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Jan Krohn

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Everything posted by Jan Krohn

  1. Maybe it's a bug in the control. At 125%, the space is definitely available. However, sine I don't want to code my own controls, but use the ones provided by MS, that's something we'll have to live with.
  2. What exactly is the problem then? The scrolling arrows appear when the tabs don't fit into the given space. Whether that's the case or not depends on DPI and default font size. It's not a bug, it's a feature...
  3. Unfortunately MS has managed again to block the ISO Downloader from generating download links for Win 7 and Office 2010. It is still unclear whether it is a temporary block, or whether my collection of product keys, that generate the links in the background, has been completely burned. As for now, I'm pausing link generation for the next 24 hours, before re-starting it with a massive throttle. Cached download links of the past 24 hours remain accessible until they expire. In the mean time, you can either download the files from DELL (multi-lingual), or use the recently leaked updated Win 7 images (English only): Win 7 Ultimate 32 bit https://download.microsoft.com/download/1/E/6/1E6B4803-DD2A-49DF-8468-69C0E6E36218/7601.24214.180801-1700.win7sp1_ldr_escrow_CLIENT_ULTIMATE_x86FRE_en-us.iso Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit https://download.microsoft.com/download/5/1/9/5195A765-3A41-4A72-87D8-200D897CBE21/7601.24214.180801-1700.win7sp1_ldr_escrow_CLIENT_ULTIMATE_x64FRE_en-us.iso Win 7 Pro 32 bit https://download.microsoft.com/download/C/0/6/C067D0CD-3785-4727-898E-60DC3120BB14/7601.24214.180801-1700.win7sp1_ldr_escrow_CLIENT_PROFESSIONAL_x86FRE_en-us.iso Win 7 Pro 64 bit https://download.microsoft.com/download/0/6/3/06365375-C346-4D65-87C7-EE41F55F736B/7601.24214.180801-1700.win7sp1_ldr_escrow_CLIENT_PROFESSIONAL_x64FRE_en-us.iso Win 7 Home Premium 32 bit https://download.microsoft.com/download/E/D/A/EDA6B508-7663-4E30-86F9-949932F443D0/7601.24214.180801-1700.win7sp1_ldr_escrow_CLIENT_HOMEPREMIUM_x86FRE_en-us.iso Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit https://download.microsoft.com/download/E/A/8/EA804D86-C3DF-4719-9966-6A66C9306598/7601.24214.180801-1700.win7sp1_ldr_escrow_CLIENT_HOMEPREMIUM_x64FRE_en-us.iso These images include all updates up until August 2018 including (warning!!) the Windows 7 telemetry updates. These downloads will be included in the next version of the ISO downloader. The future of the normal Win 7 downloads depends on whether my key collection will start working again after a few days of cool down period. If they do, we will be able to provide a few language editions per product (about two to five different languages at a time, determined by community demand). If the key collection is burned, I will let it cool down for about six months, and then try again to provide a few language editions per product (possibly obtaining more product keys in this time frame, to be able to add very few downloads back before the six months are up). I will give an update after the weekend to let you know which of these two possibilities is the case. The next release of the ISO downloader is planned for some time next week, including the Win 7 August 2018 updates, as well as some highlighting in the languages dropdowns for Win 7 and Office 2010 to indicate which languages are currently available.
  4. I tried about a dozen service tags found on Google. None of them worked. I suspect that MS no longer allows Dell to provide XP and Vista downloads.
  5. All data is now sorted within a proper Product ID and Family ID sections. Since the new API only gives this data for the files active in the current subscription, I had to make it up for most files, and tried to do so as consistently as possible (including deletion of duplicates). This was really some tedious monkey work...
  6. @Philip Yip Maybe you can shed some light on this question?
  7. Are you sure there are updated iso files? My understanding was that whenever Dell makes a new iso file available, it could be downloaded with existing service tags, but maybe I'm mistaken about that. Anyway, if you provide a service tag that qualifies for a file that's not yet available through the tool, just let me know the tag, and I'll make an update available.
  8. I've hidden old comments from the thread (from 2014 to 2016) as per suggestion.
  9. I'm considering to join the protest in Brussels on 23 March. If anyone here is going, please let me know.
  10. It's not really one less third party. The company behind Gravatar is also behind Akismet (one of our anti spam plugins). And using Gravatar was a user choice. It had t be actively selected in the profile. The idea behind it is to have the same avatar in many forums, and to be able change it everywhere with just a few mouse clicks.
