Posted August 8, 201212 yr Emergency,for first sorry for my poor englishWhen I put all the Nlite Addon integration, testing on real pc,got error when copy fileerror file name is:ie4uinit.muiiedkcs32.muiieframe.muimshta.muimsrating.muiMy Nlite Addon is:YumeYao_MicrosoftVC78910RuntimeLibraries_MixedAddon_2_0_7.7zDirectX32_9.0c Runtimes_201006_Addon.7zOnePiece_IE8_WinXPSP3_v3.2.0_AddOn_ENU_DED5A893162B5B5267F64E92469BC0A4.7zDotNetXAIO_40C_20111016_Addon_ENU.cabAddon_Microsoft_SilverLight_5.1.7zJava.cabAdobe 10.1.2.cabYumeYao_WMP11_Addon_ENU_V3_4_5.7zuse ORG english xp sp3 and Nlite one help please,i already do many times on this
August 8, 201212 yr Author Emergency,for first sorry for my poor englishWhen I put all the Nlite Addon integration, testing on real pc,got error when copy fileerror file name is:ie4uinit.muiiedkcs32.muiieframe.muimshta.muimsrating.muiMy Nlite Addon is:YumeYao_MicrosoftVC78910RuntimeLibraries_MixedAddon_2_0_7.7zDirectX32_9.0c Runtimes_201006_Addon.7zOnePiece_IE8_WinXPSP3_v3.2.0_AddOn_ENU_DED5A893162B5B5267F64E92469BC0A4.7zDotNetXAIO_40C_20111016_Addon_ENU.cabAddon_Microsoft_SilverLight_5.1.7zJava.cabAdobe 10.1.2.cabYumeYao_WMP11_Addon_ENU_V3_4_5.7zuse ORG english xp sp3 and Nlite one help please,i already do many times on this
August 8, 201212 yr those are the files of the ie8 addon, integration of the addon in cd and failed, try again and need to do everything from the beginning, from a clean CD and after integrating IE8 AddOn ect ectHowever in these cases perhaps better to use RVMi, so as to exclude problems in the use of nLite (since many user use nlite incorrectly ect ect)my English is not that good, maybe some other user, you will be able to explain more good steps to followCiao.PS: IE8 AddOn and in version 3.4.0 Edited August 8, 201212 yr by OnePiece
August 8, 201212 yr Author can i know what Different on OnePiece IE8 WinXPSP3 v3.4.0 AddOn ENU and OnePiece_IE8_WinXPSP3_v3.3.0_AddOn_ENU_DED5A893162B5B5267F64E92469BC0A4.7z??
August 8, 201212 yr no difference, except that the v3.4.0 and more updated (includes the KB2699988)Ciao.
August 8, 201212 yr What program did you use to integrate it?You may want to update your YumeYao Runtimes addon and you could give the updated YumeYao IE8 addon
August 8, 201212 yr nlite and nlite ehhhhhhhhh used by millions and millions of users for many many many years, and always went like a train ehhhhhhh (say nlite and history ehhhhhh), but I use my RVMi because it follows a more integrated cleanin your case I suggest you use a cd windows xp sp3 clean, and integrate all addon with RVMi, and do a quick test in VM, and if all ok, after proceeding with nlite, other modifications ect ectand sorry again for my EnglishCiao. Edited August 8, 201212 yr by OnePiece
August 8, 201212 yr A few tips:DO NOT process a XP OS source on Vista or 7!Disable all av\antimalware apps before starting.
August 8, 201212 yr Also don't integrate addons then remove components in separate sessions, try to do all in one session
August 9, 201212 yr Author Complete to install xplite in pc(not vm)copy files problem is solve,but when starting personalized settings will come out Windows File Protection ??and windows\setuperr.log get 2 errorthe error is:Error:Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\occache.dll because of the following error:GetProcAddress returned error 127 (the specified procedure could not be found).***Error:Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\webcheck.dll because of the following error:GetProcAddress returned error 127 (the specified procedure could not be found).*** My last Session setting:[Main]Env = - 2.0.50727.3620.Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3Target = Windows XP Professional SP3 - 5.1.2600.5512 - English (United States)[Tasks]Remove ComponentsUnattended SetupHotfixes and Update PacksTweaksCreate a Bootable ISOOptions[Components];# Applications #Accessibility OptionsBriefcaseClipBook ViewerGamesInternet GamesPinballScreensavers;# Keyboards #Albanian keyboardArabic (101) keyboardArabic (102) AZERTY keyboardArabic (102) keyboardArmenian Eastern keyboardArmenian Western keyboardAzeri Cyrillic keyboardAzeri Latin keyboardBelarusian keyboardBelgian (Comma) keyboardBelgian (Period) keyboardBelgian French keyboardBengali (Inscript) keyboardBengali keyboardBosnian Cyrillic keyboardBosnian keyboardBulgarian (Latin) keyboardBulgarian keyboardCanadian French (Legacy) keyboardCanadian French keyboardCanadian Multilingual Standard keyboardCroatian keyboardCzech (QWERTY) keyboardCzech