when i click desktop or themes to change from within display properties i get run a dll as an app has encountered a problem & needs to close , tried some things found on int but no luck still get error, error signature is app name: rundll32.exe, appver :5.1.2600.5512, modname: urlmon.dll, modver: 6.0.2900.5512 offset: 000164d3 anyone know what might be causing this? thanks
  24. ^^^ thanks for reply, already done that as i stated, did the edits & saved , same old xp boot
  25. no luck, have the files in their proper loc, followed instructions exactly, did the edits, saved, still same ugly xp boot, maybe i'll try the orb boot with better luck