  11. That's even better than just being more active in the English forum.
  12. Dear Community, If you've not yet looked into the details of the upcoming copyright reform in the EU, the following will shock you. No matter whether you're located in the EU or not, this will impact you, as all online portals that have a presence in the EU will need to comply. The proposed directive has just passed through the EU Committee of Legal Affairs, and will be voted upon by the EU Parliament on 23 March. If the directive passes through parliament as well, it will become binding law throughout the entire EU by 23 March 2021. So what does it mean, not only for WinCert, but every other online forum located in the EU, and even big portals like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube etc. that also have EU presences? 1. It will force upload filters on all these portals (article 13). So what are upload filters? Think about YouTube. They developed an upload filter that automatically tests any uploaded video for copyright violations, and automatically rejects any video that is flagged. Development of that thing cost them more than 100 million dollars, and it doesn't work properly. Everything that is user contributed (text, images, videos etc.) would have to be filtered through that software. As of now, it's a technology that exists exactly once on this planet, developed by Google/Youtube… They will set the pricing. They will decide who they're gonna allow access to it. Failure to comply with this requirement would be more or less equal to shutting down the forum. 2. It will prohibit the use of content snippets with links, unless the platform acquires a license from the publisher. So what's a content snippet? It's basically a shared link with an attached snippet. Paste a link into Facebook, Twitter, WinCert etc. and it will fetch and display a preview within the portal: So in order to do what I've just done here, after 23 March 2021, WinCert would require a license from ZDNet to use this snippet of content. Of course this rule would cover sharing of snippets by all WinCert users, and licenses from all news publishers. If any of you guys would share any snippet for which we're not licensed, the publisher could sue WinCert/HeiDoc/me for compensation, and we would probably also get fined. So am I exaggerating here? I wish I were... It really is going to be the disaster of the magnitude described. So what can you do, especially if you're a EU citizen? 1. Don't ignore the mess until it's too late. Be aware of the development, and share your knowledge about it, as it concerns everyone. 2. Sign the petition. 3. Use the hashtag #SaveYourInternet 4. Write to your MP/MEP, especially if they are pro copyright reform. An overview of all MEP and their view (pro/con/unknown) in the links below. 5. If you have a vote in the EU parliamentary elections in May, make sure not to vote for any copyright reform proponent. You can find both proponents and opponents across the entire political spectrum. 6. Join the protest (online and offline). Further information: https://saveyourinternet.eu/ (overview of all MEP and their view) https://savetheinternet.info/ (petition and list of offline protest events) https://juliareda.eu/eu-copyright-reform/ (Julia Reda MEP, Pirate Party; not endorsing the party here, but pointing to a prime source of information)
  13. The update that was installed yesterday, has removed Gravatar support completely from the forum software, which means, unfortunately more avatars have been lost. The reason given was performance issues. Personally, I never experienced any performance issues when using Gravatar, and don't understand Invision's decision to remove the feature entirely. It should have been the forum admin's decision whether to enable or disable Gravatar. Anyway, we have to accept what they did, and are back to the old fashioned way of uploading an avatar to the forum profile manually. Otherwise your avatar will be your user name's initials in a randomly coloured circle. These are the only two options for avatars now...
  14. In the "site and forum issues" forum, a discussion has come up about the activity in the international forums. First of all, I appreciate and like the international forums, and there is no plan or intention to shut them down. I'm writing on behalf of those users who don't speak French, but would still like to engage more with you all. If you create a new topic or thread, please do consider doing that in the English forum, since most users on WinCert can understand English without having to go through Google Translate. If your English is not good enough, or the topic is relevant exclusively to the French speaking sub-community, by all means, don't feel obliged to post to the English forum. This request is not supposed to patronize you. It's merely an invitation for a broader engagement with the rest of the community. To give you an idea of what they go through trying to understand the discussions in this forum, I'll have Google auto-translate this text into French for you. Dans le forum "Problèmes liés au site et au forum", une discussion a eu lieu au sujet de l'activité des forums internationaux. Tout d’abord, j’apprécie et aime les forums internationaux, et il n’ya pas de plan ou d’intention de les fermer. J'écris au nom des utilisateurs qui ne parlent pas français, mais qui aimeraient quand même parler plus à vous tous. Si vous créez un nouveau sujet ou fil, envisagez de le faire sur le forum anglais, car la plupart des utilisateurs de WinCert peuvent comprendre l'anglais sans passer par Google Translate. Si votre anglais n'est pas assez bon ou si le sujet concerne exclusivement la sous-communauté francophone, ne vous sentez pas obligé de poster sur le forum anglais. Cette demande n'est pas censée vous fréquenter. C'est simplement une invitation à un engagement plus large avec le reste de la communauté. Pour vous donner une idée de ce qu'ils traversent en essayant de comprendre les discussions de ce forum, Google fera traduire ce texte automatiquement en français pour vous.
