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For some reason i can't find or detect the registry key which changes to add this tweak. Some people have suggested 'Shell Icon Size' in WindowsMetrics key, however that doesn't work.

I've tried recording the requested to see what's changed when i change the size via the context menu but nothing gets changed.

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Take a command file with this code ... and run command:


@echo off

taskkill /im explorer.exe /f >nul

reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop" /v IconSize /t REG_DWORD /d 00000032 /f

start %windir%\explorer.exe >nul



REG_DWORD /d 00000032

last 2 digits edit to size u want ... ie. 32;48;64 ...etc.

Edited by loginvovchyk

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