what is happenning is when a topic is changed the board reprocesses the link with an extra "/" hence 404 error notice when you update a thread topic the 404 error will occur because the link is wrong. an extra "/" is added before the word "topic" in the link this has been happenning for quite some time now actually.
there are different versions of JavaRE. my installer package is built from the Windows x86 installer "jre-6u25-windows-i586.exe". it will not work on Win7x64 because of the above. for Window x64 the installer would have to be built from "jre-6u25-windows-x64.exe" or "jre-6u25-windows-ia64.exe" if you are using the Intel Itanium. you can download any of the releases from Oracle jre-6u25-download
updated 20110427 .... 1.51 updated Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool Key to v3.18 v2 updated Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control 7.4.7057.248 added KB2492386 replaced KB955759