  15. In the "site and forum issues" forum, a discussion has come up about the activity in the international forums. First of all, I appreciate and like the international forums, and there is no plan or intention to shut them down. I'm writing on behalf of those users who don't speak Italian, but would still like to engage more with you all. If you create a new topic or thread, please do consider doing that in the English forum, since most users on WinCert can understand English without having to go through Google Translate. If your English is not good enough, or the topic is relevant exclusively to the Italian speaking sub-community, by all means, don't feel obliged to post to the English forum. This request is not supposed to patronize you. It's merely an invitation for a broader engagement with the rest of the community. To give you an idea of what they go through trying to understand the discussions in this forum, I'll have Google auto-translate this text into Italian for you. Nel forum "Forum e forum", è stata discussa l'attività nei forum internazionali. Prima di tutto, apprezzo e mi piacciono i forum internazionali, e non vi è alcun piano o intenzione di chiuderli. Sto scrivendo per conto di quegli utenti che non parlano italiano, ma vorrebbe comunque impegnarsi di più con tutti voi. Se crei un nuovo topic o thread, ti preghiamo di prenderlo in considerazione nel forum inglese, dal momento che la maggior parte degli utenti su WinCert può capire l'inglese senza dover passare attraverso Google Translate. Se il tuo inglese non è abbastanza buono, o l'argomento è pertinente esclusivamente alla sub-comunità di lingua italiana, con tutti i mezzi, non ti senti obbligato a postare sul forum inglese. Questa richiesta non dovrebbe proteggere te. È semplicemente un invito per un impegno più ampio con il resto della comunità. Per darti un'idea di ciò che stanno provando a capire le discussioni in questo forum, avrò Google a tradurre automaticamente questo testo in italiano per te.
  16. In the "site and forum issues" forum, a discussion has come up about the activity in the international forums. First of all, I appreciate and like the international forums, and there is no plan or intention to shut them down. I'm writing on behalf of those users who don't speak Spanish, but would still like to engage more with you all. If you create a new topic or thread, please do consider doing that in the English forum, since most users on WinCert can understand English without having to go through Google Translate. If your English is not good enough, or the topic is relevant exclusively to the Spanish speaking sub-community, by all means, don't feel obliged to post to the English forum. This request is not supposed to patronize you. It's merely an invitation for a broader engagement with the rest of the community. To give you an idea of what they go through trying to understand the discussions in this forum, I'll have Google auto-translate this text into Spanish for you. En el foro "problemas de sitio y foro", surgió una discusión sobre la actividad en los foros internacionales. En primer lugar, aprecio y me gustan los foros internacionales, y no hay ningún plan o intención de cerrarlos. Estoy escribiendo en nombre de aquellos usuarios que no hablan español, pero que todavía desean participar más con ustedes. Si creas un nuevo tema o tema, considera hacerlo en el foro de inglés, ya que la mayoría de los usuarios de WinCert pueden entender el inglés sin tener que pasar por Google Translate. Si su inglés no es lo suficientemente bueno, o el tema es relevante exclusivamente para la subcomunidad de habla española, no se sienta obligado a publicar en el foro de inglés. Esta solicitud no debe ser condescendiente. Es simplemente una invitación para un compromiso más amplio con el resto de la comunidad. Para que tenga una idea de lo que están pasando al tratar de entender las discusiones en este foro, le pediré a Google que lo traduzca automáticamente al español.
  17. I've seen it on other forums and sites. There seems to be some component by Google to add a language switcher to websites. I've never researched that, as @mooms said correctly, machine translation is not very good. Besides that, if people switch the forum to their own language, they might tend to reply in their own language, which would lead to great confusion. This is a good idea. I'll announce that it in the French, Italian and Spanish forums. For the Turkish, Dutch and German forums, I don't think it's necessary at this point.
  18. Use this key: XHQ8N-C3MCJ-RQXB6-WCHYG-C9WKB You can use Win 8.1 Pro for 30 days with it. It's not good for activation though, but it will give you a grace period during which you can buy a key.
  19. Version 8.03 (24 February 2019): Small fix in Russian localization; updated to Bootstrap 4.3.1; made TLS 1.2 protocol non-mandatory.
  20. Thanks for reporting. I'm not 100% sure where the issue happens, but just uploaded a new version. The error message should now appear in the status bar instead. Please note that it means that (for whatever reason) a secure internet connection can't be established, so you should avoid logging into your Microsoft account.
  21. Done. https://www.heidoc.net/php/myvsdump_name.php?family=&name= Sorting into Product ID/Family ID still not working. But at least the data is there.
  22. Actually, I wrote a new script today, and have the dump here. Just trying to get the new data format into the db. Hopefully it's not gonna take much longer.
  23. Sadly not… MS had made too many changes, and my dump script is no longer working. Not sure yet when I will have time to write a new one.
  24. Version 8.02 (13 February 2019): Updated Dutch and Russian localization; bugfix in Chinese localization; bugfix in accessibility; added a few DELL models and images; added Office 2019 for Mac build 16.22; added Insider and developer versions up to build 18334.
  25. Version 8.01 (28 January 2019): Critical fix for Win 7 and Office 2010 downloads for IE8 and IE9 users; updated link to YouTube channel; added Insider and developer versions up to build 18323.
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