It would be sometimes interesting to use inf files with programs to uninstall this ones, if we want make a silent installation or uninstallation after Windows is loaded or installing with some others programs like WPI. The deal is to use the files included inside wa files to create an SFX file with silent switches. How to: 1 - Download the program: "Reapers.Notepad2.v4.2.25.735.x86.Windows7.or.8.AddOn.WA" (Add-on example) 2 - Unpack the folder using 7-Zip 3 - Remove the file Task.txt 4 - Inside "Notepad2" folder, move the Notepad2.reg and Notepad2.inf and all files included inside "Notepad2" 5 - Create an archive 7z for the folder "Notepad2" 6 - Create and UTF-8 txt file: Notepad2.txt ;!@Install@!UTF-8! GUIMode="2" MiscFlags="4" InstallPath="%PROGRAMFILES%\\Notepad2" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c copy Notepad2.inf \"%windir%\\INF\\\" /y" RunProgram="\"regedit\" /S Notepad2.reg" ;!@InstallEnd@! 7 - Create your exe file with the command: config.bat @copy /b /y 7zsd.sfx + Notepad2.txt + Notepad2.7z Notepad2.exe The program will be added inside: "Add/Remove programs" and we can remove this one. Tested with many programs and works fine (example: Everything Search Engine). HTH *Edit: Notepad2.txt (config.txt file example) updated.