Miguel Angel Piquer started following Jan Krohn
Leonardo Hidalgo started following Jan Krohn
Windows-ISO-Downloader NOT WORKING!! HELP!! can download anything!!
Delete cache for Internet Explorer. You'll have to do that through control panel, since it's no longer possible to open MSIE as an application.
ERROR cannt connect to internet
I can't replicate the issue. Maybe it was a temporary problem on Dell's side.
Jan Krohn started following hell , I cannot download any WDK and Where are the downloaded files deposited?
I cannot download any WDK
Have you tried logging in with a Windows Insider account?
Please update Windows ISO Downloader
Sorry about the delay. I'm still working through some personal issues that take a lot more time than anticipated. The half finished Edge based app is still on my to-do list of course. Maybe I can get back to development in a month or so.
Where are the downloaded files deposited?
It's the default download folder from Internet Explorer.
The "Windows 7" tab is currently dead. The August 2018 is the most up to date (and in fact only) download available.
Victor Serrano started following Jan Krohn
Can't download, the app doesn't work
No... Maybe try again in a few hours.
Can't download, the app doesn't work
32 bit https://software.download.prss.microsoft.com/dbazure/Win10_21H2_English_x32.iso?t=47c4f93e-acbe-4f25-ba22-c8fb93a7d3cf&e=1656262265&h=f254967ea5e6f3c0ab9528f64b2e92788f34f5caeaa430479278d4ac388de1a1 64 bit https://software.download.prss.microsoft.com/dbazure/Win10_21H2_English_x64.iso?t=47c4f93e-acbe-4f25-ba22-c8fb93a7d3cf&e=1656262265&h=2b70cbf9e96a192b8225e3972d23338befcfa4def113b5b5076026be9e3b9a15
Can't download, the app doesn't work
To be clear, I support the peaceful community, including all Russians and Ukrainians we might have here. I don't support Putin or the attack on Ukraine. Nor do I support pointless and silly boycott attempts against the Russian people. Since I continue providing services to Russia, FTS still wants my tax money - which I can't pay, since all payment gateways to Russia are closed. Let's wait and see where this is leading... Anyway, the new app is my top priority these days. I'll provide a beta version for download once it can do the most basic things. I'm currently still figuring things out. Edge development is nothing like MSIE development. Making a downloads database from other users available to Russia will be the first completely new feature that I'm going to add.
(Error) Sorry, but we're having trouble signing you in.
Wait for the new tool based on MS Edge. These kind of issues will likely disappear then. Official announcement due in a few days.
Can't download, the app doesn't work
Great idea, but not easily done. If I geneate too many links, my IP address will be blocked. I'll think about a way to collect the links generated by other users all into a big database, which could then be used to distribute them to Russian users. I have some concerns that this system could be abused. I need to think about it more.
Can't download, the app doesn't work
Yes, the hypocrisy is really awful. We're buying gas from Gazprom for millions or even billions of Euros, but punish the Russian population with countless little things, like this blocking here, or keeping Western movies out of Russian cinemas etc. Putin most certainly doesn't care about these things. He does care about the gas money, but that's the one thing we keep giving him. Countless businesses lock Russians out from their services entirely because they think it somehow hurts Putin. How stupid can people be... Anyway, it was no hard decision to keep access to all my sites up for Russian IP addresses, as well as Ukrainian IP addresses of course. No-one gets locked out here. We're a community.
Can't download, the app doesn't work
VPN doesn't work. MS still knows it's you because of the cookies they've placed on your machine. I wonder whether they've blocked all of Russia... In any case, there's nothing I can do. The block comes from MS.
Please update Windows ISO Downloader
Be patient. I've made good progress. There should be an official announcement and pre-release download (alpha or beta) here soon, hopefully by the end of the month. All MS Edge based now.
Can't download, the app doesn't work
You have been blocked by MS. It's in the FAQ too. Wait for 24 hours without downloading anything through the app or from the MS website, and try again.