Posted December 31, 201212 yr Everything est un logiciel gratuit et très léger qui indexe presque instantanément tous les fichiers sur vos volumes NTFS en utilisant la MFT. Très pratique lorsque vous recherchez un fichier, vous tapez son nom ou une partie et il apparait. Supporte les jokers et les expressions régulières. Vous ne pourrez plus vous en passer ! Astuce: Ctrl+molette souris sur la fenêtre de Everything vous permet de zoomer le texte. - Installateur inf custom silencieux, installe automatiquement la version correspondant à votre architecture. - Compatible Windows 7/8/10/11 32/64 bits - Configuré en français. - Création de raccourcis dans le Menu Démarrer. - Lancement automatique du service Everything (sans prompt UAC). - Désinstallable. - Possibilité de màj depuis version précédente (attention les paramètres personnalisés seront perdus). - Le raccourci Alt+E ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre de recherche (paramétrable). Merci à Geej pour le fichier inf sur lequel je me suis basé. Taille: 1,97 Mo SHA-1: 4afbe99d1bbd7fc50a2d49595a15ab74e10d0ae6 SFX_Everything-Lite_1.4.1.1026.exe
January 31, 201312 yr Author Maj: Maintenant avec désinstallation grâce à Geej et myselfidem Changelog: Quote Thursday, 10 January 2013: Version fixed non-unicode clipboard issue with non-ansi locale. fixed a bug causing the db to block while typing a search. fixed a bug with context menus and opening sub menus. fixed wrong mutex name. fixed shift + esc hotkey added custom filters Sunday, 6 January 2013: Version fixed a leak with ext: added hotkey option to toggle search window fixed an issue with bookmark macros and diacritics: Sunday, 6 January 2013: Version fixed an issue with the -instance <name> command line option Saturday, 5 January 2013: Version added filelists added folder indexing added optional diacritical mark matching added bookmarks added new search functions and macros removed etp/ftp removed http removed custom filters removed search history removed run history removed recent changes improved performance of many search functions fixed many bugs
February 21, 201312 yr Ton Addon m'as indiqué qu'une nouvelle version était enfin sortie ! Hallelouiaaaa ! Merçi et perso je l'utilise depuis des années et c'est le meilleurs outil de recherche pour plateformes Windows, effectivement on peu plus s'en passer
April 30, 201311 yr Author Salut Alpha_95, Je ne suis pas sûr de comprendre ce que tu demandes, le fichier inf est librement accessible, et la config sfx est facile à récupérer avec 7zip splitter. Cependant, sur les dernières versions Everything peut s’installer en tant que service, ce qui modifie l'installation donc le fichier inf et la config sfx sont à revoir. Geej a posté un addon prenant en compte ces modifications et il incorpore le français.
April 30, 201311 yr Author Oui mais je ne suis pas l'auteur de l'addon en question. Je mettrais à jour le sfx lorsque je trouverais le temps. (fichier inf et config sfx à modifier)
May 4, 201311 yr Author MAJ:- Everything est maintenant lancé en tant que service, ce qui permet d'éviter les problèmes de droits (si vous lanciez un programme depuis la fenêtre de Everything il héritait des droits admin par défaut, ce n'est dorénavant plus le cas grâce à l'installation en tant que service) Si vous préférez un addon prenez celui de Geej, il fonctionne parfaitement.J'ai simplifié le fichier inf dans ce sfx pour qu'il n'incorpore que le français et j'ai supprimé toute la partie intégration avec WinToolkit. (vous pouvez toujours intégrer le sfx dans WinToolkit depuis la section silent install+sfx) changelog:Saturday, 4 May 2013: Version fixed an issue with creating threads fixed an issue when sorting files with invalid sizes fixed an issue with file lists duplicates fixed an issue with the everything filter moved etp/ftp/http servers to optionsThursday, 18 April 2013: Version fixed a crash when reading extended file info fixed an issue with sending http files.Saturday, 13 April 2013: Version fixed a crash when the index contains duplicated folders Thursday, 11 April 2013: Version fixed a crash when sorting Thursday, 11 April 2013: Version added ETP/FTP server added HTTP server added always ontop option fixed a crash when renaming a file or folder reset keyboard shortcuts Wednesday, 20 February 2013: Version added %APPDATA% option added Everything service option added search history option added the option to cancel locked queries after one second added context menu customization added tooltips for hidden items added option to not compress database fixed an issue with right to left text rendering fixed an issue parsing literal ops fixed an issue expanding filter searches fixed an issue parsing macros fixed an issue when sorting by size with a selection fixed a db event issue fixed an issue with wildcard exclude filters improved db locking mechanism
May 24, 201311 yr Author maj Quote Tuesday, 7th May 2013: Version fixed an issue with matching whole words fixed a crash when requesting type information added client service fixed a crash when requesting admin privileges fixed a crash when displaying corrupt icons
