I'd like to share the nLite SVCPACK add-ons I've made and maintained for some time now (over 2 years) over at MSFN. At the moment, I feel it's too much work for me to post (even copy/paste) individual sizes, MD5/SHA1 sums etc., but I will get around to it soon. The download links are: MediaFire: http://www.mediafire.com/Sp0iLeDBrAtUPLOAD Mirror: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vcu9qfub8m8upib/wy09GvGkgi If you have any problems with any of the add-ons, please PM me. Note: all add-ons are for 32-bit (x86) Windows XP. Additionally, they have all been tested and working, most of them on a live install, and some in a virtual machine.