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Everything posted by AndreyPopov

  1. hot virtual keyboard is solution! :graduated:
  2. new updates for MCE 2005 out http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/bulletin/ms12-004
  3. this convert your xp mce 2005 to standart XP Pro
  4. see again http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=107821#107821 problev in one_piece cab format!!!!
  5. read this http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=107769&sid=8e9dbfd0fb832020e0729f1a1d533144#107769 I think that happens because nLite not correctly understand cabbed (compressed) inf file large than 64k!! all other addon with small cabbed inf file nLite intergrate correctly! to make addon working with nLite make following: - uncab (or uncompress) addon - uncab <name_of_inf_file>.in_ to <name_of_inf_file>.inf (use cabtool or expand windows command) - delete <name_of_inf_file>.in_ - repeat for each cabbed inf file - add all to 7z addon (rar or cab)
  6. if addon NOT compatible with nLite or RVMI than publisher MUST point for this problem!!! but same addon .Net 1.1 and .Net 2.0-3.0-3.5 integrated by nLite with no problems!
  7. some troubles with this addon!!! add addon by nLite after full install get error: rundll32.exe - Unable to Locate Component This appliaction has failed to start because framedyn.dll was not found. Re-installing the application bla-bla then RUNDLL Error loading srclient.dll The specified module could not be found if try open Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> Add/Remove Windows Component than get error: Setup was unable to open information file net40inf specifiic error 0xe00002 at line 0
  8. new update out again http://support.microsoft.com/kb/976749
  9. one guy says that find virus inside sidebar.cab http://pic.ipicture.ru/uploads/091029/wTPeVA3Wpb.jpg my NOD32 not find anything. please check!
  10. new update out http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=975364 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=02775839-7635-4ef7-b680-b05bc97d6ba8#tm
  11. TweakMCE only work on OEM version of WindowsXP use MCECustomizer2005
  12. new update out http://support.microsoft.com/kb/941158 http://thehotfixshare.net/board/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=11208
  13. I almost add Rick's MCE05 addon and Win7 MCE addon! than I extract RCDATA from ehres.dll from Win7 MCE addon and add they to my russian ehres.dll.mui - it's work !!!!!!!
  14. in mui I find only ehdrop.dll.mui 4kb ehrec.exe.mui 3kb ehrecvr.exe.mui 3.5kb ehres.dll.mui 8.44mb ehsched.dll.mui 4k all mui files contains only localized russian strings except ehres.dll.mui!!! it has RCDATA inside. I install English WinXP with MCE addon + MCE Win7 than install MCE MUI local pack. when I switch to English interface - MCE looks like Win7 MCE, when I switch to Russian interface MCE looks like MCE 2005. and that's why I ask what I need to patch than in Russian interface
  15. what I need to modify MCE with Russian MUI to look like Vista/Win7 MCE? only ehres.dll.mui need to patch? or some any files needed to patch? can you patch russian ehres.dll.mui (I can send it to you).
  16. new update for MCE http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=46aa443c-4e7b-4bd5-8b4e-0068c3dc0e79#tm
  17. I think TweakMCE need OEM version of XP! 55274-OEM-xxxxxxx-23029 instead 55274-647-xxxxxxx-23029 and I have another question: can Media Center TV Pack 2008 applied to XP MCE?
  18. use MCE Customizer 2005 !!!!!!!!
  19. 1. RyanVM UPDATE Pack ALWAYS inegrate FIRST, because it is UPDATE Pack not hotfix! you need integrate RyanVM UPDATE Pack AFTER! 2. I not find ANY MS .Net Framework 1.1 ?????????? MCE NEED IT!!!!!!!!
  20. always! after MCE I add: - RVM_Post_SP3_1.0.3 and other hotfixes - IE8, WMP and some others addons
  21. I integrate always BEFORE ANY windows update, WMP11 and IE8!!!!!!!!!
  22. what information you need?
  23. here I ask for new Ukranian translation. http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?sho...ost&p=49432 but I have some questions: I use English WinXP and add addons. set locale to Ukraine in first start I install MUI Pack Russian what I must do that Sidebar installed in multilanguage? or always in Russian?
  24. please add Ukrainian language. for fist time not need translate, you can use ru-RU russian translation. locale: uk-UA, code: 0422
  25. MCE requriments is 32Mb DX9. if MCE not found 32Mb DX9 then DVD item in menu disabled! but MCE can work on ALL cards. messgae "video card not compatible" before starting mce can be removed by mce customizer 2005 for example.