Posted November 3, 201212 yr I agree with dotfusion: On 11/3/2012 at 2:39 AM, dotfusion said: i'm not so sure about his test with "300+ Updates (w/ Recommended Additions from KUC Windows 7 x64)", I did one yesterday (McRip Updates, Windows7 x64).Took me quite a while (7½ hours in total).382 (!) Updates were downloaded and—so it seemed—integrated.The VM installation, however, asks me to apply > 80 recommended updates.I checked the numbers of 2 or 3; they were already downloaded and allegedly integrated by WT, I integrated 4 Language Packs:3 of them were selectable within the VM installation later on, 1 is missing.Addons: 1 from Reaper. It is missing in the uninstalling list, I already dropped a note to the author.66 Tweaks: Some aren't applied yet. Favourites::Hide for example.I also had to configure the tweak "Change The Download Directory" separately (did work afterwards).Gadgets: noneThemes: noneUsed WT version: WinToolkit150-1_Test36.7zConfig file and stuff may be provided if needed.
November 3, 201212 yr On 11/3/2012 at 8:16 AM, foobuzz said: ....Addons: 1 from Reaper. It is missing in the uninstalling list, I already dropped a note to the author.....What for one?Some Reaper's addon (for example Speccy, Core-Temp, CPU-Z) are not integrated as program, they are in the control panel and can be deinstalled under "Installed Updates" (Win7).MfG, Thiersee
November 3, 201212 yr Author On 11/3/2012 at 8:40 AM, Thiersee said: What for one?That one. Btw, it almost worked (kind of) in Reaper's earlier release (if I'm correct in the x86 version).But it's the Updates that bother me most...
November 3, 201212 yr Author Another thing to mention (might be a bug, I don't know):I noticed this several times after installing a (WT) customized Windows 7 setup.Using WT I disabled (but cannot remove, I guess) a few components Quote #ComponentsAppFrabicCommon Modem DriversDelete 'Support' folderDelete 'Upgrade' folderDVD MakerHyper-V VMBUS DriverIIS Addons 1IIS Addons 2Inbox GamesInternet GamesInternet Information ServicesMicrosoft AgentMicrosoft XPS Document WriterMicrosoft-Hyper-V-GuestMusic and Video Examples (Ringtones)OEM Help CustomizationParental ControlsPremium Inbox GamesSound ThemesTablet PC ComponentsTelnet ClientTelnet ServerTFTP ClientTV Tuner DriversXPS ViewerLater on, when trying to configure Windows features, e.g. unticking Windows Fax and Scan and ticking the Simple TCPIP services (both haven't been processed by WT), errors occur ("not possible"). It does not matter which feature I enable/disable, it just won't work.Is this some sort of (Microsoft) "bug" or rather "by design"? :confused02:
November 4, 201212 yr Author On 11/3/2012 at 5:46 PM, foobuzz said: Is this some sort of (Microsoft) "bug" or rather "by design"? :confused02:Nobody to confirm (or refute) this?
November 4, 201212 yr @foobuzzI'll be running my own test as mentioned in Lego's poll. I'm curious to see if I get similar results to yours. I don't intend to remove components, Their are much better ways to turn off unwanted components than removing them from the media. For me they don't occupy that much space. I also plan on testing with Real Hardware as oppose to emulated hardware in a VM.BTW I have never had any problems with Reapers Addons, Reaper does good work. Perhaps you could share your findings with the addon creator in question. Edited November 5, 201212 yr by dotfusion
November 5, 201212 yr Author While trying to narrow down the problem (took me some time, though), I've done another test installation, this time merely an original Windows 7 setup (x64+SP1) with an autounattend.xml and a $oem$ folder (nothing special). Again I used VMware to emulate the installation.My results:The erroneous behaviour which occurs when I try to enable or disable components like Windows Fax and Scan reappears.Not always, though, but some will throw an error.As this time WT was not involved, it might be caused by the emulation environment; that's something I intend to check next (with VirtualBox).I cannot reproduce the behaviour with a "real" system (Windows 7 x64 SP1) here either.@Reaper: I appreciate his add-ons, really. Maybe I can investigate this further later.
November 8, 201212 yr Author I noticed another glitch in the latest beta.In the Tweaks section I set a custom download folder resulting in a .ini line likeChange The Download Directory::c:\mydownloadsThis line won't be read when settings are imported later, thus this tweak gets lost.The same situation in the Updates + Languages. I put 4 language packs in. Afterwards, I added and (probably this is wrong) and saved the settings. Next time after importing that ini, there are still the language packs -- the both IE9 cabs are gone (but they still appear in the .ini).Strange... Edited November 9, 201212 yr by foobuzz
November 11, 201212 yr Author Liam, I succeeded to modify install.wim with a script to integrate IE9 directly.That way, I don't get errors any more.
November 11, 201212 yr Can you please share your script in case it might be of benefit to someone else?Cheers and Regards
November 12, 201212 yr Author Although my script (somewhat quick 'n dirty) is off the record and certainly not perfect, see below.Usage:Put the script in whatever directory together with the following files:a IE9 localization msu file (e.g. IE9-Windows6.1-LanguagePack-x64-deu.msu)an install.wima IE9-win7.msu in the subdirectory \ie9The script has been tested for Windows 7 x64 SP1 Professional to integrate IE9 with german localization into an Ultimate x64 image.wim.Improvements etc. are welcome.@echo off:: cf. >nulIf Errorlevel 1 (Echo Error: Insufficient rights && Goto :Finis)Set KEY="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WIMMount\Mounted Images"Reg query %KEY%If Not Errorlevel 1 (Dism /Cleanup-Wim >nul || reg delete %KEY% /f 2>&1 >nul) Else (Goto :Init)If Exist %~dp0mount Rd /q/s %~dp0mountIf Exist %~dp0ie9 Del /f/q %~dp0ie9\*.cabEcho Press key to start && Pause >nul:InitIf Exist IE9-Windows6.1-LanguagePack-x64-deu.msu (.\IE9-Windows6.1-LanguagePack-x64-deu.msu /extract:%~dp0ie9) Else Goto :FinisIf Not Exist install.wim Goto :FinisIf Not Exist %~dp0ie9 Goto :FinisIf Not Exist %~dp0mount Md %~dp0mountDism /Mount-Wim /wimfile:%~dp0install.wim /index:4 /mountdir:%~dp0mountDism /image:%~dp0mount /add-package /packagepath:%~dp0ie9\IE9-win7.msuDism /image:%~dp0mount /add-package /packagepath:%~dp0ie9\Windows6.1-KB982861-x64.cabDism /Unmount-Wim /mountdir:%~dp0mount /commit:Finis
November 13, 201212 yr @foobuzzDude, I was finally able to replicate the errors you were getting trying to integrate IE9 using DISM Command Tool. I also tested with your script. Nice Work!. Anyhow, I just wanted to post this to let you know that I know understand your frustration DISM. Thanks for sharing your script and insight.
November 14, 201212 yr Author Glad you like it.It's somewhat odd though, that ie9 integration is (merely) working this way ... :g:If anybody knows which files/dism calls are necessary to integrate IE10 (Preview + localization) into the W7 iso, please let me know.On some guys discuss possible dependencies (KB2670838 KB2639308 KB2533623 KB2731771 KB2729094) to get it done.Looking forward to an easier, headache-free way that's scriptable.
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