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  1. Hello Jan, No unfortunately my Key comes from the MSDN platform. I tried also to use it on the MS site but it does not work. It only works on the MSDN site (that is what the customer support of MS told me. . . ) So now I am in contact with the MSDN customer support... wait and see. But that means that, as it is not a retail key but a MDSN key, it is for you usell, isn't it? Best Regards
  2. Hello Krohn, I have a genuine product key if it can help to have professional N available, but how do we manage this? Will I lose my key if we do it? Regards,
  3. Hello Everyone, I would like to download the ISO file of the windows 7 professional N x64 version with the Windows Iso downloader tool. But I cannot find it. If I go to the windows 7 file, onlw windows 7 SP1 / SP1 OEM is available. I check in the Hash Archive and I can find the data of the version easily: https://www.heidoc.net/php/myvsdump_details.php?id=P1240F46836Ax64Lfr Am I doing it wrong or is this release currently unavailable? Thank you very munch in advance, I wish wou a great day.