Reputation Activity
oguz got a reaction from StopLooking in Windows AiO Runtime Pack x86 x64Vaooww!
Very interesting and good idea
oguz got a reaction from NIM in Bad News [SSD]Hi, @Legolas2go
Do not forget to align when yo get the new ssd. Otherwise it will work like a standart Mechanic HDD :dizzy:
oguz got a reaction from neoxcool in [Release] Windows Live Messenger (MSN) 2011 15.4.3538.513Hi, @YumeYao
Links is death. Can you update links if possible mediafire?
Thank you.
oguz got a reaction from overclockcu in "Windows update sitesi en son yazılım versiyonu" dediği kbb dosyası?
oguz got a reaction from overclockcu in Nullsoft Scriptable Install System 2.44Birde hayırsever bir arkadaş
oguz got a reaction from overclockcu in Bildiginiz Sorunsuz Bir "Re-Pack" Programı?