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[Solved] Drivers not integrated, path of IE9-LP


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Hi Legolash2o,

I'm terribly sorry to give you 2 "bad news" but:

1) v40 does NOT integrate drivers (the same was in v39)

to be integrated




2) On loading .INI-file WinToolkit changes the path for IE9-LP in the .INI-file



Sure, it's good for the integration, but if I add new objects (programs, drivers or whatever) and I save (obvously) the presets, this modified path wil be saved in the preset;

this is not so good: next time I load the preset, the IE9-LP is not present anymore, because temp-path has been deleted on exiting WinToolkit.


saving windows-size: very good

giving version on title-bar: very good


Regards, Thiersee

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Sorry, but 1 item is still not working OK (path for IE9-LP)!

v43 too is saving .INI-files always with modified path; both the .INI I save within tool and the INI the tool is saving on starting integration is the path for IE9-LP on WinToolkit-temp.

I must modify the INI by hand and write the old-path, otherwise the tool don' find IE9-LP on the next start/load.

Regards, Thiersee

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