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  1. Installed the Hotfix, and it still says the error message upon patching, bah.
  2. Thanks, the Windows Logo screensaver keeps giving me an error though, when I try and patch it. It says, "Sorry. This application attempted to delay-load a library or function that does not exist. Instability may occur."
  3. Where do I put the screensavers themselves? I get an error when I try to patch them with Alky
  4. Ok so there's no way possible to get the Hover effect? Oh well I guess, the ported version is alot better than Thoosje.. since I can get whatever gadget I want. Thanks for the sidebar
  5. Hey rick do you know if there is a ported Vista screensaver, that just says "Windows Vista" but when it changes it's place on the screen, the "vLogon.scr" design comes up and shines the lines. Kind of hard to explain.. but it's called Windows Vista Logo in the acutal OS. Thanks
  6. How can I change the style of the panel? I want it to be exactly like Vista so when I hover over it, it displays the border and such. I tried the Windows Sidebar Styler, and it doesn't work, it gives me an error message everytime I apply a theme. If someone could help me out, that'd be awesome.