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I ve integred all McRip updates int my Win 7 Ultimate x64 SP1 Pol image but i cant make it to boot into UEFI mode. I use rampage IV extreme motherboard and when i choose legacy DVD boot it boots but when i choose UEFI boot it just boots to my system like there was no bootrecord on the DVD... Is there any way to make the image made by the tool UEFI bootable ?

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I did try those options. That's what i do : 


I take Original Microsoft partner program ISO win 7 ultimate x64 Polish. Then i chose the folder in toolkit - i integrate ALL McRip updates and everything finished OK  Then i made an ISO (with rebuild and without) with rebuild it was not usable at all and without the legacy boot works only... I tried changing the setting u provided on the screen but it doesn't change a thing...Any help ?


EDIT: I tried everything. I tried even December ISO download from toolkit link and when i choose in my mobo boot manager the option UEFI: DVD drive it just boots from SSD instead... When i choose normal BIOS boot it loads normally... Anyone can help with that ?


Copied from e-mail:



I ve managed to make USB with UEFI boot with my partner program ultimate x64 PL and all updates from McRip and it installes then it comes to the point where it wants to reset to continue and then it boots form USB again. If i unplug the usb key it cannot boot saying no operating system. I really do not know what is the problem ? Maybe i shouldnt integrate all updates? Are there any presets for which updates to integrate when makeing UEFI boot install ?

Edited by Legolash2o

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Yes. When I burn DVD with untouched iso it will boot and install correctly. So i tried every method. I tried to integrate updates to msdn iso image SP1 refresh and the same thing happens. When i tried to boot december iso it was the same. The closest where i got to install windows 7 with mcrip updates in uefi mode is when i made usb key which was capable of booting in UEFI but when the installer says "wait 15 sec to restart pc so the installer can continue"  i reset and the ssd is still not bootable ... My aim is simple. I wanted to make iso of win7ult with all updates that can boot and install windows in UEFI mode. Anyoe has a clue whats wrong ?

The clue would be in how the ISO is mastered at the end.  Apparently, this is a known problem with ISO tools like PowerISO (UltraISO is unaffected) where the UEFI boot files are replaced by BIOS boot files as a default.

I'm willing to bet that W7T is using Etfsboot.com as the default El Torito boot sector file for the ISO master which would make it non-bootable on UEFI systems.

The AIK tool OSCDIMG is also unaffected, though requires designating the boot file.  I use it in my tool with the following:

REM (On UEFI: -bC:\winpe_x86\Efisys.bin) (On BIOS: -bC:\winpe_x86\Etfsboot.com)IF /I "%arch%"=="UEFI" (SET "bootfile=EFISYS.BIN") ELSE (SET "bootfile=ETFSBOOT.COM")IF /I EXIST "%src%\boot\%bootfile%" (SET "srcb=%src%\boot") ELSE (ECHO No valid boot file found to build ISO. & GOTO EXIT)"%OSCDIMG%" -b"%srcb%\%bootfile%" -u2 -h -m -l"%iso-name%" "%src%" "%outputDir%\%iso-name%.iso"



Edited by Mr_Smartepants

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I did the bootable USB just the way they say in ur link but im stuck with the boot loop when i boot from UEFI pendrive. When i make a DVD it doesnt even try to boot and just goes into old ystem on hdd isntead. The pendrive boots but after like half of the installation it says "need restart to continue" it then resets and after reset it doesnt boot from hdd, it jsut boots from pendrive again, if i try to manually override boot to ssd it flashes with bluish remnants of install screen and then resets .... I really am lost right now . I guess only waiting for legolash patches is the right thing to do... Oh any by the way - i was using WinToolkit 1.4 aswell as 1.5 - both the ame problem.

Edited by izajasz

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The clue would be in how the ISO is mastered at the end.  Apparently, this is a known problem with ISO tools like PowerISO (UltraISO is unaffected) where the UEFI boot files are replaced by BIOS boot files as a default.

I'm willing to bet that W7T is using Etfsboot.com as the default El Torito boot sector file for the ISO master which would make it non-bootable on UEFI systems.

The AIK tool OSCDIMG is also unaffected, though requires designating the boot file.  I use it in my tool with the following:

REM (On UEFI: -bC:\winpe_x86\Efisys.bin) (On BIOS: -bC:\winpe_x86\Etfsboot.com)IF /I "%arch%"=="UEFI" (SET "bootfile=EFISYS.BIN") ELSE (SET "bootfile=ETFSBOOT.COM")IF /I EXIST "%src%\boot\%bootfile%" (SET "srcb=%src%\boot") ELSE (ECHO No valid boot file found to build ISO. & GOTO EXIT)"%OSCDIMG%" -b"%srcb%\%bootfile%" -u2 -h -m -l"%iso-name%" "%src%" "%outputDir%\%iso-name%.iso"



Can You provide any tutorial how to make windows 7 with updates to boot in uefi mode? Ot msybe culd U send me ur bootfile which u use to make iso ? I really would like to make the DVD asap and boot it in UEFI as my RIg has no OS atm ;) I want to use the MSDN SP1 refresh iso and integrate all mcRIP (is it a wise idea ? or should i integrate only the general updates not optional ?)

