Raeken changed their profile photo
Drop down menu won't show
@Alejandro Almeida, thanks for sharing this information. Sure i'll suggest to see if it helps the other users.
Nobody knows how to solve the problem "ERROR: please check your internet connection"?
Guys, when you post about this issue, please, inform which OS are you using and if you followed the FAQ. This issue seems to happen only in Windows 7. At least, i never saw someone complaining about it while trying to use this tool on Windows 8, 8.1 or 10.
Windows Server 2016 MSDN 1709 Wİndows İso Dowload
- Windows 10 Version 1709
- Windows 10 Version 1709
- Windows 10 Version 1709
- Nobody knows how to solve the problem "ERROR: please check your internet connection"?
Have you tried all of this?: You'll find this information here, on FAQ page: Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool - FAQ- Cant download any ISO
Tatsächlich. Dieses Problem tritt nur auf, wenn wir versuchen, "Redstone 3" herunterzuladen. Indeed. This problem only occurs when we try to download "Redstone 3". This discussion is happening here: I thought it was happening to another versions, because i saw some errors while trying to download "Redstone 2". But, now, it's not happening anymore. It means that "ISO Downloader" is ready to download "Redstone 3" at the launch date. This is awesome.- Cant download any ISO
Ok, i can confirm that! I did the same as you, but there's some differences... First, i picked Windows 10 Home/Pro in English language: Then, i got the download links for 32 and 64 bits: But, when i click to download: Can you help us, @Jan Krohn?- Server ISO
It's such a shame that Microsoft does not make it available through Techbench. It would be awesome if they do it someday. It's not hard to find Windows Server's ISO's around the "unofficial places", by the way. Unless you're looking for another version besides English language. By the way, thanks for the hash database, @Jan Krohn. It helped me to find one version that i was looking for.- Not working on Windows 7
@Jan Krohn, i would like to say "Thank you so much!" or better "Dankeschön!". You saved me... I was stuck on that white screen and couldn't find the solution anywhere. Then i just came here and found out the following instruction: "Double check that TLS 1.2 is enabled in internet settings." I really don't know how it was disabled, because i never use this Internet Settings. But it helped me and solved my problem. Then: After: Thanks again. PS: i'm using Windows 10 x64 version 15063.540