Hello all, I'm on week three of working with Win Toolkit Really Awsome stuff. I also use NT6.x True Intergrator for low level modifications to my image and I use W7T for the rest. I was wondering... Does Win Toolkit 4.x Intergrate .WA Addons the same wat that NT6.x True Intregrator? If I intergrate a .WA to to my image with W7T. Will my additions appear in the components and features list when I remount the modified image in NT6.x True Intergrator? when I add XP SVCPACK addons they don't need any modification but they won't appear in the Installed addon list view, however they can be installable/uninstallable same way of true addons. Do the same XP SVCPACK methods hold true for WinToolkit addons? Any insight on the matter would be much appreciated. Cheers!