July 11, 201311 yr Author maj Wednesday, 26 June 2013: Version fixed an issue with monitoring icons and file info cache fixed a crash when canceling a sort fixed an issue with threads live lockingMonday, 24 June 2013: Version fixed an issue when installing the service fixed an issue with the IPC and x64 fixed an issue with search as you type fixed an issue with unnecessary db rebuilds improved type name sorting Thursday, 20 June 2013: Version fixed an issue with updating icons. fixed a crash when sorting folders by size. fixed a crash when updating folder indexes with an excluded folder. improved sorting Sunday, 16 June 2013: Version added recent changes added run history added home page added x64 build fixed a crash when deleting or renaming a folder with a short file name
July 11, 20168 yr Author MAJ Quote Tuesday, 24 November 2015: Version fixed an issue with indexing deleted attributes in ReFS volumes fixed an issue with indexing very large ReFS volumes fixed an issue with indexing subst volumes fixed an issue with inline renaming and focus wrapping added option to remember search in bookmarks added option to remember view in bookmarks improved unicode normalization improved open path command improved tooltips Wednesday, 28 October 2015: Version fixed an issue with indexing large ReFS volumes fixed an issue with recent changes not working for modified files fixed an issue when displaying result list tooltips fixed a display issue when performing an action while in thumbnail view fixed an issue with updating recent changes in a folder index fixed an issue with updating folder information in a folder update fixed an issue when reindexing was not using existing folder and file list indexes fixed a rendering issue when preview was enabled fixed a RTL text layout issue in thumbnail view fixed an issue with access denied install service option not using instance name added show_detailed_listview_tooltips ini option added ctrl_mouse_wheel_action ini option added statusbar_selected_item_format ini option added -searchfilelist <filename> command line option added remove offline volumes option improved support for device removal requests improved detection of an out of date Everything service improved support for massive mft fragments Sunday, 11 October 2015: Version fixed an issue when saving a refs index fixed an issue with multiple service instances Sunday, 11 October 2015: Version fixed an issue with displaying wrong sizes fixed an issue with displaying corrupt file names fixed an issue with missing sizes and dates fixed an issue with unnecessary accessing floppy disks fixed an issue when renaming multi-files with non-ascii chararcters fixed a localization issue with some values in the config file fixed an issue with indexing substituted volumes fixed an crash after performing an IPC query fixed an issue with install command line options not working if Everything was already running added thumbnail load priority ui option added service name customization by changing the instance name improved preview support for images on xp improved inherited options when creating a new window improved -update -exit Friday, 2 October 2015: Version fixed an issue with Everything.db being stored in the wrong location fixed an issue with MSAA and SysListView32 emulation improved debug console support Wednesday, 30 September 2015: Version added option to index size, dates and attributes added option to enable fast sorting of size, dates, attributes, path and extension added thumbnail view added preview pane added REFS support improved NTFS indexing improved indexing performance added advanced searching added multi-file renaming added content searching improved re-indexing performance when the existing indexes are up to date added search history organizer added show total size in status bar option added single click open option added full row select option improved IPC Wednesday, 6 August 2014: Version added MIT license added installer localization added run as admin option added wildcards anywhere option added run date column/sort/search added support for accessible MSAA added etp connection history added recent changes added run history added home page added x64 build added always ontop option added %APPDATA% option added Everything service option added search history option added the option to cancel locked queries after one second added context menu customization added tooltips for hidden items added option to not compress database added custom filters added hotkey option to toggle search window added filelists added folder indexing added optional diacritical mark matching added bookmarks added new search functions and macros improved performance when renaming/deleting folders improved ETP/FTP server improved HTTP server fixed many bugs Nouveau: le raccourci Alt+E ouvrira une nouvelle fenêtre de recherche (paramétrable).
