April 18, 201311 yr Author Updated v Add minor improvement by adding language localised support for French:If OS eng is ENU, .lng file is removed. everything.ini is set to (localization=English)If OS is French, lang is set to france for everything.ini (localization=Français)Please feedback if things are wrongs. Generally no feeback means everything okay...Let me know if user want other languages to be included by letting me know the hex id of your language. Eg. .040C for french .0409 for English-US
April 18, 201311 yr Hi Geej, thanks for adding French support! I have corrected some mistakes in French:[Strings.040C];FrenchDisplayProgram=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\EverythingDisplayProgram64=SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\EverythingAppName=Everythingversion= CarpenterShortcutN1=Lancer EverythingShortcutN2=Aide de EverythingProfileSubdir=EverythingBTitleInstall=Installateur infptmsg=Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir installerEIPSuccess=installé avec succès!buip=Désinstallateur infbuip2=Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir désinstallerbuip3=a été désinstallé avec succès!langdesc=FrançaisAlso, you need to update Everything.lng.Tested live install on Win7 x64 French:- Install works, but Everything is in English. Uninstall works. Regards.
April 19, 201311 yr Author Hi moomsUpdated language file and inf, [strings.040C] section.But for language setting, I'm a bit clueless.I tried a lot of test, to the extreme of using France setting of everything.ini.But program still in English. The only way to set it is through the main program GUI.I have checked %appdata%\Everything\everything.ini and localization= is set to Françaisbut the program still in english. (Everything.lng is not deleted during my testing)If you have any idea how to preset language, please let me know.
April 19, 201311 yr Author I think I found something different with the setting store in Everything.ini for French language vs the actual value required in the inf. They are not the same spelling and it contain 2 special characters.I have change this in [strings.040C];langdesc=Français ; does not worklangdesc=Français ; works as in my testPlease retest at your end...Also add language support for German, [strings.0407]
April 19, 201311 yr Tested again (live install on virtual machine): - On Win7 x86 it's working fine. - On Win7 x64, it is launched in French after the installation, but if I close and restart the app, then Everything is back in English. edit: weird, on my real machine it stays in French, maybe a bug in VirtualBox ? Also, the context menu: stays in English and does nothing when clicking on it (both arch). I think you should delete this, even if it worked, it is not very useful and it clutters the context menu.
April 20, 201311 yr Author Folder context menu removed. (I don't use it either)Change inf page encoding to UTF-8.Match .ini language spelling with infAdded Spanish localization, [strings.0C0A].Tested in virtualbox. Language setting able to retain even with repeated start/quit cycle. Cheers
April 20, 201311 yr First of all you've forgot to add the .wa link in the first post. It's the same link as the xp .cab addon from switchless installers. Second of all I use that context menu shortcut and I find it quite useful. I'll come back later with an edit of this post with the .reg entries of the new Everything build, maybe smth has chenged that you've not (yet) considered. Another solution would be two different addons, one english only .wa with that context menu working, and another multilanguage .wa without that context menu entry (if you can't make it work). Thanks.
April 20, 201311 yr Author I hope to maintain 1 version. Can be confusing maintaining many version because of some minor preference...I added the code for folder context menu but is disabled by default. Those who want folder context menu, manually remove ; from the line in these locations: [CreateService]; line 76 for x86cmd /c pushd %16422%\Everything & Everything.exe -install-service;cmd /c pushd %16422%\Everything & Everything.exe -install-folder-context-menu[CreateService64]; line 98 for x64cmd /c pushd %16426%\Everything & Everything.exe -install-service;cmd /c pushd %16426%\Everything & Everything.exe -install-folder-context-menuSorry for the wrong upload. You see, even 1 version can go wrong during posting (The forum software is buggy, I had to redo the posting again, that where I lost track momentarily)
April 20, 201311 yr UTF-8 encoding is not recognized by Windows I'm afraid you'll had to stick with Unicode or ANSI.
