Everything posted by Jan Krohn
Windows ISO Downloader v6.21 Error 404 or No Reply
The issue is on Microsofts server. Maybe the release is delayed or even cancelled.
Problemas con la version 6.21
Hi, The issue is on Microsoft's side. I can't do anything about it. We'll have to wait for them to fix it. Jan
Downloader 6.21 - Unable to select edition
Hi, Please update your Internet Explorer to version 11. (I'm working on a fix for old IE versions, though it will likely take a few more weeks…) Jan
Update Notifications
Version 6.21 (28 August 2018): Added the latest developer and Insider versions up to build 17744; added Office 2016 for Mac build 16.16; added Office 2010 Personal.
Excel 2010 TechG Error
It works just the other way around: If you keep requesting the file, it will be made available.
Excel 2010 TechG Error
Keep trying. Unfortunately there's only one single product key for Excel 2010 that has to fulfil all download requests.
Donate Idle Resources
Sorry about the late reply. I was without access to my computer for a couple of days. The resource donation is not for bitcoin mining. Resources are given to a business VPN network, so basically it uses your bandwidth, mainly for web scraping. Here are the detailed answers to your questions: 1. rather than copy&pasting the information, you can look it up here where it's always up to date: https://luminati.io/legal/sdk-privacy 2. It creates a config file and a cache folder in the same directory with the downloader's exe file. When closing the app, the Luminati interface always automatically closes as well, so that you can just delete both items afterwards. 3. Since the downloader is powered by product keys in the background, which I mostly paid for out of my own pockets, I find it quite appropriate to prioritize resource donors in the download queue: non donors can only download if there's either currently no conflicting request by a donor, or if a donor has requested the same file, so the non-donor can download it "piggyback" on the donor's request.
- Windows 10 boot configuration corrupted after downloading ISO
I can confirm the issue. I don't know though why MS removed the files, nor whether they'll restore them, or immediately skip to the next build. Let's wait and see...
HASH for SP1 patches for windows 7
No. I'm not aware of any place where you can get hashes for the manual update packages. If you're looking for a good place to download, go here: https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Home.aspx
Change temporary download folder?
Correct. Download manager is the best way to avoid download to the temp folder. The folder location can't be changed programmatically. It's a Windows setting. Maybe you can change it by registry manipulation, but I've never tried that.
Update Notifications
Version 6.20 (10 August 2018): Redesigned side bar; improved localization and accessibility; fixed missing login to Microsoft account and other display issues; temporarily removed XDK; added the latest developer and Insider versions up to build 17728.
- late intro
How to download this in utorrent
I don't know. I always thought uTorrent would only be able to download torrents. But I've never used it. My suggestion: https://www.freedownloadmanager.org/ I've never had any issues downloading anything with this.
Downloader not working see screen shot...
Are you on the latest version of MSIE (11.0) and .NET Framework (4.7.2) with all available updates installed?
Windows 7 Professional broken
Please use the latest version 6.15.
Update Notifications
Version 6.15 (3 August 2018): Added Windows 7 Professional COEM; added the latest developer and Insider versions up to build 17723.
Hello to all
Welcome to WinCert!
- Hey, that's pretty good :)
windows 7 professional sp1 ES language
Great! Fixed permanently through server update as well.
windows 7 professional sp1 ES language
Thanks for reporting. I've fixed it manually on the server, but will fix it in the code with the next release. There's currently no free key to generate new download links. Keep requesting the file, and it should become available soon. I'll add a bunch of new keys in the next few weeks, so especially the situation with Win 7 Pro and Ultimate will improve considerably soon.
Windows ISO Download Latest version Problem.
Please add Vista downloads
Please don't link to any unauthorized downloads in the forum.
Update Notifications
Version 6.14 (24 July 2018): Added Excel 2010.
How to get WinPE x64 RS4
So we need to wait until Microsoft realizes and fixes the mistranslation… 😐 That's currently not an option. Disk space on the server is low, and I just found out that it can't be increased since it's a legacy server. And I just renewed the plan for another year a couple of days ago. D'oh... Forum sponsors have more allowance. But I can't increase it any more for general members. 300 kb is plenty for most purposes.