Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
New version 3.70 - Included August 2022 Cumulative Update (KB5016676) - Included August 2022 Cumulative .NET Framework Update (KB5016738) - Included July 2022 Servicing Stack Update (KB5016057) - Disabled phased out LLNR protocol - Fixed some settings regarding NTP time synchronization - Updated auxiliary tools (wget, 7zip) - Obsolete/Replaced updates removed (as always) Links: --> Integrate7 v3.70 (GDrive) <-- --> Integrate7 v3.70 (OneDrive) <-- Password: Integrate2020 PS. Fill free to make any custom mods or patches to the script.
Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
New version 3.60 - Included April 2022 Cumulative Update (KB5012626) - Included April 2022 .NET Framework Update (KB5012329) - Included January 2022 Out-of-band Update (KB5010798) - Included March 2022 Servicing Stack Update (KB5011649) - Updated auxiliary tools (wget, 7zip) - Obsolete/Replaced updates removed (as always) Links: --> Integrate7 v3.60 (GDrive) <-- --> Integrate7 v3.60 (OneDrive) <-- Password: Integrate2020 PS. Fill free to make any custom mods or patches to the script.
Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
New version 3.53 It is hotfix for the above 3.52 version Now, the generic USB3 driver which is integrated into boot.wim (installer) and winRE.wim (recovery) is signed with SHA1 hash, but the driver integrated into install.wim (main OS) is the new vesion (signed with SHA2 hash). The reason for this is that boot.wim and winRE.wim do not include SHA2 support hotfixes, so the older version of generic USB3 driver is needed for those images. Links: --> Integrate7 v3.53 (GDrive) <-- --> Integrate7 v3.53 (OneDrive) <-- Password: Integrate2020 PS. Fill free to make any custom mods or patches to the script.
Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
New version 3.52 - Updated Generic USB3 driver Links: --> Integrate7 v3.52 (GDrive) <-- --> Integrate7 v3.52 (OneDrive) <-- Password: Integrate2020 PS. Fill free to make any custom mods or patches to the script.
Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
New version 3.51 - Included November 2021 Cumulative Update (KB5007236) - Included November 2021 NET Framework Security and Quality Update (KB5007299) - Included October 2021 Servicing Stack Update (KB5006749) - Fixed broken links of KB2894844 hotfix - Updated wget (ie. downloader used to download updates by the script) - Fixed typo in NTP server name (pool.ntp.otg -> pool.ntp.org) Links: --> Integrate7 v3.51 (GDrive) <-- --> Integrate7 v3.51 (OneDrive) <-- Password: Integrate2020 PS. Fill free to make any custom mods or patches to the script.
Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
New version 3.40 - Included May 2021 Cumulative Update (KB5003233) - Included May 2021 NET Framework Security and Quality Update (KB5001878) - NTP time server set to pool.ntp.org (instead of default time.windows.com) It can be set to another server by changing set NTPserver option inside Integrate7.cmd - NTP automatic time synchronization set to once a day (instead of default once a week) - Added set DisableInternetConnectionChecking option inside Integrate7.cmd for anybody paranoid about his privacy Disabled by default. Links: --> Integrate7 v3.40 (GDrive) <-- --> Integrate7 v3.40 (OneDrive) <-- Password: Integrate2020
Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
OneDrive copy: - Integrate7 v3.35 (with USB3, AHCI, RAID and NVMe drivers) - Integrate7 v3.35 OFFLINE (same as above, but with all Windows Updates pre-downloaded and included) Password the same.
Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
Version 3.35 - offline edition This is the same as above. The only difference is that all updates are pre-downloaded, so no internet connection is needed for script to work. Microsoft occasionally removes some updates from their servers, so offline version may be useful. Link: --> Integrate7 v3.35 OFFLINE (all Windows Updates pre-downloaded and included) <-- Password: Integrate2020
Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
New version 3.35 - Included February 2021 Cumulative Update (KB4601347) - Included February 2021 NET Framework Security and Quality Update (KB4603002) - DirectX 9 June 2010 redistributable is now included in the package, as Microsoft removed it from their servers (it is required by some games and other software) - Included DisableIPSourceRouting setting for security Link: --> Integrate7 v3.35 <-- Password: Integrate2020
Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
New version 3.34 - Updated generic USB3 driver Link: --> Integrate7 v3.34 <-- Password: Integrate2020
Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
You cannot use Windows 10 driver. You have to use older driver for Windows 7 for older chipset, then manually add your VEN_ID and DEV_ID to .inf file of it. In other words, you have to use modded driver, not original one. Search for modded drivers over the net. There are some special forums about them. Maybe -> here is good point to start. AFAIK this solution is working, at least for some chips.
Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
If you have starting dots, but no BSOD. You have problem with Video driver rather than NVMe. The solution is obvious. Identify your card (VEN_ID + DEV_ID) using some sort of Live CD (Linux or Windows), find proper Win7 drivers, modify .inf (to support your VEN_ID + DEV_ID), remove .cat (signature) and delete legacy VGA from install.wim. Windows 7 should work on almost any hardware. PS. Even if You have problem with NVMe, there is also possibility to replace generic NVMe with vendor specific NVMe.
Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
New version 3.33 - Included January 2021 Cumulative Update (KB4598279) - Included January 2021 NET Framework Security and Quality Update (KB4598500) - Included December 2020 Servicing Stack Update (KB4592510) - Added set DisableObsoleteSSL option inside Integrate7.cmd to disable ciphering protocols older than TLS 1.2. It is disabled by default (set to 0), because some poorly managed servers don't support TLS 1.2. This option has effect on software that uses WinHttp or SChannel libraries. Link: --> Integrate7 v3.33 <-- Password: Integrate2020
Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
New version 3.30 What is new: - Fixed broken links. I have noticed that Microsoft has started removing updates from their sites. Some are moved to Microsoft Update Catalog, other (like KB917607 and KB2533623) are removed completely KB917607 is Windows Help Program (for opening old .hlp files) KB2533623 is pre-requisite for Internet Explorer 11 These two missing updates are now included. Anyway, it is always recommended to run PreDownloadAllUpdates.cmd and keep updates (they are downloaded to hotfixes folder). --> Integrate7 v3.30 (with USB3, AHCI, RAID and NVMe drivers) <--
Integrate7 script – automatically download and slipstream all updates up to 05/2023!
Instruction for UEFI class 3 systems (with no CSM). In order to use it with new UEFI class 3, follow the steps: 1. Unpack the script with 7-Zip. 2. Download Windows 10 ISO image with proper architecture (ie. x64). 3. Put Windows 10 ISO image into Integrate7 directory. Windows 10 ISO file should have name Win10something.iso to distinguish it from Windows 7 ISO. Of course Windows 7 ISO image should also be put there (with file name anything.iso) 4. Edit Integrate7\Integrate7.cmd and change set RemoveLegacyVGA=0 to set RemoveLegacyVGA=1 5. Find and download graphic driver specific to your video card (eg. Intel, nVidia, ATI/AMD). Unpack the driver (with 7-Zip) and find the folder with proper .inf file (which matches your card VEN_id and DEV_id). Then copy that folder to Integrate7\add_these_drivers_to_Windows\x64 The driver does NOT have to be digitally signed, however of course it can be. 6. Run Integrate7.cmd 7. Wait, Wait, Wait. 8. New ISO file will be created. You could burn it on DVD or just unpack (with 7-Zip) to FAT32 formatted PenDrive. PS I have tested this with Win7_Ult_SP1_Polish_COEM_x64.iso and Win10_1903_V2_Polish_x64.iso on Intel HD Graphics. UEFI Enabled, CSM Disabled, SecureBoot Enabled, digital signature (ie. catalog - .cat file) removed from driver package for testing purpose. Everything has been installed and working correctly, except Recovery Mode that couldn't be enabled this way. I recommend to disable recovery mode via: bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures on a live system, as it is not usable. Alternatively you can install UefiSeven to get working recovery if you really need it. Brief information: 1. This version includes all important and security updates as of April 2022. If some update is not included, it is almost surely redundant (eg telemetry, windows activation technologies, etc) or obsolete (replaced by later updates). 2. Windows Update works. It can be used to update software other than Windows (like Microsoft Office, Microsoft SQL, etc). 3. It is recommended to run ExtraScripts\HideUndesiredUpdates\HideUndesiredUpdates.cmd on a live system in order to hide redundant updates (point 1) from Windows Udate. 4. If you want to install future (not released yet) Windows updates via Windows Update, BypassESU need to be used. On modern CPUs also wufuc or WuaCpuFix will be probably required. Generally, Microsoft releases 3 sort of updates every month: Servicing Stack Update, Cumulative Monthly Rollup and sometimes .NET Framework cumulative. All of the above are currently included, but in future months new versions will be released.
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