Posted September 16, 201212 yr Sorry if this problem has already been, I look hard, since I do not know English ... In general, this problem pops up. "Error while trying to make the image" ... what could it be? I should windose 7 professional 32 bit license."exception:Tool name: Integrator all in one (Windows 7 ENTERPRISE)Image Name: Windows 7 ENTERPRISEArgument: / Unmount "C: \ WinToolkit \ Mount" / commitWIM-file: F: \ win7 \ x64 \ Windows 7 Enterprise x64 \ sources \ install.wimDisc type: FixedFree Space: 60.51 GBExisting file: TrueIsReady: TrueImageX Tool for WindowsCopyright © Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.Version: 6.1.7601.21716ERROR: Unable to use specified log file.Committing: [C: \ WinToolkit \ Mount] ...Unmount Error: Did not find an image mounted to [C: \ WinToolkit \ Mount].FixedC: \33.62 GB"This error pops up in any way, or even the one I put my driver in it, or something removed. meaning one. BUT! at the confluence of several operating systems into a single, all prohodin normal. I work on the Russian version. the same issues the latest English version:Exception:Tool Name: All-In-One Integrator ( (Windows 7 ENTERPRISE)Image Name: Windows 7 ENTERPRISEArgument: /mountrw "F:\win7\x64\Windows 7 Enterprise x64\sources\install.wim" 1 "C:\WinToolkit\Mount"WIM File: F:\win7\x64\Windows 7 Enterprise x64\sources\install.wimMount Logging: TrueDrive Type: FixedFree Space: 60.52 GBIsReady: TrueFile Exists: TrueDirectory Exists: TrueFiles: Directories: Setting taskbar ProgressSetting taskbar ColourDumping RegistryDetecting cause of error #1Detecting cause of error #2Detecting cause of error #3Detecting cause of error #4ImageX Tool for WindowsCopyright © Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.Version: 6.1.7601.21716Mounting: [F:\win7\x64\Windows 7 Enterprise x64\sources\install.wim, 1] -> [C:\WinToolkit\Mount]...Error opening file [F:\win7\x64\Windows 7 Enterprise x64\sources\install.wim].Процесс РЅРµ может получить доступ Рє файлу, так как этот файл занят другимпроцессом. FixedC:\33.68 GBScreeshot:
September 17, 201212 yr Author Is your image a CLEAN unmodified one?Yes. The image of the original MicrosoftTry without spaces inside the image name!Windows7_Enterprisex64All right. I will try, I will answer
September 17, 201212 yr Author Tried to rename the folder. the result is the same. changed the name of the operating system, did not helpexception:Tool name: Integrator all in one (Windows7ENTERPRISE64)Image Name: Windows7ENTERPRISE64Argument: / Unmount "C: \ WinToolkit \ Mount" / commitWIM-file: F: \ win7 \ x64 \ Windows7Enterprisex64 \ sources \ install.wimDisc type: FixedFree Space: 60.53 GBExisting file: TrueIsReady: TrueImageX Tool for WindowsCopyright © Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.Version: 6.1.7601.21716ERROR: Unable to use specified log file.Committing: [C: \ WinToolkit \ Mount] ...Unmount Error: Did not find an image mounted to [C: \ WinToolkit \ Mount].FixedC: \57.52 GB Edited September 17, 201212 yr by ziercool
September 17, 201212 yr What OS are you using as your host OS to run Win Toolkit? Are you running as an administrator or as a "regular" user?Cheers and Regards
September 17, 201212 yr Author I work under Windows 7 Professional 32-bit in administrator mode. WinToolKit tried all versions
September 17, 201212 yr Try this workaround:Create yourself manually the folders inside:C:\WinToolkit\MountIt seems WinToolkit doesn't create properly these folders!Unmount Error: Did not find an image mounted to [C:\WinToolkit\Mount] Edited September 17, 201212 yr by myselfidem
September 17, 201212 yr Author the point is that the folder C: \ WinToolkit \ Mont image do without spaces
September 17, 201212 yr Using the workaround works fine for me! :dancing:Windows 7 ULTIMATE.log[2696] [ INFO ] Mounting new image.Wim: [C:\Win7_SP1\sources\install.wim]Image Index: [5]Mount Path: [C:\WinToolkit\Mount][2696] [ INFO ] Wimserv process started for guid 594e443a-69ba-4572-82c4-105d967cb99c. Id is 3488[3488] [ INFO ] ImageUnmarshallHandle: Reconstituting wim at C:\Win7_SP1\sources\install.wim.[3488] [ INFO ] Mounted image at C:\WinToolkit\Mount.[3488] [ INFO ] Received unmount request for image with guid 594e443a-69ba-4572-82c4-105d967cb99c.[3488] [ INFO ] Unmount for image at C:\WinToolkit\Mount complete.
September 17, 201212 yr Did you try the suggestion by myselfidem?Try this workaround:Create yourself manually the folders inside:C:\WinToolkit\MountIt seems WinToolkit doesn't create properly these folders!Unmount Error: Did not find an image mounted to [C:\WinToolkit\Mount]What exactly did you use for your folder location and content? (Don't use the translator for this part, cut and paste exactly what is there using [ code ] tags so we can see the actual folder names you use)Cheers and Regards
September 18, 201212 yr Got myself appointed here from my thread by myselfidem and I have to say that manually creating folders seems to do the trick for me now. What I do find strange though is that when I first ran Component Remover yesterday I only had an option to delete two components (don't remember which they were) and upon deletion and saving an image, I received my error.As of typing, I'm running the Component Remover again and this time I did have an option to delete ALL the components. All seems to be working fine.My wild guess is that for some unknown reason Win Toolkit thought I didn't have enough free space (which I did, mind you) therefore things couldn't get extracted or something therefore only two visible components therefore errors. My wild guess.(I am admin on this PC and none of the browsers open at the time could suddenly make a 10GB of cache, also I haven't run other applications at the time of working with Win Toolkit. Except for browsers, that is.)Thanks for the trick.
September 18, 201212 yr Author The people that I probably found the problem, the problem of the antivirus. Cost to remove Kaspersky and put a g-data, such as the beginning of work. cheyas try to do the assembly. I have another question. For example if I made a Windows 7 professional, and one wim image stuck Home, starter, ultimate .... will be implemented in a professional SETUP all other images? separately or remodel?
September 19, 201212 yr The people that I probably found the problem, the problem of the antivirus.Jeeze! I guess we always need to ask a new poster with a problem to verify the following before we offer any further advice:1. Is your source image a CLEAN unmodified one?2. Are you sure you do not have any spaces anywhere in the path or image/file name?3. Are you running as an administrator?4. Do you have enough free space on any drive which Win Toolkit might use for any reason?5. Is your antivirus turned off and disabled?6. Which version of Win Toolkit are you using?7. What exact host OS are you using?8. Which exact OS is the image you are trying to work on?9. Have you attached your log file?Did I miss any other important questions? Until those questions are answered by a new poster I see no reason to continue the troubleshooting process.Cheers and Regards Edited September 19, 201212 yr by bphlpt
September 20, 201212 yr Author People! Help me! For example if I made a Windows 7 professional, and one wim image stuck Home, starter, ultimate .... will be implemented in a professional SETUP all other images? separately or remodel?
September 20, 201212 yr No!If you customize Windows 7 professional, only Windows professional will be customized!
September 20, 201212 yr You can select as many images as you want to update with the Win Toolkit All-In-One Disc Creator - - and it will make as many passes as required, updating one image per pass.Cheers and Regards
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