October 22, 20168 yr Author MAJ Friday, 21 October 2016: Version fixed a dual display search history positioning issue fixed an issue with file: fixed an issue with excluding hidden files. Sunday, 16 October 2016: Version fixed a login issue with ETP connections improved Chinese localization Friday, 14 October 2016: Version fixed a display issue with the installer Friday, 14 October 2016: Version fixed a display issue with tooltips fixed a crash when closing Everything fixed an issue when excluding hidden files and changing the attributes of a file fixed an issue when searching content in empty files fixed a selection issue in full row select mode fixed a display issue with dates fixed an issue with previous navigation searches fixed a hang when installing over a running instance fixed a blocking issues with search as your type disabled fixed a crash when displaying thumbnails fixed an indexing issue with small refs volumes fixed an issue when selecting with ctrl in full row select mode fixed an issue when searching for a \path\ fixed a crash when cutting an item multiple times added perl compatible regex added option to never show thumbnails, always icons added iso 8601 syntax for dates and time added option to disable recent changes added new Everything icon improved search term highlighting improved database blocking improved indexes updating improved advanced search improved multi-file renaming improved folder index monitoring
January 25, 20178 yr Author Version Monday, 21 November 2016: Version fixed a synchronization issue with the Everything service fixed an issue with filter modifiers fixed an issue with file:! added / search commands added filter functions Tuesday, 25 October 2016: Version fixed an issue with namepartdupe: fixed exclude hidden files fixed a dual display search history positioning issue fixed an issue with file: fixed an issue with indexing hidden or system folders/files fixed an issue when re-indexing an existing NTFS/ReFS index when "Include Only" is set added shell: function support added millisecond support to time format
April 6, 20177 yr Author Deux ajouts très sympa à Everything: et Je les rajouterais peut-être à l'installateur.
June 17, 20177 yr Author Version A noter que cette version n'est pas considérée beta mais bien stable. Changelog depuis la v Wednesday, 7 June 2017: Version added option to index size, dates and attributes added option to enable fast sorting of size, dates, attributes, path and extension added thumbnail view added preview pane added REFS support added advanced searching added multi-file renaming added content searching added search history organizer added show total size in status bar option added single click open option added full row select option added perl compatible regex added new search functions added / search commands added filter functions added new Everything icon improved folder deletion performance improved indexing when using file and folder excludes improved search term highlighting improved database blocking improved indexes updating improved folder index monitoring improved NTFS indexing improved re-indexing performance when the existing indexes are up to date improved IPC fixed an issue causing Everything to hang onto a volume handle when trying to safely remove a device fixed an issue with excludes being ignored when rebuilding the indexes fixed a crash when renaming a folder that had subfolders that should be excluded fixed an issue with sorting by date created ascending and date accessed ascending fixed a crash when accessing file information cache fixed an issue with ETP url links and special characters fixed a focus issue with UAC prompts fixed an issue when opening a file as admin fixed a lock in the Everything service fixed an issue with a race condition and initializing COM fixed a hang when deleting a registry key fixed an issue with very large sorts fixed an issue with !parent:, !child: and !c:\path fixed an issue with filter modifiers fixed an issue with file:! fixed an issue with indexing hidden or system folders/files fixed an issue with previous navigation searches fixed an issue when searching for a \path\ fixed a crash when cutting an item multiple times
February 12, 20187 yr Author Version Friday, 9 February 2018: Version Fixed a crash when clearing search history. Fixed a security issue when running a FTP server. Fixed an issue preventing Everything from closing when pressing ESC Added .jpeg extension to the image information search functions. Fixed an issue where Everything would lose the current sort after reindexing. Added support for cluster sizes larger than 64k. Fixed an issue when using invalid characters to rename a file. Fixed a crash when rendering tall or wide images. Added preview_context ini setting. Fixed an issue when shutting down Everything would cause it to miss changes. Fixed a memory alignment issue. Fixed database corruption when renaming a folder when folder size indexing is enabled or when there is a folder exclude. Fixed an issue with circular NTFS/ReFS folder parents.
