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Thanks Geej! :)

Yes, we can use 7z Setup SFX (x86) version but it's a Beta release.

The batch file is useful to avoid XML files with localised languages, and the Scheduler Task will be added with localisation system language.

However Powershell is needed with this batch file.

I have not yet tested my example on x64 computer.

Tested EverythingSearch.exe (x86/x64) on Virtual Machine using WPI 8.6.3 for Windows 7 x86 and works fine.

I don't know if it's work using WA Add-On file !

There is also modules for x64 computers: 7zsd_All_x64.sfx and others.

Downloads:7z SFX Tools: http://7zsfx.info/en/

About Everything, some useful infos:


Kind regards

Edited by myselfidem

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Updated .WA package

- Thanks to myselfidem for the batch file, Everything_Schedule.bat (localised)

making Everything Search Engine able to launch it as a startup application even with UAC set to default.

- Once your install gets to the desktop, a manual reboot is necessary

- During uninstall, it will also end + delete the scheduled task.


Can you help me to get this addon to play nice with Windows 7 (x64). I've read through all the post to see if i could find any info that might lead me do get Everything Search Engine to work with Win 7 x64, but found nothing of the sort. Naturualy, I put the addon thru a dry run using WA Installer without sucess. Here are the results.


I opened up Tasks.txt and replaced the Architecture Directive from x86! to x86 and did another dry run. This time I got a partly working addon. Everything Search Engine installs in Program Files (x86) but their is no uninstall in the CPL and nothing in the Task Scheduler.

Any insight would be much appreciated.

EDIT: I found what i thought was your silent / switch-less installer here http://www.mediafire...awy6g5vg4mfnj81, However, it appears that you have removed the links in favor of the currently posted Inf True Add-on.

Will your true Add-on work with OnePiece's Tool NT6.x True Integrator? At first glance it also appears to only support x86 arch.

EDIT : Fixed some typos and grammatical errors.

Edited by dotfusion

Okay, No worries, I managed to make a working silent installer with the stock installer, Nonetheless I will leave my previous post open for reply for anyone else who might be interested.

Thanks anyways for this awesome addon, even though I cant use it on my system. I'll hang on to it and add it to my archives. Cheers!

Edited by dotfusion

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Hi, dotfusion

I don't have x64 OS to test. I change slightly the WA package, hopefully can fit x64 with WinToolkit

Please manual test the package on VM first.

On an existing Win7 x64 VM with UAC ON, remove/uninstall Everything Search Engine so we can start as fresh install. If you have Task scheduler set for Everything, remove/delete as well.

Open this .WA package with Win Toolkit->Addon Maker->Open

It will be generally mounted/extracted to C:\winToolkit_TEMP\AddonC

Copy the whole program folder of 'Everything' within AddonC to C:\Program Files (x86)

Copy Everything_Schedule.bat to C:\windows

Copy Evthing.inf to C:\Windows\inf

Double click ROEveryThing.reg to add to RunOnce key.

Save back the .WA package before quitting Addon Maker & then quit WinToolkit.

Reboot pc. After reboot, Everything System tray icon should appear.

(side test:

Test the batch file to see if it works in win7x64.

Run the batch with "Run as administrator" if you have UAC On.

Then check whether the task is added to Task Scheduler by

Start->run->taskschd.msc (enter)

Click "Task Scheduler Library" and wait a while for task to be loaded.. In 'Name' column, there should be "Everything" listed. This is the TaskName (TN). Should be 'Ready" Status. Hence the batch file will work on x64.

Then Delete the task manually.)

Will host for 3 days.

Everything Search Engine_1.2.1.452_x64_Test_UAC_ON_RunOnce.WA

Size: 445.39 Kb (456,081 bytes)

MD5: 240DB053A15D4452DCB728CC4F3E20D0


If there is some trouble with the batch file on Windows 64-bit, we can use this one instead (improved).

Tested on my computer 64-bit and the task is installed on the Task Scheduler.

Works on x86 and x64.


