Everything posted by Fragbert
- - Unable to mount any WIM
Update - same problem persists in and with mount logs disabled.
[Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 (2-27-2016)
Can anybody explain why all mention of .NET 4.5.3 has vanished from the internet aside from here? Not only from MS but also other sites like Wikipedia? Is this version still considered a beta and/or RC? Does this version get updated or will need a reinstall if it's not RTM? Thanks.
- - Unable to mount any WIM
Any ideas? Glad to see I'm not alone with this issue.
- - Unable to mount any WIM
Updated to, still the same results. Also took note of the temp folders created in Windows\Temp - the 7z and Imagex files all have full access permissions, and are purged after I get the error and close out. A folder in Windows\Temp does remain after; C:\Windows\Temp\WinToolkit_ImagexTemp_1CBEF69C35AD52A116BD5E2CCEC0054D But that folder is empty and I delete that manually just in case. Still no dice! What in the world happened? The only recent change I have made on the rig is installing the newer version of DISM that Wintoolkit prompted me to download on I think the last time I was able to successfully mount a WIM was before installing that. I have since uninstalled DISM, but that did not fix anything. Baffling!
- - Unable to mount any WIM
What other temp folders are used other than the one I observe created on C: ? (C:\Wintoolkit_mount) I delete that manually and there is over 60GB of free space.
- - Unable to mount any WIM
I am really baffled as to why I can no longer mount *any* WIM after upgrading to I made sure AV is disabled, have plenty of free space available on C:\, and run Wintookit.exe as an administrator. Never had a single problem mounting before on a setup that has not changed in years. I even tried using an older version of wintoolkit, to no avail. Is there something obvious I am overlooking? Rights to the temp space have never been altered. Any ideas? Attached is a screenshot and a image link just in case this doesn't show up.
Unable to mount HKLM\WIM_System when integrating updates
Is my attached screenshot not showing up?
Unable to mount HKLM\WIM_System when integrating updates
When just integrating updates I get this error, I click OK and things seem to integrate fine otherwise. Any suggestions?
Where is a download link to latest Win Toolkit?
Doing just as you say with the 1.5x beta, you get a message "seems you are using the latest version, thanks for checking"
Where is a download link to latest Win Toolkit?
Ah ok thanks, I never go to the front page of the forums, I go directly to this section via bookmark.
Where is a download link to latest Win Toolkit?
I have been using 1.5.x for a while and haven't had an update in a while. Then I noticed McRip's update was no longer posting inside. Then I noticed the 1.4.x branch being updated and discussed a lot lately - so I assume this is the build branch to use? I could not find a sticky thread giving the link to the latest build, or am I blind? I had to search google to find on softpedia.
- [Repak] Adobe Reader XI Lite 11.0.10 (de en es fr hu it pl ptb ru tr)
- [Repak] Adobe Reader XI Lite 11.0.10 (de en es fr hu it pl ptb ru tr)
Unattended [Merged]
There's no option to enter the default language and input in the unattended xml creator. That would elminate another mouse click on setup.
[AddOn] CCleaner v4.13.4693 (International)
Looks like the google toolbar gets installed in 3.07? Double-checking. Update - disregard. I mixed up a pair of installers. My goof, sorry.
[AddOn] CCleaner v4.13.4693 (International)
3.07 out now. No slim version yet
Windows 7 Toolkit
The WT7Drivers remained after the install. Not sure if they worked because this was in VirtualBox, but was concerned if they are safe to delete afterwards, and if so, that should be an option/feature in new builds (to automatically delete or keep)
Windows 7 Toolkit
Is it normal to leave a folder full of all the drivers after running an install? Safe to delete?
[Addon] Kel's CPL All-in-One v12.6
CPU-Z 1.51
[Addon] Kel's CPL All-in-One v12.6
I understand very well how SP3 VLK's are the black sheep and how I seem to be the only one complaining about an otherwise problem-free tool/addon. I know rvmi still has issues but I'd cut sig some slack since he's just had a kid (and unfortunately lost a close member of his family). What is very strange to me is that from v8.2.6 onward exhibits the problem (just tested v8.2.7 too) with rvmi - but v8.2.5 and v8.2.4 do not. It stands to reason that something else must have changed other than updating individual utilities. Probably not a real concern for you (and no big deal for me, I now use nlite just for that addon) but just want to put it out there that something must be different betwen .5 and .6 despite you proclaiming that nothing was changed other than the programs contained within.
[Addon] Kel's CPL All-in-One v12.6
I re-downloaded a MSDN XP SP3 VLK copy. Ran install to verify ok. Integrated 8.2.6 w/ integrator 1.5.3. Made new ISO within integrator. Run VPC 2007. I get the error after installation complete. You integrated with nlite, I used rvm integrator 1.5.3. The issue seems to be with v8.2.6 and integrator only as I had no issue either with nlite. setuperr.log: Error: Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\userenv.dll because of the following error: DllInstall returned error 2147746132 (80040154). *** Error: Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\eventcls.dll because of the following error: DllInstall returned error 2147549183 (8000ffff). *** Error: Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\swprv.dll because of the following error: DllInstall returned error 2147549183 (8000ffff). ***
[Addon] Kel's CPL All-in-One v12.6
Something is not right with this 8.2.6, just with the addon alone I get the missing IE icon problem. Integrated with rvm 1.5.3, no other addons. MSDN XP3 VLK. 8.2.5 no problem.