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[Solved] IE10 (german) goes red in v1.4.1.15 (v1.4.1.16 too)

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Here am I back with the "promised" new thread :D!



The issue:

I can't install IE10 (german version), it goes red and is not under "Integrated".

Could it be because the prerequisite KB2786081 is not put by WTK under "Prerequisite"?
If I install IE10 as silent-installer (/passive /norestart) it works without issues.
Regards, Thiersee

Edited by Thiersee

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Having you tried putting it so KB2786081 is installed before IE10?

Yes, I deleted the KB2786081 under "Update-Tab", then I loaded it again, but it has been written again under "normal" updates not under "Prerequisites".

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I meant have you used the arrows to put KB2786081 before Internet Explorer 10. I've just added it to the Prerequisites anyway.

I can't move a KB from "Updates" to "Prerequisites" or is there a "backdoor" to do it?

Edited by Thiersee

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Just move to the top of the current group, as long as it's before IE10 it will get integrated first.

Sorry, but I can integrate IE10 only as EXE and it goes automatically to the group "Prerequisites".

You can test the new release WinToolkit141-16 !


However I do like this to integrate successfully IE10 on my image Windows 7 SP1:



German help:



On TechNet:


Edited by myselfidem

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Same result!


Possibly it's not enough, to put the prerequisite-KBs in the "Prerequisite-Group": at integration-end they are not yet installed (Install pending!).
I will continue to put IE10 als silent-installer in WTK, the other ways (yours and from win-lite) are to complicated for my purpose.
May be I'll try it in the future.

Du benutzt die falsche IE10 Datei, du darfst nicht die exe datei verwenden.


du musst die exe datei entpacken und dann das cab file nehmen und dazu noch das deutsche sprachpaket.


ich hab dir mal beide hochgeladen, also x86 und x64. Rar Files entpacken und die cabs hinzufügen !





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Du benutzt die falsche IE10 Datei, du darfst nicht die exe datei verwenden.


du musst die exe datei entpacken und dann das cab file nehmen und dazu noch das deutsche sprachpaket.


ich hab dir mal beide hochgeladen, also x86 und x64. Rar Files entpacken und die cabs hinzufügen !






Thanks a lot, but may be it's better if you write in english: people not speaking german can take advantage too.


German text in spoiler.




Vielen Dank für die Links, aber ich warte jetzt lieber, ob Lego den Fehler beseitigen kann; schliesslich ist die Möglichkeit eingebaut, die EXE-Datei zu integrieren; diese Möglichkeit funktioniert übrigens mit dem IE9 nicht mehr (nur bis zur Test-Version 15).


Liebe Grüße, Thiersee

It will be fixed by Legolash2o !


However a workaround tested and works is using a batch file to extract IE10 files inside the folder: C:\WinToolkitxxx\Updates and integrate inside updates using WinToolkit:




@echo off & Color 1Ftitle Extract Internet Explorer 10 files to integrate with WinToolkitecho.rem   IE10 extraction files for Windows 7 SP1 selected versionrem   example IE10 German. Adapt to your needsrem   prerequisite updates must be integrated first!cmd /c C:\IE10-Windows6.1-x86-de-de.exe /X:C:\WinToolkit141-16\Updates\IE10ping /n 3 >nulecho.pause 



Edited by myselfidem

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rem   prerequisite updates must be installed first!

Exactly this point is making trouble in my understanding:

must be the prerequisites already installed before IE10 can be integrated, or it's enough to put them before IE10 in the "Prerequisites"-Group?

In this case they would NOT be installed yet (Install pending).

Exactly this point is making trouble in my understanding:

must be the prerequisites already installed before IE10 can be integrated, or it's enough to put them before IE10 in the "Prerequisites"-Group?

In this case they would NOT be installed yet (Install pending).


Dont' worry about install pending! The updates will be installed during silent install !


Tested successfully. See images process here:



Lats post updated about spelling!


rem   prerequisite updates must be integrated first!

Edited by myselfidem

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