Everything posted by vmk
- Win Toolkit - Current Version (
Win Toolkit - Current Version (
@Thiersee & @Unantastbar In WTK 1.0.11 I'm getting an error when I keep WIM Images mounted to extract winre.wim from System32/recovery and update it with latest updates. The error is something like this "You need to use WTK 2.x and above to use this feature". I can't keep the WIM Images mounted too for DISM Servicing! After getting the error msg like above. I re-mount the same wim file and then choose Discard to prevent that error. Even the unique filename for Wintoolkit_xx folder in C or any drive uses older reference which conflicts the entire process. I think file handler is getting cleaned for mounted images if we choose Keep Images mounted! I'm using Win 10 v1809. I'm not seeing anything in logs. Microsoft_Windows_Setup_(x64)_74772.log Microsoft_Windows_Setup_(x64)_83527.log Microsoft_Windows_Setup_(x64)_86816.log
WinToolkit version /
Was just confirming if Legolash2o made a comeback.
WinToolkit version /
Did you restart the work on WTK? Best option is to send the binary to most AV company before putting a link. I did post at MSFT WD false positive site and it returned "No malicious threats found and sample is clean" and guess what? Next week WTK is forcefully quarantined. I've added WTK to the whitelist.
WinToolkit version /
Can I just replace newer Wintoolkit version over existing version? Why I'm asking this is, I need the already stored ini files which I made for different editions.
WinToolkit version /
@Unantastbar Its working fine. I think Delete Old installers is buggy on 1903. I didn't select it and all are working. Can you please add reset base to boot.wim?
- DISM for Win 10
DISM for Win 10
Hey Shhnedo, Vasudev here. Do you know why I get No SP1 detected when I use Simplix pack to update win 7 Sp1 boot.wim files index=*? Another question: Won't Win 10 Dism exe conflict with W7's? Win 10 Dism is more powerful with lot of options..
WinToolkit version /
I use NTlite to add netfx 3.5 package otherwise you can't run component cleanup or reset base because of pending action from installing netfx 3.5. Can you suggest how to use Silent setup or SFX when your media has multi edition W7/10? Should I add it edition wise or just integrating in Home edition and leaving out Pro edition will do it? I follow same thing on Win 10 v1803/1809 and they work fine and not to mention w/o Reset Base the ISO is very huge around 6GB with only 2 editions Home & pro.
"A media driver your computer needs is missing"
Mount Windows Setup of boot.wim index =2 and sort by latest date in sources folder and copy it over to your source ISO folder and re-create ISO as mentioned here. I wasted nearly 70hrs to figure it out. https://support.microsoft.com/en-in/help/4041170/windows-installation-cannot-find-driver-boot-wim
WinToolkit version /
Thank you for taking over WTK project and bringing updates. But, Silent Installers + SFX doesn't work on windows 10 v1903. I tried integrating same apps on both editions and still they don't install . I don't know correct way but I use 2 editions Home and Pro in single ISO and once apps in Home edition is integrated, I add same ini file with few changes and select Delete Old Installers options. WTK SFX works on 1803 and 1809 w/o issues. Even Appx removals is buggy on 1809 and 1903. It is shown as removed but once its installed in VM all Appx aren't removed. So, for I'm using NTLite specifically for Appx removals. For integrating updates and drivers, tweaks etc.. I use WTK because its very fast and has less buttons and its very easy too. Can you add Component Cleanup and Reset Base feature for boot.wim files for all indices 1 and 2? It really trims the obnoxious sizes of 2.1GB to 1.1GB and has drastic reduction in ISO size as well. For now, I keep the images mounted using WTK and run the Reset base of Dism using /Image cmd line. I'm attaching ini Profile/Presets I used on Win 10 v1903. 1903.ini 1903-pro.ini
Release 2.0.5546.22023
Ok thanks.
Release 2.0.5546.22023
So is it a paid version only for select members and not for public use?
Release 2.0.5546.22023
@Thiersee Any idea where to download latest Beta releases? The official website shows Page isn't available or Server not found. I tried some 3rd party sites and most of them were malware containers.