April 20, 201311 yr As promised, the registry changes below, from a windows 7 x86 install process of the ''original'' .exe installer. Hope they'll help. First, as .reg entries... [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\.efu]@="Everything.FileList""Content Type"="text/plain""PerceivedType"="text"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Everything.FileList]@="Everything File List"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Everything.FileList\DefaultIcon]@="C:\\Program Files\\Everything\\Everything.exe, 1"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Everything.FileList\shell][HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Everything.FileList\shell\edit][HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Everything.FileList\shell\edit\command]@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Everything\\Everything.exe\" -edit \"%1\""[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Everything.FileList\shell\open][HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Everything.FileList\shell\open\command]@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Everything\\Everything.exe\" \"%1\""[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\Search Everything...][HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\Search Everything...\command]@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Everything\\Everything.exe\" -path \"%1\""[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]"Everything"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Everything\\Everything.exe\" -startup"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Everything]"DisplayName"="Everything""UninstallString"="C:\\Program Files\\Everything\\Uninstall.exe"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\Everything]"Type"=dword:00000110"Start"=dword:00000002"ErrorControl"=dword:00000000"ImagePath"=hex(2):22,00,43,00,3a,00,5c,00,50,00,72,00,6f,00,67,00,72,00,61,00,\6d,00,20,00,46,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,73,00,5c,00,45,00,76,00,65,00,72,00,79,\00,74,00,68,00,69,00,6e,00,67,00,5c,00,45,00,76,00,65,00,72,00,79,00,74,00,\68,00,69,00,6e,00,67,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,22,00,20,00,2d,00,73,00,76,\00,63,00,00,00"DisplayName"="Everything""ObjectName"="LocalSystem"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Everything]"Type"=dword:00000110"Start"=dword:00000002"ErrorControl"=dword:00000000"ImagePath"=hex(2):22,00,43,00,3a,00,5c,00,50,00,72,00,6f,00,67,00,72,00,61,00,\6d,00,20,00,46,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,73,00,5c,00,45,00,76,00,65,00,72,00,79,\00,74,00,68,00,69,00,6e,00,67,00,5c,00,45,00,76,00,65,00,72,00,79,00,74,00,\68,00,69,00,6e,00,67,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,22,00,20,00,2d,00,73,00,76,\00,63,00,00,00"DisplayName"="Everything""ObjectName"="LocalSystem" and also as .inf entries... HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\.efu","",,"Everything.FileList"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\.efu","Content Type",,"text/plain"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\.efu","PerceivedType",,"text"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\Everything.FileList","",,"Everything File List"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\Everything.FileList\DefaultIcon","",,"C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe, 1"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\Everything.FileList\shell\edit\command","",,"""C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe"" -edit ""%1"""HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\Everything.FileList\shell\open\command","",,"""C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe"" ""%1"""HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\Search Everything...\command","",,"""C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe"" -path ""%1"""HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","Everything",,"""C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe"" -startup"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Everything","DisplayName",,"Everything"HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Everything","UninstallString",,"C:\Program Files\Everything\Uninstall.exe"HKLM,"SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\Everything","Type",0x10001,272HKLM,"SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\Everything","Start",0x10001,2HKLM,"SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\Everything","ErrorControl",0x10001,0HKLM,"SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\Everything","ImagePath",0x20000,"""C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe"" -svc"HKLM,"SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\Everything","DisplayName",,"Everything"HKLM,"SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\Everything","ObjectName",,"LocalSystem"HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Everything","Type",0x10001,272HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Everything","Start",0x10001,2HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Everything","ErrorControl",0x10001,0HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Everything","ImagePath",0x20000,"""C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe"" -svc"HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Everything","DisplayName",,"Everything"HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Everything","ObjectName",,"LocalSystem" Also, I noticed that now the default options for the installer (see attached - named defaultinstall, second .png, and also my choices from that check-up boxes screen - named myinstall, first .png) don't include the context menu option anymore, so I really don't have a request for you to add it in your installer, especially since its string isn't translatable. Edited April 20, 201311 yr by RicaNeaga
April 21, 201311 yr Author Inf now in unicode encoding.Updated and test with French as default (thru [strings.0409]). Integrate with WTK ok.(Has enabled folder context menu in my test and is able to create folder in localised string. Clicking on the context menu also able to launch Everything properly)Hi RicaNeagaIf you want folder context menu enabled, please follow tip in post #134
April 21, 201311 yr Hi Geej,Tested live install on win7 X64 French and it's working fine. Uninstall too.Just checked the inf and I found you have left French strings in Deutsch section (line 334 to 339).This what I got with Google trad, If someone speaking German could check if it's correct: BTitleInstall=inf installerptmsg=Sind Sie sicher, das Sie installieren möchtenEIPSuccess=erfolgreich installiert!buip=inf Uninstallerbuip2=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie deinstallierenbuip3=erfolgreich deinstalliert!langdesc=Deutsch
June 12, 201311 yr Neah, a newer release is said (by the author) to come out this week, fixing ALOT of bugs and introducing some cool features. This will be the last beta (followed by several RC-like builds) before a final release. I am very excited about the next release...All the features I had planned for the next major release have been implemented.These include:Recent changesRun HistoryFirst day of the week localizationMany bug fixes and improvementsx64 buildI am currently, and would expect to spend at least the next two weeks doing internal testing before releasing this.Once this next beta release is stable (tested by the public) I will make it an official release. So no biggie if we'll wait a little...
June 20, 201311 yr The major update I was talking about (653b) was out the same day you posted 649b. Now version is out, fixing other bugs in the major release. Question: Now that there are two different builds, one for x64, one for x86, do you plan on making two different addons? Either way, I'm ready to test the new build in a couple of days, hope you'll have the time to update your addon
June 22, 201311 yr Author Finally updated to v1.3.3.656b(I have no time to test on WTK, please let me know if anything is wrong. Tested live install in VM (x86) ok)Thanks
June 24, 201311 yr Thanks!. And 657b is out, fixing another bugs. Funny that after many years of no development, the author of the app keeps updating it weekly. Funny and encouraging, as I don't see a worthy alternative for this great app.
June 24, 201311 yr @Geej:You should stop and uninstall Everything service in "RunPreSetupCommands" just in case Everything is already installed (upgrade).I suppose the command you use in PostA[32|64] will be OK.Everything.exe -stop-service & Everything -uninstall-service (See this thread)
June 25, 201311 yr Author updated to v1.3.3.657bAdded command to stop/uninstall existing service for liveinstall only before installing new version.As I understand from the author comment (from mooms link), stopping & uninstalling the old service first is not instant, so the new service would fail to install. Your mileage may varies...Thanks & cheers
July 2, 201311 yr Just tested it in x64 win7 VM and it works great! Thanks! btw, 658b is out, but I don't think anyone would mind if you'd wait for the next beta build, as lately the dev / beta builds are very frequent...
July 3, 201311 yr Author Just tested it in x64 win7 VM and it works great! Thanks! Thanks for the feedback. Updated to
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