:: Everything_Schedule.bat ::
:: Set variables TaskName, Task and go ahead ::
:: http://myunster.com ::
@ECHO off
REM Delete variables, may be cached
SET "TaskName="
SET "Task="
REM Set variables
SET TaskName=Everything
REM Following task will be executed on Logon
:: Detect OS bit-ness on running system. Assumes 64-bit unless 64-bit components do not exist.
IF NOT EXIST "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe" (
::Begin install
IF "%ARCH%"=="64" (
SET Task=\"%%ProgramFiles(x86)%%\Everything\Everything.exe\" -startup
) ELSE (
SET Task=\"%%ProgramFiles%%\Everything\Everything.exe\" -startup
REM Determine if windows xpVER | find "XP" > NUL
IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO ver_xp
REM Determine if windows Vista/Win7
systeminfo | find "OS Name" > %TEMP%\osname.txt
FOR /F "usebackq delims=: tokens=2" %%i IN (%TEMP%\osname.txt) DO SET Version=%%i
DEL /F %TEMP%\osname.txt
ECHO %Version% | find "Windows 7" > NUL
ECHO %Version% | find "Windows Vista" > NUL
IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO ver_vista
:Run Windows XP specific commands here.
REM Delete variable, may be cached
SET "Result="
REM WinXP doesn't support TN for schtasks /query
FOR /F "delims=, tokens=2" %%R IN ('schtasks /query /fo csv /v ^| findstr /L /C:"%TaskName%"') DO SET Result=%%R
IF (%Result%)==() SET Result="-1"
IF "%TaskName%" == %Result% (
REM Delete Task if it exists
SCHTASKS /Delete /TN "%TaskName%" /F
SCHTASKS /Create /TN "%TaskName%" /TR "%Task%" /SC ONLOGON /RL HIGHEST
GOTO exit:ver_vista
:Run Windows Vista specific commands here.
GOTO Elevation
:Run Windows 7 specific commands here.
GOTO Elevation
REM Don't forget escape double quotes for CMD argument that you will pass to powershell
PushD "%~dp0"
SET Argument=SCHTASKS /Create /F /TN \"%TaskName%\" /TR \"%Task%\" /SC ONLOGON /RL HIGHEST
SET ELEVATED_CMD=PowerShell -Command (New-Object -com 'Shell.Application').ShellExecute('Cmd.exe', '/C %Argument%', '', 'runas')
GOTO exit

Edited by myselfidem

If there is some trouble with the batch file on Windows 64-bit, we can use this one instead (improved).

Tested on my computer 64-bit and the task is installed on the Task Scheduler.

Works on x86 and x64.

Hi myselfidem

Tested your script on Win7 X64, it don't works:

If i run the bat, it says "le lecteur spécifié est introuvable"

If i copy the content of the batch and paste it in cmd, the script is working but the task it it create is set to "%C:\ProgramFiles(x86)%\Everything\Everything.exe\" -startup and this do not launch Everything.

Thanks for your test.

Try to download the attached batch file on my post above, and let us know if it works for you.

Works fine for me.

I attached the file to avoid errors using copy/paste!


Edited by myselfidem

Okay, I cant say I have good news. I went thru the procedure that Geej suggested in post #31. Once using the Everything_Schcedule.bat found inside the Everything Search Engine_1.2.1.452_x64_Test_UAC_ON_RunOnce.WA and once using the Everything_Schedule.bat file included in Post #1. I got the same strange results using both methods.

Steps taken to recreate...

1. Open this .WA package with Win Toolkit->Addon Maker->Open

2. Copy the whole program folder of 'Everything' within AddonC to C:\Program Files (x86)

3. Copy Everything_Schedule.bat to C:\windows

4. Copy Evthing.inf to C:\Windows\inf

5. Double click ROEveryThing.reg to add to RunOnce key.

6. Save back the .WA package before quitting Addon Maker & then quit WinToolkit.

7. Reboot.

Here is where the RunOnce starts to bug-out...Reboot ==> Login (OK)

Explorer.exe does not load the desktop. => CTRL + ALT + DEL => Task Manager => reveals the a running process cmd.exe which I assume is Everything.bat. I waited about 5 minutes before I finally killed the task and voila, the desktop appears and Everything Search appears in the system tray. as well as the task scheduler.

