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Everything Search Engine (with .lng support)

For x86/x64.
Localised language support for French/German/Spanish.

# Small installation file
# Clean and simple user interface
# Quick file indexing
# Quick searching
# Minimal resource usage
# Share files with others easily
# Real-time updating

Everything will only locate files and folders on local NTFS volumes.
Everything requires administrative privileges for low level read access to volumes.
Configure to run as services.
Auto Startup item (even with UAC on).
Uninstallable: Yes

Size: 930.14 Kb (952,467 bytes)
MD5: C5944153126EC477E3BB7751689C00F9

Tested on VM win7 x86 only.
Thanks to mooms, myselfidem & RicaNeaga for the help/testing on x64 system.

Edited by Geej

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I don't have x64 os. Sorry.

Try to edit manually the addon to fit x64. Think change the inf dirid from 16422 to 16426

Also use toolkit to edit the copied location to %programfiles (x86)%

Dun know any more registry entry need to add or not.


Hi Geej, thanks for sharing, i have a question:

What this key do:


It is for bypassing UAC at Everything start ?

Also, you can add two files in your addon:

Everything.lng to add foreigns languagues support

Everything.ini for customization.

Content of mine:





I have made a french addon based on a sfx rar archive. (made it for XP originally but it it works in Windows7 X86 and X64 as a silent installer)

my comment:

Title=Everything Installation

Shortcut=P,"Everything.exe", "", "indexe tous les fichiers", "Everything"

Technical explanation: as the sfx archive is a 32 bit executable, the variable %ProgramFiles% is correctly set at Program Files (x86) on Windows 7 X64.

If i want to extract to Program Files in a X64 environement with a RAR SFX archive, i have two choices:

- replace %ProgramFiles% with %ProgramW6432% (advantage: the archive can be made in a 32 bits OS)

- keep %ProgramFiles% but make a 64bits sfx archive (obviously only possible with Winrar 64 bits )

But i don't have yet found how to add autostart with UAC bypassing in my addon, hence the first question.

Edited by mooms

The reg key is to launch "EveryThing Search Tool" using RunOnce:

The value is:

rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\inf\Evthing.inf,Install

Edited by myselfidem

Allright, i have understood, It's only to install it at runonce (but why it's in hex ?)

So i still search a way to add autostart without UAC prompt,to my Everything addon (as it is explained in the FAQ:)

1.12 How do I bypass the UAC to run "Everything" with administrative privileges on system startup?

Disable run on system startup in "Everything".

Follow the Make Vista launch UAC restricted programs at startup with Task Scheduler guide at


Make sure you use -startup in the Add Arguments box

Allright, i have understood, It's only to install it at runonce (but why it's in hex ?)

When you save the registy key, the value is with hexadecimal.

I think we must add a reg key inside the registry with hex values to avoid errors and to write the value if % or others signs are used !

*Edit: It seems to avoid to launch EveryThing on startup it's better to use RunOnceEx during the silent installation!

And create a task to bypass UAC, save all reg files and path and integrate inside your customized program!

Import a Task:



Edited by myselfidem

Very interesting, so we can add variable in reg files, i always thougt it was impossible!

But how to create reg files in hex format ?

I always use RunOnceEx in my wa addons example, :

"inf"="RUNDLL32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection Winrar.inf,Install"

myselfidem: do you have a sample command to create a task ?

Edited by mooms

We can use a batch file but available for Windows Vista and Windows 7:

Using the command prompt to see options:


schtasks /Create /?

Example: Schtasks.exe /CREATE /TN mcupdate /XML "C:\TAKS\mcupdate"

You can also save the new created task as XML file and use this one for the installation.

*Edit: Tip about reg file hex value.

Go to your Registry, write the path and save your new reg file and this one will be write with hex values !

Maybe there is a tool to convert hex registry values to decimal values ?

Edited by myselfidem

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Updated with .lng / .ini support as requested by mooms (Actually I forgot to include .lng file... :blush: )

@mooms, to bypass UAC at Everything start, try adjust/add your Autounattend.xml with this

	<settings pass="offlineServicing">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-LUA-Settings" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="[url="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State"]http://schemas.micro...fig/2002/State"[/url] xmlns:xsi="[url="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance%22>"]http://www.w3.org/20...hema-instance">[/url]

I use a simple batch to export the RO key in .reg. (I also use nircmd.exe to help me open up the key in registry for visual inspection.)

Need to enter value for Set infname= and set appname= before running the batch code.

