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Update April 13, 2014
I will no no longer be updating my add ons which are found throughout this forum. all files will eventually be deleted. Moving forward, I need my online storage for other projects. It was a pleasure to work with Win Toolkit. It is certainly a workhorse that i want in my Deployment Kit. Thanks everyone. I will continue to visit for as long as this project remains active. I really like the community here. PEACE OUT!

Minimal iTunes installation x86/x64 (Tweaked)
Apple ITunes is primarily a program to play different types of media, but it is also required if you want to backup an IPod/IPad/IPhone or sync your emails, notes, bookmarks etc over USB with your PC. The iTunes installer is provided by Apple as an .exe wrapper for a group of MSI's that are all automatically installed when running the regular iTunes setup wizard. However depending on your use case you don't actually need all of them. To get rid of at least some of those "extra" programs I removed AppleSoftwareUpdate.msiBonjour[64].msi and SetupAdmin.exe


Not all necessary changes to the setup packages can be made by at command line level, therefore the MSI installers have been modified by applying several Transforms (MST) to the MSI package which I explain in more detail  below. The end result is a lean, minimal and tweaked iTunes installation that works for the majority of users, including those of you who own an iPod, iPhone or iPad.
Optional Switch :: Apple Mobile Device Support
Apple Mobile Device Support is optional and only necessary if you want to connect an IPod, IPad or IPhone. Run the installer with the [/ai] switch to instalITunes with Apple Mobile Device Support.



Link Removed
File: iTunes_x86_x64_SlimSetup.exe (144.6 MB)
MD5: 41407fb98c66d77097cfe55496899e46


Transforms (MST) Applied During Installation

  • AppleApplicationSupport.mst
FeatureComponents -> APSDaemon.exe: [DROP ROW]Prevents the wireless sync daemon from being installed and added to Windows Startup.InstallExecuteSequence -> WixSchedFirewallExceptionsInstall: [DROP ROW]Prevents WebKit.dll being added as an internetwide exception to the Windows Firewall.Property -> IAcceptLicense: [YES]Setting this value to 'YES' prevents the license agreement from appearing on first start.
  • AppleMobileDeviceSupport.mst
FeatureComponents -> OutlookChangeNotifierAddIn.dll: [DROP ROW]Removes the Outlook change notifier, which detects changes to contacts and calendars within Outlook. You don't need this if you sync the iPhone over the air via Activesync.LaunchCondition -> NOT BNEWERPRODUCTISINSTALLED: [DROP ROW]I found that if you don't do this the install will fail, indicating that a newer version is installed (even if there's not!)Property -> IAcceptLicense: [YES]Setting this value to 'YES' prevents the license agreement from appearing on first start.
  • iTunes.mst
caPackage -> Bonjour: [DROP ROW]caPackage -> AppleSoftwareUpdate: [DROP ROW]These two packages packages are not required for iTunes minimum installation.Component -> itms.js: [DROP ROW]Component -> iTunesDesktopShortcuts: [DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS="0"]Prevents registering iTunes as a trusted application in Firefox and from creating a Shortcut on users desktop.FeatureComponents -> iTunesOutlookAddIn.dll: [DROP ROW]Prevents the Outlook plugin from getting installed.InstallExecuteSequence -> Launch_iTunesHelper [DROP ROW]Prevents iTunesHelper.exe from being started after the setup finishes and automatically starting iTunes when an iPod, iPad or iPhone is connected to the PC.InstallExecuteSequence -> WixSchedFirewallExceptionsInstall: [DROP ROW]Prevents ITunes.exe from being added as an internetwide exception to the Windows Firewall.LaunchCondition -> NOT BNEWERPRODUCTISINSTALLED: [DROP ROW]I found that if you don't do this the install will fail, indicating that a newer version is installed (even if there's not!)Property -> IAcceptLicense: [YES] | SCHEDULE_ASUW: 0Setting these values to 'YES' / '0' prevents the license agreement from appearing on first start and prevents Apple Update from being registered, which is otherwise added to the Windows Task Scheduler.Registry -> Registry415: [DROP ROW] | Registry835 to Registry843: [DROP ROW]Prevents iTunesHelper.exe from being added to the Windows Startup and prevents the iTunes detector plugin from being added to Firefox and other browsers.SelfReg -> ITDetector.ocx: [DROP ROW]Prevents the iTunes detector ActiveX component from being registered, which is otherwise added as a plugin to Internet Explorer.Shortcut -> AboutiTunes: [DROP ROW]Prevents the installer from creating an internet shortcut to the About iTunes website.

Edited by dotfusion

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Author

Downloads fines from here... just click thru a 5sec. add and it't straight to mega for the download ... No Tricks. What browser are u using Lurker. :g:


Download not working just lots of tricks to install stuff so they can hyjack my browser.

Edited by dotfusion

  • 5 months later...

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