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Everything posted by //WIN//

  1. //WIN// posted a post in a topic in Windows XP
    Well, my PC have Windows Vista preinstalled, and i want to put Windows XP, how could i know if Windows XP will have the drivers of my Hard Disk.. My hard disk it's a Samsung HD320KJ SCSI Disk Device Will be compatible with Windows XP?
  2. N1K, could you put some images? i cannot undertstand very well, i want to install XP and conservate Vista..
  3. No, its the Windows Vista Home Premium Original ots not nlited
  4. Wow, well it seems that i will have to buy or download a Windows 2008 CD, Thranks!
  5. Thranks To Both Of You!
  6. I have maked all, i just have problems in: 4. It gives me this error message 8.b. It gives me an error message in the following dlls: - regsvr32 initpki.dll - regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll - regsvr32 slbcsp.dll - regsvr32 sccbase.dll Well, and the Windows Live Messenger isn't Working, It could be a Windows Vista Error? It isn't the unique error that i have in Vista..
  7. Ready, Thranks.
  8. Well i have tried with all the Windows Live Messenger Versions, 8.6 and 9.0 Beta. And it didn't let me to connect, i have tryed with another software likje Pidgin, Emesene, aMSN, but nothing... I can Surf the Net without problems, i Use Firefox and Opera. I Will Try that registry key and comment. Thanks Edit: I have tried the registry key and is the same.. the msn haven't worked This is the error: It isn't the unique think that didn't work fine in Windows Vista...
  9. I didn't know thah, i will try it and comment Edit: I have owned it correctly buy i cant replace it :S
  10. //WIN// posted a post in a topic in Wallpapers
    Does someone remember that Wallpaper that was in Windows ME, that had some pines covered with snow? Someone Have It? Thanks Beforehand Greetings From Argentina //WIN//
  11. Ehm, its a problem of Firefox, in my QuadCore PC uses 300.000mb to work, i dont have problem here but in my pc that have just 1 core and 256 of ram it's a grave problem. Thats Why i Use Opera (L) Try it, you will like it
  12. //WIN// replied to MGadAllah's post in a topic in Microsoft Office
    I prefer OpenOffice 2.4 against Office 97-2003 But i prefer Office 2007 Against all =) I have only in 1 pc installed MS Office 2007, in the anothers y have OpenOffice.
  13. Vista one, i dont have another Firewall
  14. Well, i have downloaded some themes but i can't use them because when i try to copy the patched dlls it gives me this error Im in a administrator Account but I cant modify the Windows Folder.. Do You Know How I Could Do It? Thranks Greetings From Argentina //WIN//
  15. Ok, thranks, well i will make a question, i have this in my PC: AMD Phenom 9750 (QuadCore) 2GB Ram 320GB Hard Disk And the Operative Sistem it's Windows Vista Home Premium, i use the PC for Games, and i need a Operative System that have a good administration of ram, etc. I have listen that Windows 2008 Server its better than vista, is that true? It Have DirectX10? Im asking that because I have a some problems with Vista...
  16. Yes, and it's all alright, i click in repair too but.. Nothing, and the problem it isnt just with Windows Live Messenger, is with all the IM Clients like Pidgin, Gaim, Emesene, Etc..
  17. Yes, it could be that.. Thranks!
  18. Hi, well, my problem is that when i try to connect to my MSN using Windows Live Messenger or another kind of IM Client, I can't Connect, i have deactivated the firewall.. but nothing... Im Using Windows Vista Home Premium... I just can connect to my msn using meebo.com for example... Help.. Thranks, //WIN//
  19. //WIN// replied to ricktendo's post in a topic in Windows Vista
    It haven't worked in my pc.. :S
  20. When i connect my laptop to my 20' LCD Display, i can't go above 1024x768. Realy.. i don't Know why, and in my Destop PC now im using 1680 x 1050 in the same monitor..
  21. Ehm, i know that this it's a old topic, but do you know if that i can enable Aero following that example in the Stable Release of Windows Server 2008? Thranks, And Greetings From Argentina