Microsoft Windows 7 ultimate m1
of course i want the new OS to have funcionality, security, usability, etc., i was just pointing out something else.
Texas Hold'Em
the current texas hold'em isnt very good on vista anyway. most 3rd party ones are better
dude these are sweet! i got to use as an avatar!
yea dude nice stuff!
Change OEM Info on Vista
works great!
Windows 7 Build 6519 Screenshot Gallery
Overall the screens look good, maybe Vista now can update to a little better look in SP2 or something like that.
Microsoft Windows 7 ultimate m1
I wouldnt touch these builds until an actual Beta 1 is released, because Windows 7 is supposed to be nothing like Vista. I'm waiting for something different.
Vista OEM or RETAIL?
the OEM would be the best, and if support is needed, we are here
JurgenDoe for President
Yea congrats!
Forum Skin
yes they are good.
Tabbed forum skin
the tabbed skin
Which PDA would you choose
the iPaq, its HP!
Domain Name Change
WinTechs sounds good
Who Would Win a Fight?
The wolf... what the hell?
Battery Recalibration
I havnt done mine in a while, and I've had mine for around 9 months, still getting around 3 on a 6 Cell.