keyboardCzech Programmers keyboardDanish keyboardDevanagari - INSCRIPT keyboardDivehi Phonetic keyboardDivehi Typewriter keyboardDutch keyboardEstonian keyboardFaeroese keyboardFarsi keyboardFinnish keyboardFinnish with Sami keyboardFrench keyboardFYRO Macedonian keyboardGaelic keyboardGeorgian keyboardGerman (IBM) keyboardGerman keyboardGreek (220) keyboardGreek (220) Latin keyboardGreek (319) keyboardGreek (319) Latin keyboardGreek keyboardGreek Latin keyboardGreek Polytonic keyboardGujarati keyboardHebrew keyboardHindi Traditional keyboardHungarian 101-key keyboardHungarian keyboardIcelandic keyboardInuktitut Latin keyboardIrish keyboardItalian (142) keyboardItalian keyboardKannada keyboardKazakh keyboardKyrgyz Cyrillic keyboardLatin American keyboardLatvian (QWERTY) keyboardLatvian keyboardLithuanian IBM keyboardLithuanian keyboardLuxembourgish keyboardMalayalam keyboardMaltese 47-key keyboardMaltese 48-key keyboardMaori keyboardMarathi keyboardMongolian Cyrillic keyboardNepali keyboardNorwegian keyboardNorwegian with Sami keyboardPashto keyboardPolish (214) keyboardPolish (Programmers) keyboardPortuguese (Brazilian ABNT) keyboardPortuguese (Brazilian ABNT2) keyboardPortuguese keyboardPunjabi keyboardRomanian keyboardRussian (Typewriter) keyboardRussian keyboardSami Extended Finland-Sweden keyboardSami Extended Norway keyboardSerbian (Cyrillic) keyboardSerbian (Latin) keyboardSlovak (QWERTY) keyboardSlovak keyboardSlovenian keyboardSpanish keyboardSpanish Variation keyboardSwedish keyboardSwedish with Sami keyboardSwiss French keyboardSwiss German keyboardSyriac keyboardSyriac Phonetic keyboardTamil keyboardTatar keyboardTelugu keyboardThai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock) keyboardThai Kedmanee keyboardThai Pattachote (non-ShiftLock) keyboardThai Pattachote keyboardTurkish F keyboardTurkish Q keyboardUkrainian keyboardUrdu keyboardUzbek Cyrillic keyboard;# Languages #;ArabicArabic (Algeria)Arabic (Bahrain)Arabic (Egypt)Arabic (Iraq)Arabic (Jordan)Arabic (Kuwait)Arabic (Lebanon)Arabic (Libya)Arabic (Morocco)Arabic (Oman)Arabic (Qatar)Arabic (Saudi Arabia)Arabic (Syria)Arabic (Tunisia)Arabic (U.A.E.)Arabic (Yemen)Divehi (Maldives)PashtoSyriac (Syria)Urdu;ArmenianArmenian;BalticEstonianLatvianLithuanian;Central EuropeAlbanianBosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)CroatianCroatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)CzechHungarianPolishRomanianSerbian (Latin)Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)SlovakSlovenian;CyrillicAzeri (Cyrillic)BelarusianBosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)BulgarianFYRO MacedonianKazakhKyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)Mongolian (Mongolia)RussianSerbian (Cyrillic)Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)TatarUkrainianUzbek (Cyrillic);GeorgianGeorgian;GreekGreek;HebrewHebrew;IndicBengali (India)Gujarati (India)HindiKannada (India)KonkaniMalayalam (India)MarathiNepali (Nepal)Punjabi (India)SanskritTamilTelugu (India);TurkicAzeri (Latin)TurkishUzbek (Latin);# Multimedia #Images and BackgroundsMovie MakerMusic SamplesOld CDPlayer and Sound Recorder;# Network #MSN ExplorerNetmeetingNetwork Setup WizardWindows Messenger;# Operating System Options #Desktop Cleanup WizardDR WatsonIExpress WizardTourUser account picturesZip Folders;# Services #MessengerQoS RSVPQuality of Service (QoS);# Compatibility #[KeepFiles]msconfig.exe[RemoveFiles]clock.aviyahoo.bmpinfospbz.bmpinfospce.bmpn2k.bmpswtchbrd.bmpscrnsave.scr[Options]ProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings"TargetPath = "WINDOWS"temp_dir = %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\TempAdvTweaksCDPromptRemove[Patches]TcpIp = 1024[services2]Themes,2StiSvc,2COMSysApp,3MSDTC,3RDSessMgr,3ShellHWDetection,2winmgmt,2WmiApSrv,3wuauserv,2BITS,3dmserver,2dmadmin,3seclogon,2Schedule,2MSIServer,3WZCSVC,4helpsvc,2ImapiService,3SwPrv,3Spooler,2NtmsSvc,3wscsvc,2srservice,4TlntSvr,4upnphost,3WebClient,2WmdmPmSN,3DHCP,2DNSCACHE,2PolicyAgent,2LMHosts,2NetBT,4AppMgmt,3AudioSrv,2CiSvc,3ClipSrv,4CryptSvc,2ERSvc,4Eventlog,2NetDDE,4NetDDEdsdm,4PlugPlay,2ProtectedStorage,2RemoteRegistry,4SamSs,2ScardSvr,3SENS,2SharedAccess,2SysmonLog,3TrkWks,2UPS,3VSS,3Wmi,3xmlprov,3napagent,3hkmsvc,3EapHost,3Dot3svc,3LanmanWorkstation,2RasAuto,3RemoteAccess,4Alerter,4Browser,2NetLogon,3RpcLocator,3NtLmSsp,3LanmanServer,2[Tweaks]Explorer-Change Windows Explorer folder view-IconsExplorer-Classic Control PanelExplorer-Disable Prefix: Shortcut toExplorer-Disable shortcut arrowExplorer-Show hidden