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About: These packages contain .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 installers including updates (and Language Packs) integrated. For command-line options run <installer_name>.exe /?

Note: The reason its called "Slim" is because the original MSI installers have been carefully edited to remove unnecessary setup junk, this should save 200+ MB of space on your HDD/SSD.

OS: Windows Vista/Server 2008 SP2 x86/x64 or Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 SP1 x86/x64

Slim Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64

Slim Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 Incl. Language Packs (ar cs da de el es fi fr he hu it ja ko nl no pl pt-BR pt-PT ru sv tr zh-Hans zh-Hant)


Some tools and resources for (re)creating your own slim (intl) installer

.NET4.6.1 SFX Maker (installer repacker):


.NET4.6.1 Intl SFX Maker (if you want to add LP):


Silent "No GUI" SFX alternative:


Slim down your dotNET4(.6.x) & LP installers:


If you cant find a hotfix try using the KB(1234567) number w/ this URL:


Slim Language Packs:

Arabic: N/A

Chinese (Simplified):

Chinese (Traditional):













Norwegian (Bokmal):


Portuguese (Brazil):

Portuguese (Portugal):







  • Replies 688
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  • 9-23-2015 Add: 3088957 (HOTFIX ROLLUP) Rem: *

  • Updated installer with latest 7zsd sfx, should reduce any false positive virus warnings Off Topic: Also launching my own site/forum Repacks.NET, will of course continue on WinCert (been here for

  • 11-16-2012 Add: 2777291

Posted Images

Thanks Rick, I am going to wait for the Silent "No GUI" SFX alternative v1, so i can repack it for use with DXI.

Edited by dotfusion

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Rick, your dropbox link: (Integrate this (before you slim) to activate/enable LDR/QFE branch:) is a dead end.

Fixed, aparently DropBox does not like "Read Only" attribs

Edit: Just noticed there is a new .net4.5 installer available, did a refresh using the new installer. plz redownload

Note: The .NET Framework 4.5 redistributable was updated on 10/9/2012 to correct an issue related to an improper timestamp on a digital certificate which causes the digital signature on files produced and signed by Microsoft to expire prematurely. We recommend customers that previously installed the .NET 4.5 redistributable package dated 8/16/2012 install this updated .NET 4.5 redistributable package. More information about the issue can be found Microsoft Security Advisory 2749655.

Edit2: All Language Pack links are now live (yes I did use the refreshed LP installers)

Rick, I want to repack this for a silent install using the alternate method, But i not clear on what you mean by

Integrate this (before you slim) to activate/enable LDR/QFE branch:


Do you mean to integrate to my media, or to integrate it to my repack?

Do I understand this right?

1. unpack your slim insaller in a folder

2. add NDP45-KB2519265 to same folder

3. 7 zip the whole thing

4. drop the archive on your repack script

Thank you again Rick for an amazing installer.

However, I do have a question: I see that Microsoft is looking at .net 4.5 from two perspectives - the same problem generates two very different hotfixes, one for vista and 7, and one for 8 and 8 RT. So in this case wouldn't it be recommended to make two separate installers, one for pre-windows 8 OSes, and one for 8? For example, what versions of clrjit.dll and peverify.dll does your installer contain?

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@dotfusion My installer already has KB2519265, this is there only for people who want to make (from scratch) a similar installer. I provide the script to slim, KB2519265 to enable LDR hotfix integration, etc, but you dont need to worry about KB2519265

Just extract my installer (or use 7zsplit to get the 7zip,) add a LP (optional,) use the SFX maker and/or No GUI to rebuild the executable by dragging & dropping the 7z onto the cmd (first editing config.txt to enable LangPack if you added one or to enable the reg add lines that will allow you to install during setup)

@RicaNeaga Windows 8 does not need a installer, you just integrate the update with dism

BTW my installer has KB2519265 applied so the LDR branch is always used

Oh, great, thanks for the clarification. I'm not very into windows 8 right now, but it's nice to know for the future. So this installer is only for windows 7 & vista - maybe it's a good idea to bold that text in the first post, so some users with windows 8 won't use this. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Using this today for the first time with the /y command but installation stops and says the computer needs to be rebooted yes or no if you plan to reboot later. Have I missed something? A no reboot command?

  • 2 weeks later...
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Way ahead of ya


Add: 2737083

Upd: SFX (removed /ain)

BTW I removed /ain switch, because I noticed by default the installer runs ngen so I see no need in running it twice

BTW I removed /ain switch, because I noticed by default the installer runs ngen so I see no need in running it twice

Thanks for the info. I have one question about the 4.5 .NET: with the .NET 4 you provided a way to install Client or Extended, does this not apply to .NET 4.5? Thank you.

Edited by parapher

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Thanks for the info. I have one question about the 4.5 .NET: with the .NET 4 you provided a way to install Client or Extended, does this not apply to .NET 4.5? Thank you.

Not any more, Microsoft merged them both into one installer (I see no switches or tricks that I could add to only install client)

  • 2 weeks later...

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