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Jose Enrique Olmo

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  1. Thank you very much, I thought that in the microsoft servers they kept updating the iso, since what takes most after installing it is to apply all the updates, I will try it in the subforum. A greeting.
  2. Wow, I thought that this download was from the microsoft servers and it was a current image with all the updates. Since the problem that I have is that the computers that come to my work are very new and have all the usb 3.0, and when installing an iso windows 7 professional x64 bit on reboot lost the mouse and keyboard access. Is there any way to get an official current iso from the servers of Microsoft windows 7 professional spk1 x64 bits, with the integrated usb3.0 ???? Thanks for the answers ... I currently have an image that I had to add the intel drivers for usb 3.0, but it is the old one with the svpk1 just released from 2010
  3. I just downloaded an image w7 sp1 in Spanish. This image is with the latest updates to date, and has integrated the drivers for usb3.0 ??? Is that in a previous image I had to integrate them assembling and disassembling the image ... Thanks for the answers in advance, and thanks again for offering the image download w7 sp1 pro
  4. Thank you very much for the clarification and the answers. I demand a lot in Spanish, hahahahaha I will keep trying
  5. Thanks for the new downloads... 2 questions 1.- What is the difference between w7 proffesional SP1 AND w7 proffesional SP1 UPGRADE ???? 2.-And will it be available also in spanish ?????
  6. Thank you, if you can eliminate Internet Explorer 11, and after restarting it remains with Internet Explorer 8, but it has software and logos of dell ... Is there an iso like this dell but generic with USB 3.0 drivers to install on computers with processors of sixth generation ?, and multilanguage ?. Thank you very much.
  7. Thanks for the reply but there is no ie8 for w7x64 only w7(86). can not uninstall the higher internet explorer? And I need native IE8 I would not use virtual machines. I have seen that the dell iso carries internet explorer 11, but I need internet explorer 8
  8. It can be degraded ie11, up to ie8???? I need to have internet explorer 8 Thanks