The strange thing with task scheduler is that it appears twice. once as 'Everything' (in English) [OK] and again Lancer.... (en francais).[ERROR]

I think the french entry is residual from my first failed attempt, and could be just an orphaned task or a result of prematurely ending the batch file after during login, it's hard to say for sure. Also the uninstall doesn't work either -- Error Creating <TASKILL> ...

I Will try again on another machine and report back with my findings. In the meantime.

Best Regards et Bonne Chance les ami.

EDIT : Fixed some typos and grammatical errors. A working x64 version of this AddOn has been posted (see post #42). Thanks to Geej et all for combining their efforts in perfecting this AddOn for both architectures. :thumbsup:

Edited by dotfusion

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Hi dotfusion

Try testing the batch file first (see my post Side Test in post #31) . If it works, then manual retest the whole package again.

(Ensure no orphan entry in Task secheduler)

If it doesn't work, try myselfidem recent post. I think he can help you better in x64 issue.

(In the worst case, you can try xml method instead of batch method.)


Ok Geej, I wont give it up yet. I will retry again later this evening by testing the batch batch first and following your methodology in post #36.

I'll report my finding tomorrow. Curious do I try the XML method? I think exporting the task from Task Scheduler?

EDIT : Thanks to Geej et all for combining their efforts in perfecting this AddOn for both architectures. :thumbsup: A working x64 version of this AddOn has been posted (see post #42).

Edited by dotfusion

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I'll report my finding tomorrow. Curious do I try the XML method? I think exporting the task from Task Scheduler?

Yes exporting the task from Task scheduler and give a same say Everything64.xml

Then RunPostSetupCommands change to

cmd /c schtasks /Create /XML %10%\Everything64.xml /TN Everything

where %10% is %windir%

If unsure, see schtasks /Create /? for more information.

you could also modify the xml command to

<Command>"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Everything\Everything.exe -startup"</Command>

@myselfidem, I have not checked your attached file, Everything_Schedule.bat, but if the same errors are in it as in the code you posted, I don't see how this can work:


--< snip >--
REM Determine if windows xpVER | find "XP" > NUL ***** (1) *****
IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO ver_xp
--< snip >--
IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO ver_vista ***** (2) *****
--< snip >--
GOTO exit:ver_vista ***** (3) *****
:Run Windows Vista specific commands here.
--< snip >--

(1) Looks like two lines got run together. As a result I don't think %ERRORLEVEL% will be set correctly

(2) I don't think ver_vista will be found because of (3)

(3) Looks like two lines got run together again.

Cheers and Regards

Many thanks bphlpt!

Yes, I see there is some errors!

And the part Elevation doesn't work. I'm trying to look for a solution using Powershell!

And the part schtasks /query gives: "\Everything" and not "Everything"

I made some changes to remove the Task if this one exists, and now works to remove first the Task.

New file attached.


I've made a working x64 addon out of the x86 addon from the first post, following Geej's instructions from here. If anyone is interested, you can get it from here. (MD5: 1AC48BBF5363C1E14165A8B8A13D8B22)

Once again, it's tested on live working x64 windows 7 based systems. All credits go to Geej, so don't thank me, thank him. :)

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Thanks to Geej et all for combining their efforts in perfecting this AddOn for both architectures. :thumbsup:

I'm glad members chips in to help... thanks for the great effort. :prop:
  • 2 months later...
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Updated to

Pls uninstall old one before installing this one. inf name has been change as well.
(was Evthing.inf, now Everything.inf)

Inf now includes DefaultInstall section to perform live install.
Has also includes x64 code for installing on x64 but I could not verify if it is bug-free.

Appreciate member's feedback if they can test on 1) Normal install, 2) slipstream with wintoolkit and 3) uninstall routine. (pls check entry for scheduler task as well)

Thanks to members myselfidem,mooms,RicaNeaga for helping/testing on x64 previously. :)

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-bug fix (missing x64 Install section)
-Add StartMenu shortcut to start everything.exe using task scheduler command
 (for user with UAC on which may have exit everything.exe via systray menu)

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