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So windows 7 already comes with .Net 3.5 built in.. so we need updates as soon as it installs...

Is there anyway to implement these updates into the customizes ISO?

Also .NET Framework 4.5 doesn't require any updates... and its better than 4.0 and you can actually uninstall 4.0

Direct Link:


Basically I want to silent install 4.5 and somehow add the 3.5 updates so that when I do a fresh install I literally have 0 updates..

I also am curious about the 40 option language pack updates.. how can I impliment all those just so it doesn't show up in the list? or is there a way to set them to AUTO HIDE?

Also id like to hide the stupid bing bar update




To "hide" updates you simply hide them on your current install and copy this file into the same place in your mounted wim (or you could make a wintoolkit addon of it)


The .net3 updates should be included in any of the update repositories (komm or mcrip)

For silent install of .net4.5 run time installer with /? command line

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I have downloaded all the latest updates from komm or mcrip (yesterday) and my iso still gives me those updates in screenshots.

@rick so on my current windows 7

"hide" all the updates id like to hide and then copy the DataStore.edb file to my iso and it will be fine?

@Mr_Smartpants! ty ill add that to my silent installs with those switches

Edited by Simpuhl

For .NET 4.5 I use:

dotnetfx45_full_x86_x64.exe /passive /norestart

Thanks for the tip, it works, but how do we make it silence - not showing those progress bar?

I added this in setupcomplete.cmd

START /WAIT %windir%\Setup\Scripts\dotnetfx45_full_x86_x64.exe /passive /norestart

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Honestly I can care less that it does a progress bar, its doing it during the setup anyway so id rather see what its doing rather then not know if its doing anything or stuck

Yes, you guys were right, i used those switches /quiet /norestart and the progress bar was gone.....however, there is a little window says "extracting files", how do I make it silence, if possible? thanks.


You can pre-extract it and run setup.exe with the swithces or you can use a 7zip or winrar sfx

BTW did you know I create a 'slim' updated .net4 installer, will do a 4.5 as soon as the first hotfix is published

Yes, I know you did, I been using it since last year or so, and I seen your post saying you would create 4.5 as well.

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