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  1. Hi Rick Thanks for helping me. One more thing I have to handle. Is it possible to remove all the added screen savers including logon.scr(Which has been changed to that of MCE)and only have the XP Pro logon.scr remian.I also want to remove the royal theme.Which references should be deleted from Plusoc.inf and medctroc.inf.
  2. Hi Rick Thank you very much for helping me all through.I tried to repack the addon with Creator Addon,but it took a very long time.Is there a much faster way or program to do it faster?
  3. Hi Rick thank you very much.I owe you big time
  4. My special thanks here go to you.You did that great.There are only three things I want to have in this addon: 1.The EULA changes to Media Center 2005 after integration.Is there a way to inetgrate this addon without chaging the EULA.I want the XP Pro's EULA to remian. 2.How could I change the Royale Theme to Luna? 3.How Could I change the XP My Computer Properties To something Like this: Microsoft Windows XP Professional OR Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Media Center Embedded) And I want to know if this OS is treated as XP Professional or Media Center? Thank you