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  1. Can you upload hold em somewhere else, as I cannot get from 4 share. Always seems to time out Thanks
  2. All the bugs i had have been fixed, Thank you Great work !!!
  3. I am having no luck this morning the lastest version doesn't seem to work. 1 it says flash not found thou i am sure i have it installed. 2 No addon actually created, or I can't seem to find them 3 See what looks to be errors during the creation but goes by to quickly to see them and nothing in the logs so far Not sure if these are the bugs you are currently working on or not . And again Thank you for all the work
  4. Tried to run, but get error message says Windows cannot find "start.bat" edit * I just extracted exe to folder and ran go.cmd seems to have worked will test shortly
  5. Thank you I will check it out
  6. Just wanted to say Thank you for all the work on this, works great for me now.
  7. OK sweet i'll look for it Thanks
  8. Think this needs to be updated. attempt to use and wget logs says --23:05:01-- ftp://ftp-mozilla.netscape.com/pub/mozill...n32/en-US/*.exe => `Files/.listing' on either version 2 or 3 Also when it did work last week did not include all my folders But Thank you for all your work including the FF addon maker !!