Everything posted by 100PIER
Windows ISO Downloader v6.21 Error 404 or No Reply
I get this error now for the Insider Client 17744 FR. Why ? Can you help me ? MS assistance does not produce help on tierce application such as Windows ISO Downloader. However, for ADK 17744 and WinPE 17744 I get no problems, downloading is now OK.
Windows ISO Downloader v6.21 Error 404 or No Reply
Hello, It is impossible from v6.21 to get any ISO files from Build v17744 family, whatever it is (ADK, WinPE, Client Insider). Error 404 or No response to the request are offered from several days. Is it a Browser (64bit) issue ? I do tests with Firefox v62, or Vivaldi v1.16 or Palemoon v28.0.1 or Cyberfox v52.9.1. Formerly, any Build v17738 family ISO files was downloadable (with v6.20), now it does not work using v6.21. So, it does seem a severe SERVER problem somewhere.
Hello, I got ERROR 404 for any tries to download ADK, WinPE (Build 17738) Is it normal ?
How to get WinPE x64 RS4
YES, French translation is not clear and does suggest to download only an ISO file which is natively in the same language as the W10 version currently installed and running Windows ISO Downloader application. As you said, for WinPE only english version is offered and so for a W10 french user the language does mismatch and so the requirement should be only a recommandation. By the way, do you agree to increase the file size limitation to allow up to 2 screenshots ?
How to get WinPE x64 RS4
Thanks for doubling the size file limit in attachment. However, it does seem very too low as a screenshot size is about 180 kb, and so you do limit to one screenshot only per message ! On my side, I have progressed, and asked to MS a re-inscription to Windows Insider Program. The operation required some time and attempts due to MS internal server error... My Windows Insider Program Activation is now alive again, and so I was able to download the WinPE ISO file (english). Windows ISO Downloader menu is confusing because you do state that the ISO file langage requested must be identical to the user machine. This should be only a recommendation, not a requirement. Does Windows ISO Downloader check any machine/request 'mismatch' language ?
How to get WinPE x64 RS4
Hello Jan, On my side I am connected to my Microsoft Account. Many years ago I was also a Windows Insider for RS1, but may be now deactivated automatically by Microsoft because I am using now RS4 ? Or may be because the ADK RS4 v10.1.17134.1 is installed on my machine and so my WinPE request is refused ? Why do you limit to 150 Ko the file size in attachment ? How can I attach or insert my screenshots I have captured and I want to provide on this forum ?
How to get WinPE x64 RS4
HI Jan, So, even if I do select the proposed 'only' english language version I do get the ERROR from Windows ISO Downloader. It does seem a pure Windows ISO Downloader issue. I propose Windows ISO Downloader, when Requesting a WinPE version, does remove language matching control when the W10 user is natively different from english, and so this barrier will no longer exist and will allow the non english W10 machine to get however the WinPE 'english' version. Is it possible for you ?
How to get WinPE x64 RS4
Hello, I am trying to download a WinPE W10 RS4 x64 French version. No success. I do use currently the last up to date W10 RS4 x64 v1803 Build 17134.167 French Home version. When trying to get any WinPE file I get a ERROR pop up menu. (TREATMENT ERROR) Why ? Why only English WinPE version is proposed ? Is it the mismatch language version which does produce the ERROR screen ?