December 15, 20186 yr Author Quote Saturday, 15 December 2018: Version improved thread yielding fixed an issue with Everything detecting renamed files. fixed an issue when restarting Everything would restart as administrator. fixed an icon overlay display issue. fixed an issue with detecting renamed files on ReFS volum Le fichier de signets dont j'avais parlé est maintenant intégré à l'installation
December 21, 20186 yr Author Quote Friday, 21 December 2018: Version improved thread yielding fixed an issue with Everything detecting renamed files fixed an issue when restarting Everything would restart as administrator fixed an icon overlay display issue fixed an issue with detecting renamed files on ReFS volumes fixed an issue with deleting or renaming ReFS folders fixed an issue with loading shell extensions
January 14, 20196 yr Author Quote Friday, 11 January 2019: Version fixed a crash with ntdll.dll fixed a crash when renaming a folder with excluded subfolders. fixed an issue with calculating folder children counts when using folder excludes.
January 28, 20196 yr Author Quote Friday, 26 January 2019: Version fixed a crash when gathering NTFS file information fixed an issue with updating folder information
December 1, 20195 yr Author Friday, 18 February 2019: Version fixed an issue with really long filenames fixed an issue when adding or removing an "include only" exclude. fixed an issue with missing changes to excluded files.
March 14, 20204 yr Author Quote Monday, 2 March 2020: Version fixed an issue with using the wrong column index in LVM_GETCOLUMN. fixed an issue with the es: url protocol. fixed an issue with Everything holding onto volume handles after RegisterDeviceNotification fails. fixed an issue with treating unmounted volumes as NTFS. fixed another crash with unaligned memory access and some USB disk drivers. fixed an issue when renaming a file or folder. fixed a crash with unaligned memory access and some USB disk drivers. fixed an issue with Everything not showing as an active window correctly. fixed an issue with Windows 10 not giving Everything focus from the system tray after opening and closing the startmenu not working when creating a new window. fixed an issue with Windows 10 not giving Everything focus from the system tray after opening and closing the startmenu. fixed an issue with scheduled folder updates never occuring for network drives when waking from sleep. fixed an issue when permanently deleting folders with really long filenames. fixed an issue with gathering icons for files with paths longer than 260 characters. fixed an issue with IPC query returning the incorrect total items. fixed an issue with hidden windows staying hidden forever. fixed an issue with rendering negative visible result items. fixed an issue with saving column positions and widths. fixed an issue with showing suggestions above the search box. fixed an issue with context menus ignoring base keys. fixed an issue with Everything resetting the sort after rebuilding the database. fixed an issue with accessing offline volumes. fixed an issue with comparing dc: to dm: fixed an issue with attrib:d improved folder indexing and rescanning performance. access denied dialog will now prompt to install the Everything Service by default when Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything is enabled.
July 23, 20204 yr Author Quote Thursday, 23 July 2020: Version Fixed an issue with excluding filenames with 4-byte UTF-8 characters. Fixed an issue with -focus-result command line options. Fixed an issue with \\.\c: service access Fixed an issue with db corruption from duplicated filenames. Fixed a corrupt db issue when re-scanning duplicated files. Compiled with /DYNAMICBASE Compiled with /NXCOMPAT Fixed an issue with Ctrl + Tab. Fixed issues with starting a rename while there was a mouse capture. Fixed issues with the hide_on_close setting. Fixed an issue with processing command line options from multiple instances. Fixed an issue with copying results to the clipboard.
July 31, 20204 yr Author Quote Thursday, 30 July 2020: Version Added check to see if volumes are mounted before accessing.
August 6, 20204 yr Author Quote Tuesday, 4 August 2020: Version changed Enterprise version to Lite version (which removes ETP/FTP/HTTP Servers and removes IPC) added send command line support to the lite version Ajout de la version Lite, que je considère suffisante pour 99% des utilisateurs, et qui va sans-doute devenir la version par défaut (et la seule) que je proposerais à l'avenir. What is the Lite version of Everything? Quote The Lite version of Everything is the same as the normal multilingual version of Everything, except it has some features removed: Removed ETP/FTP Server. Removed HTTP Server. Removed IPC.
October 9, 20204 yr Author Quote Saturday, 19 September 2020: Version fixed a security issue with loading urlmon.dll and imm32.dll. fixed an issue with connecting to the Everything Service from some devices (eg: a ram drive). fixed an issue with focus search on activate. The installer now installs Start menu shortcuts and the Desktop shortcut for all users.
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