While I wrote the LIU utility, I can not send it to you since it's owned by the company that paid me for it and it's protected under NDA.  I did upload some very simple scripts to do the basic jobs over at DriverPacks.net here: http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=5199

More UEFI boot info here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd744321(v=ws.10).aspx


But, W7T is better, so wait for legolash2o to add UEFI fixes to W7T.


Or, just install Win7 from the original ISO (since it works), then update manually over WU/MU if you're desperate.

Edited by Mr_Smartepants

I'm not sure what i have to do to be honest. Apparently Windows 8 boots fine, so what you can do use use a Windows 8 disk but then replace the install.wim file with a windows 7 one.




Also: http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=209045


UPDATE: I think i used the wrong bootx64 file in v1.4.1.6 so please try this one: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1016208/bootx64.efi.zip and replace the one Win Toolkit copied.

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As i already mentioned the only bootable media i managed to make form win Toolkit iso with all updates integred by me is a pendrive which was made by the method from Your last post legolash and it did BOOT but after unpacking files and isntalling updates it says i have 15 sec to reset (just like normal windows) but the diffrence is that after reset the PC cannot boot form hdd - the only way is to bood from the pendrive which makes me stuck into a boot loop... Ill try the file You posted. We'll see what happens. In the meantime can anone write some easy tutorial to do it by hand ? I t can be possible im gonna need to do it manually (which i woudnt like to do cos im noob in this case).


EDIT : Is this bug present in 1.5.x.x aswell ?

Edited by izajasz

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That file goes where?


And how does this tie in with what is discussed here - [http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/10741-efi-boot-optin-for-usb/?


Cheers and Regards

+1. I would really like to know how to use it hence im a noob in win modding ;) I just started using toolkit few days ago .


EDIT: I tried to manipulate with the file makeing bootable pendrive but no effect. Probably im swapping the file that legolash posted in a worng way. Patiently waiting for help.

Edited by izajasz

  • 2 weeks later...
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Anyone can help? I ve decided i can do it manually - i want to make an iso with all updates for UEFI boot. The commands that MR_Smartepants posted are the key but i have no idea how to begin with it. Anyone could explaing the process for a person that just starts modding windows images ? I would be very gratefull...


Take this code, save as "build-iso.bat".  Change the path to the source files in the code.

Run as administrator.


You're welcome.




@ECHO offsetlocal EnableDelayedExpansionREM :: Set path to source files here.SET "src=%cd%\src":OSCDIMG-checkIF /I EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\oscdimg.exe" (SET "OSCD=%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\oscdimg.exe") ELSE (ECHO ** %time%- OSCDIMG.EXE not found. & GOTO end):Begin-testFOR /F "delims=" %%a IN ('dir /s /b "%src%\etfsboot.com"') DO (SET "biosB=%%a")FOR /F "delims=" %%a IN ('dir /s /b "%src%\efisys_noprompt.bin"') DO (SET "efiB=%%a")"%OSCD%" -m -o -l"Win7" -u2 -udfver102 -bootdata:2#p0,e,b"%biosB%"#pEF,e,b"%efiB%" "%src%" "%cd%\win7.iso":endpauseendlocal:eof


Edited by Mr_Smartepants

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I did the image with the script but stil the same problem. It goes till installing updates which takes like 3 sec then reboots and then it boots from USB again. When i choose UEFI boot from DVD it just stucks at blinking cursor...

Edited by izajasz

Well, this works perfect for me.

Did you test the .iso in a VM first?  I always test in a VM to make sure the image works.

Testing the bootloader is a separate step on real hardware.  Make sure you read through the Microsoft links in this thread.  All the info you need is there.

If your source path has spaces, keep them in quotes (no trailing slash\).


SET "src=%cd%\src"




Edited by Mr_Smartepants

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Ok , this time im sure the iso is made correctly. The problem must lie in the iso from msdn or the updates integration. I enable QFE mode and only updates integration in toolkit and this time i integrated onyl the main mcrip updates (without the additional folder) and i have the same problem . I recorded the iso on a DL DVD and when i choose in boot menu UEFI: [My blu ray drive] it reads something and then i get a blinking cursor in the upper left corner... I really dont know if i set the toolkit wrong ? This happen before with updates integrated with GDR mode. I made the iso with the script ... I really dont know what can be the problem now... I use version of the toolkit...


EDIT: I have tried with MR_Smartepants's script as i want onyl to integrate updates but no success. Still i get the blinking cursor effect when booting from DVD. Gonna try booting from pendrive and see if it passes "installing updates" point... but it seems its the same. That leads me to a conclusion that it must be a fault of some mcRip updates . 

Edited by izajasz

Did you test the .iso in VM?  Never test on real hardware until you make sure the image works in VM first.

You are not listening to our good advice.  You are only doing what you want to do without listening to those of us who have been-there/done-that.


Stop sending me PM's.  I've given you all the info you need and I will NOT pirate my OWN utility so stop asking.  

No more posts from me here.  I'm done.

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Well , i have tested that and it turns out that some update(s) are brakeing the system as i tried to install manually and i got no boot device after installing 3rd bunch of 75 updates...

  • 2 weeks later...
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Anyone successfully installed any iso with mcrip udaptes in UEFI mode ? Too bad my system crashed because i would know what update did the crash after manual install. 


EDIT: I checked if it install with ISO with integred only WU updates and iut booted ok so i assume there is some problem with hotfixes or udpates that are not avible through WU.

Edited by izajasz

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