WARNING: [Experimental]
Hi, another issue : ielangpack-FRA.CAB from IE10 isn't integrated. I havn't tested with IE9... Thx for your work.
Adding Microsoft Update and disabling System Restore
If it's possible, thx
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.4.0.x Feedback / Issues / Bugs
No more addon problem for me with v.*68 : great work :dancing:
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.4.0.x Feedback / Issues / Bugs
I think you're using a x86 OS.. I've found the problem : .exe based addons don't work when x86 arc is wroten in tasks.txt when integrating in a x64 os based. The same addon with x64 in tasks.txt works fine in v.*67 in a x64 os based... So installer both architectur compatible included in addon with x86 line in tasks.txt appears to not work with x64 OS THX ps : sorry for my bad english :shy:
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.4.0.x Feedback / Issues / Bugs
Hi, I forgot to write tests are made on Windows 8 Pro x64 with local account.
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.4.0.x Feedback / Issues / Bugs
Still problems with several addons .exe based with : don't appear to be installed but with Rc no problem (the only old one I have kept). E.i with this addon : http://www.forum-unattend.fr/Orca_3.1.4000.1830.wa Thx
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.4.0.x Feedback / Issues / Bugs
I confirm this strange behaviour with several personnal addons. These addons are .exe based....if this can help. ps : tests made with
.NET 3.5 Offline Install
This option seems to don't work in v1.4.0.65 version with Windows 8 RTM but did work with RP.... Moreover : the command Dism /online /Enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /source:G:\Sources\sxs works with RTM on a live system.. Thx for your work
[Solved] Can't add the Windows Update Agent Cabs
I've this problem too... Moreover, KB2533552 isn't show in the list of updates to integrate too... Thx
Integrating X79 Raid Drivers
RAID mode is selected in BIOS.. I'm running now with these drivers installed with usb flash so compatible...just that same drivers don't appear to be integrated with winkit.
Integrating X79 Raid Drivers
Thanx for your answer. That's I've done and always do but with this chipset, it doesn't work with raid mode. But AHCI it's ok ..... So I don't understand : raid drivers are still missing after doing this way but are written integrated to my project.
Integrating X79 Raid Drivers
Hi, Using the last version of Winkit, I've tried to integrate raid drivers in my seven Sp1 X64 project. I used the option "Integrate SCSIAdapter drivers (boot.wim) BUT : nothing appears in boot.wim after integrating drivers, only hdc drivers but no scsiadapter driver. I'm sure of the version of my driver, I inject them using flash usb because during win7 installation, Setup tell me they are missing and I can give that by flash usb...and next of process go to end. But that would really be better injecting directly into the win7 DVD... As I inject succesfully by flash usb, maybe winkit have a problem to inject this drivers in Seven Sp1 X64 (or not, I don't know). Thanx Ps : a link to these drivers all os. I keep only SevenX64 for my project.. http://fichiers.touslesdrivers.com/33245/RSTe_3.0.1.7016_F6-Drivers.zip
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.3.0 Release Candidate 2
That was the case until last build, it added automaticaly to the silent installers but new build "forget" to do it.
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.3.0 Release Candidate 2
Hi, with 97Rc version, KB2533552 isn't integrated. Thx
Windows 7 Toolkit v1.3.0 Release Candidate 2
Hi, with version, a confirmation window appears when each theme (.themepack) had been integrated. This is not a good think because of the number of themes....I have to click on done button each time.... Could you please correct this that appears since version. Cheers
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