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Sorry i haven't been online much in the last couple of days, i'm just busy moving house.

It musta have been a heavy house! When i move, i leave the houses behind!.. :D

Edited by Muffy

Hello Legolash20. I have lots of experience slimming down Windows 7, but none of it was earned with Win Toolkit. The main reason is because I started with RT 7 Lite, and now I want to try your software. The only reason I prefer RT 7 Lite rather than Win Toolkit is that Win Toolkit has WAY less components available to remove than RT 7 Lite. Is that ever going to change? I would really like to use your software because RT 7 Lite is a dead project. Appart from that, your tool is just great. Hope you answer.


Legolash20 has mentioned that once Win Toolkit has gotten a little bit more stable, very soon now, that he will be putting more effort into component removal. He's mentioned trying to implement removal methods similar to what vLite used, but I don't know, and I don't know if he knows, what method that RT7Lite used, so I don't think anyone knows whether the amount of removals available will be comparable to what RT7Lite achieved, with or without the Booster. I'm sure that he will err on the side of safety, stability, and compatibility, which I think is a good thing, but I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.

Cheers and Regards

You can usually look at the Packages & the WinSxS folder and find the exact files and registry entries they add and do the opposite (kinda the same result if you use dism but you could maybe target it better to keep some stuff)

With RT 7 Lite, I drop the WIM file to 1.204 GB. With the Booster, I drop it to 0.984 GB. My WIM file is Windows 7 Ultimate N w/SP1 x64 English.

Thats dammed good! It sounds like the Perfect Windows 7 x64 gaming "OS" with all the crap removed!

I am still in the learning stages, i have used Rt 7 before to integrate updates and remove languages ect, but

thats about it!

It would be gret to have a xbox/ps3 style gaming frontend/os!

Edited by Muffy

Thats dammed good! It sounds like the Perfect Windows 7 x64 gaming "OS" with all the crap removed!

I am still in the learning stages, i have used Rt 7 before to integrate updates and remove languages ect, but

thats about it!

It would be gret to have a xbox/ps3 style gaming frontend/os!

Thank you very much. All that is result of about 2 years of testing images, y'know. Right now, Booster is about to get an upgrade, so I don't know how much will my WIM file decrease to. I'm just waiting for its new version to be released. I also wonder how much would I slim a x86 image...

With RT 7 Lite, I drop the WIM file to 1.204 GB. With the Booster, I drop it to 0.984 GB. My WIM file is Windows 7 Ultimate N w/SP1 x64 English.

do you have a list or sesson.ini files for this?

I would like to do this too, currently been looking at windows embedded 7 . Would be perfect to setup as a media/gaming/internet platform

Guys, we have gotten WAY Off Topic here. Anything further not on the original topic of Lego being away for awhile while he moves houses, please start another topic.

Cheers and Regards

Why don't you take a trip from Arkansas and help us all :g:

You people are sad. Get in gear and get unpacked!

Good to hear you are still with us Legolash2o. We look forward to future updates. ;)

Why don't you take a trip from Arkansas and help us all :g:

Uhmmm ... probably not. ;)

However, I can give long distance advice. If you are not going to use it in a year (or have not used it for more than a year), get rid of it. The point of that is "if you are not going to use it, why have it?".

Seriously, one year and you have not unpacked/cleaned up/cleaned out, you are pushing it on being a hoarder. Five years .... you went too far, you *are* a hoarder. Twelve years .... you surpassed the limit and just need to have a house fire. *BAM* problem solved.

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