files and foldersExplorer-Show Statusbar in all windowsInternet Explorer-Disable information bar when popup is blockedInternet Explorer-Disable Outlook Express link creationInternet Explorer-Disable Password-CachingInternet Explorer-Disable sound when popup is blockedInternet Explorer-Set ScreensaverSecurity-Screensaver Password-Protection-DisabledStart Menu-Disable Highlight newly installed programsStart Menu-Hide Search button in Start PanelStart Menu-Remove Help and SupportStart Menu-Remove Logoff UserStart Menu-Remove Set Program Access and DefaultsStart Menu-Remove Windows Catalog shortcutStart Menu-Remove Windows Update shortcutTaskbar-Disable Group similar Taskbar buttonsTaskbar-Lock the Taskbar-YesVisual Effects-Active window tracking-DisableVisual Effects-Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing-EnableVisual Effects-Cursor shadow-EnableVisual Effects-Fade out selection-DisableVisual Effects-Keyboard shortcut underline-EnableVisual Effects-Menu animation-DisableVisual Effects-Menu shadows-DisableVisual Effects-Menu style-FlatVisual Effects-Show translucent selection rectangle-EnableVisual Effects-Show window contents while dragging-DisableVisual Effects-Slide taskbar buttons-EnableVisual Effects-Smooth edges of screen fonts-DisabledVisual Effects-Smooth-scroll list boxes-EnableVisual Effects-Use a background image for each folder type-DisableVisual Effects-Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop-DisableWindows Media Player-Disable starting with Media Guide[unattended]NoPassExpSpecComputerType = AutomaticHibernationNoAutoLogon = WINXPFirewallOffCustomLocalesDisableSRestoreMaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 12RestorePointLife = 30DesktopTheme = Default||AutoUpdates = 4AutoUDay = 5AutoUHour = 15ProgFilesPath = "\Program Files"CustomNetworkMS_NWIPXNOMS_PSched[NetAdapter1]connname = ""macaddress = ""ipaddress = ""subnetmask = ""defaultgateway = ""dnsserver1 = ""dnsserver2 = ""winsserver = ""netbiossetting = "0"ipxnetworknumber = "00000000"ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF"[GuiRunOnce][Drivers][Hotfixes]D:\cab\cab\Addon_Microsoft_Silverlight_5.1.10411.0.7zD:\cab\cab\DirectX32_9.0c_Runtimes_201006_Addon.7zD:\cab\cab\ProgramAddons Adobe Reader 10.1.2.cabD:\cab\cab\ProgramAddons+Java+Runtime+Environment+7.0.cabD:\cab\cab\Ricks-YumeYao_MicrosoftVC78910RuntimeLibraries_MixedAddon_2_1_4.7zD:\cab\cab\Microsoft.Net_Framework.AIO_EN_Addon_20120614.cabD:\cab\cab\Ricks-YumeYao_IE8_Addon_Clean_ENU_1_4_13.7zD:\cab\cab\YumeYao_Repair_IE8_cosmetic_problems_addon.cabD:\cab\cab\YumeYao_WMP11_Addon_ENU_V3_4_5.7z Which step is wrong?
August 9, 201212 yr About IE8, and everything OK, ignore these errors in setuperr.logError:Setup had problems registering the following OLE control DLL:C:\WINDOWS\system32\RUNDLL32.exeContact your system administrator, who may provide assistance in diagnosing this problem.***Error:Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\mshtml.dll because of the following error:GetProcAddress returned error 127 (the specified procedure could not be found).***Error:Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\msrating.dll because of the following error:GetProcAddress returned error 127 (the specified procedure could not be found).***Error:Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\inseng.dll because of the following error:GetProcAddress returned error 127 (the specified procedure could not be found).***Error:Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\occache.dll because of the following error:GetProcAddress returned error 127 (the specified procedure could not be found).***Error:Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\webcheck.dll because of the following error:GetProcAddress returned error 127 (the specified procedure could not be found).***Error:Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\imgutil.dll because of the following error:GetProcAddress returned error 127 (the specified procedure could not be found).***Error:Setup could not register the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\system32\pngfilt.dll because of the following error:GetProcAddress returned error 127 (the specified procedure could not be found).***Ciao.
August 9, 201212 yr Author starting personalized settings will come out Windows File ProtectionThis is not a problem???i cant use Program make by autoit or portable UltraISO,Whether my Nlite optimization are too strict?? Edited August 9, 201212 yr by rally
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