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[Solved] Live Essentials silent install fails, requires restart?

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Live Essentials did not silently install correctly. When I tried to manually install it, windows showed this error:


Do I need to adjust the order of installs, or change my switches, so i can avoid the necessity to restart again? here is my current silent install:


Edited by grant3

  • Author

Problem solved: I had typed "Mesenger" in the command line instead of "Messenger".

Because this prevented messenger from installing, i thought the entire install had failed (when in reality, Mail succeeded)

Also I discovered that attempting to install Silverlight from live essentials will cause a fatal crash during the silent install process. Moral of the story: use the separate update file for silverlight.

Edit: silverlight isn't even part of essentials. (i don't know why my install was crashing but it was probably related to duplicate silent installs being added to the iso every time i integrated it)

Edited by grant3

However using this silent switches doesn't work for me with Wimdows Live 2012, but works fine for Windows Live 2011:

wlsetup-all.exe /q /NOToolbarCEIP /NOhomepage /nolaunch /nosearch /AppSelect:Messenger,Mail,MovieMaker,Bingbar,Writer

And Silverligtht installed first!

Edited by myselfidem

Solved adding first Net Framework 4.0 and using this command for Windows 7 on WPI:

cmds[pn]=['"%wpipath%\\Install\\WLive\\wlsetup-all.exe" /q /AppSelect:Messenger%comma%Mail%comma%MovieMaker%comma%Writer%comma%Wlsync%comma%idcrl /log:%temp%\\Wlsetup.log /NOToolbarCEIP /NOhomepage /NOlaunch /NOMU /nosearch'];
desc[pn]=['Windows Live 2012'];

Skydrive is also installed! (Image)



Edited by myselfidem

  • Author
However using this silent switches doesn't work for me with Wimdows Live 2012, but works fine for Windows Live 2011:

My Windows Essentials 2012 installs ok. I install DotNet45 first, and then the essentials with these switches:

"/q /NOToolbarCEIP /NOhomepage /NOLaunch /NoSearch /AppSelect:Mail,Messenger"

glad you fixed yours.

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