@Echo off
Title Export a RunOnce key for inf installation
Set infname=
set appname=
Echo This script writes a reg_expand_sz to RunOnce
Echo then export the key in .reg format
Echo Note: Only main key can be exported.
Echo Export Individual key is impossible
Echo Please set the appname inside this script first.
echo Info:
echo infname is %infname%
echo appname is %appname%
REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v !%appname% /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %%windir%%\inf\%infname%.inf,Install" /f
reg export HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce RO%appname%.reg
Echo Inspect visually the RunOnce entry before deleting in next step
nircmd regedit "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce"
Echo Will delete %appname% key next. Otherwise close console box.
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v !%appname% /f

So I presume we are can go wild with RunOnce method since not many people know this method. In fact I just discovered it recently too.

RunOnce key with ! explained

Edit: Additional info

RunOnce support REG_EXPAND_SZ but RunOnceEx doesn't.

Geej: thanks for the explanations, that's very instructive and will be handy in my future creations !

About your solution for bypassing UAC, i don't want to disable it, juste create a task to launch everything with admin privileges as i explained.

See my sfx below if you want to add that in you addon.

myselfidem: thanks for the tips, that was very helpfull, i was able to create a SFX wich import the task after "installation".

Here is my two prototypes of switchless "installer" of Everything if anyone want to check (Everything will be in french by default, no uninstall as it is not really needed)





Tested both in VM.

Edited by mooms

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Thank you mooms for the 2 uploads. I will study them... Maybe I will keep UAC in future if this is feasible, just like you do.

(also thanks myselfidem for the tips, you are also very resourceful.)


@ Geej

Thanks ;)

@ mooms

About everyg32.exe

I made some changes, like this:

Rename Everything64.xml as: Everything.xml (Available for Windows 7)

Change everything.cmd like this:

cmd /c schtasks /Create /TN "Lancer Everything" /XML "%~dp0Everything.xml"
del Everything.xml
del everything.cmd

Works fine but the batch execution shows the command prompt!

About XML Task versions ("1.1"; "1.2"; "1.3"):

Configured for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000

<Task version="1.1" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">

Configured for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

<Task version="1.2" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">

Configured for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2

<Task version="1.3" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">

Thanks and regards

*Edit: I hope you see that I wouldn't hijack the thread

Edited by myselfidem

Geej: yes it's a good thing to keep UAC.

I have remade the sfx with UPX'ed 7zip sfx mod .

- no more cmd file inside the archive

- no more cmd window flashing

- smaller executable. (502 kb vs 415 kb, thanks to LZMA and UPX compression )

- But you must execute them with admin right (Winrar sfx will automatically prompt, not 7zip sfx)

Tested both in VM.

Not tested in integration yet but should work fine:





Here is the config file for the 64 bits version: (juste replace the two 64 by 32 for the 32 bits version).

As the sfx is a 32 bits executable, the %PROGRAMFILES% variable is working correctly on both architecture.

the only real change between the two versions is the variable in the xml file.

RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c schtasks /Create /XML Everything64.xml /TN Everything"

myselfidem: the line

cmd /c schtasks /Create /TN "Lancer Everything" /XML "%~dp0Everything.xml"

throw me an error when used with 7zip sfx module. (tried multiple times)

But again, thanks for the infos.

Edited by mooms

Of course mooms, my example was created for your previous version using WinRar and a batch file! :)

You can also add an icon using sfx modified module for your exe file an create a shorcut:

Look at "Replacing the icon" and inside "Configuration file parameters": Shorcut.



*Edit: the new exe sfx file works fine!

Edited by myselfidem

Yes i know for both,

With this setup, Everything will always be running with an icon in the taskbar to access it.

If you access it from a shortcut, you will get an UAC prompt.

For the icon, as the executable is only for integration purpose, I think it's not very important.

For the command line, i thought it was because the parameters /TN and /XML was inversed.

edit: thanks for testing!

tested in integration in Windows 7 32 bits, works too.

Edited by mooms

@mooms Your latest .exes from your previous post in this thread - are they still in frech by default? If yes, how can I modify them to be english by default? Thanks. :)

And sorry Geej for this a little offtopic discussion, hope you don't mind. :)

Edited by RicaNeaga


Thay're all in French by default.

Remove this line in Everything.ini


And Everything will be in English.

You can use your own ini file if you want.

You will need 7z SFX Archive splitter to decompose the sfx.

Then you have to rebuild the 7z archive (LZMA) and remake the sfx with this command:

copy /b Everything.sfx + Everything.txt + Everything.7z Everything.exe


I have made an other sfx, universal 32/64 bits, and asking for admin right, with this code:

RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c schtasks /Create /XML Everything32.xml /TN Everything"
RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c schtasks /Create /XML Everything64.xml /TN Everything"

Thanks to myselfidem for the idea.

Here it is:


udpate: an other version with shortcut in start menu and icon for the sfx:


Edited by mooms


Tested on Windows 7 x86 and works fine! Thanks.


You can also change the language after the silent installation: Tools | Options | Language

On a runing system, you can use the shorcut on: Start Menu | Programs | Everything

Or the shorcut on the ToolBar.


Edited by myselfidem

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Thanks mooms for the upload in #19. I will do my own test with UAC set to default. (I manual run on the VM works, so I think should work unattendedly too)

I personally would like to adapt your xml into my inf and see If it could be launch using postsetupcommand (for my personal build)

Can I ask how you create the xml? Did you use the Task Scheduler's GUI to create it, then export the xml file?

Do you know what would be the command if using schtasks.exe on the command line?

Many thanks to you guys. With win7, learn something new always ...


Yes Geej the Task was exported with the Task Scheduler's GUI to create it.

I found a nice batch that we can adapt for Everything Search Engine.

Available for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7:


Here is for Everything.exe and you can improve it adding values for x64 systems (execution path: SET Task=).

I made some changes for Everything.exe:


:: Everything_Schedule.bat ::
:: Set variables TaskName, Task and go ahead ::
:: http://myunster.com ::
@ECHO off
ECHO "Proceeding..." >NUL
REM Delete variables, may be cached
SET "TaskName="
SET "Task="
REM Set variables
SET TaskName=Everything
REM Following task will be executed on Logon
SET Task=\"C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe\" -startup
REM Determine if windows xpVER | find "XP" > NUL
IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO ver_xp
REM Determine if windows Vista/Win7
systeminfo | find "OS Name" > %TEMP%\osname.txt
FOR /F "usebackq delims=: tokens=2" %%i IN (%TEMP%\osname.txt) DO SET Version=%%i
DEL /F %TEMP%\osname.txt
ECHO %Version% | find "Windows 7" > NUL
ECHO %Version% | find "Windows Vista" > NUL
IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO ver_vista
:Run Windows XP specific commands here.
REM Delete variable, may be cached
SET "Result="
REM WinXP doesn't support TN for schtasks /query
FOR /F "delims=, tokens=2" %%R IN ('schtasks /query /fo csv /v ^| findstr /L /C:"%TaskName%"') DO SET Result=%%R
IF (%Result%)==() SET Result="-1"
IF "%TaskName%" == %Result% (
REM Delete Task if it exists
SCHTASKS /Delete /TN "%TaskName%" /F
REM Then Create with Highest privilege
SCHTASKS /Create /TN "%TaskName%" /TR "%Task%" /SC ONLOGON /RL HIGHEST
GOTO exit:ver_vista
:Run Windows Vista specific commands here.
GOTO Elevation
:Run Windows 7 specific commands here.
GOTO Elevation
REM Don't forget escape double quotes for CMD argument that you will pass to powershell
PushD "%~dp0"
SET Argument=SCHTASKS /Create /F /TN \"%TaskName%\" /TR \"%Task%\" /SC ONLOGON /RL HIGHEST
SET ELEVATED_CMD=PowerShell -Command (New-Object -com 'Shell.Application').ShellExecute('Cmd.exe', '/C %Argument%', '', 'runas')
GOTO exit
ECHO "Done!"

Tested on Windows 7 x86 and works fine, even if the shorcut isn't already inside the ToolBar, I can launch Everything from C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe without errors! And after the icon appears on the ToolBar or after restarting the computer!

More help:


*Edit: batch file updated

*Edit 2:

We can also use variables if needed (to avoid adding two xml files) using:

For Windows x86:

SET Task=\"%%ProgramFiles%%\Everything\Everything.exe\" -startup

For Windows x64:

SET Task=\"%%ProgramFiles(x86)%%\Everything\Everything.exe\" -startup

Tested also and works fine!

Edited by myselfidem

Thanks mooms for the upload in #19. I will do my own test with UAC set to default. (I manual run on the VM works, so I think should work unattendedly too)

I personally would like to adapt your xml into my inf and see If it could be launch using postsetupcommand (for my personal build)

Can I ask how you create the xml? Did you use the Task Scheduler's GUI to create it, then export the xml file?

Do you know what would be the command if using schtasks.exe on the command line?

Many thanks to you guys. With win7, learn something new always ...


Yes i have created the task in Task Scheduler's GUI, exported it, and then i have changed some lines in the XML file, like removing author/owner, and replacing the absolute paths with variables.

Edited by mooms

  • Author

Thanks myselfidem for taking the effort to further test using batch script instead of xml.

I will test your version just to gain more insight...

The sfx version you use is which has description : 7z Setup SFX (x86)

I have which has same description : 7z Setup SFX (x86)

May I ask if those version also will work on x64? Or is there x64 module?

I just done testing with xml via inf, looks good. Only need to futher test uninstall routine.

Best regards :)

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