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i made that little script for my own to handle winpe images:


Requires: The Windows® Automated Installation Kit (AIK) for Windows® 7


Download: PEX23



@echo offREM Force umount, uncomment temporary the right line for your arch if you fataly closed the batch procese while an image was mounted and not unmounted ;)REM "%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:"%cd%\WinPE_amd64\mount" /CommitREM "%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:"%cd%\WinPE_x86\mount" /Commitecho.echo Choose Architecture for the PE Folder to createecho.choice /n /c "46" /m "amd6(4), x8(6)?"if errorlevel 2 goto x86if errorlevel 1 goto amd64:amd64SET ARCH=amd64IF EXIST "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%" GOTO existscall "%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\copype.cmd" %ARCH% "WinPE_%ARCH%"cd ..goto mount:x86SET ARCH=x86IF EXIST "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%" GOTO existscall "%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\copype.cmd" %ARCH% "WinPE_%ARCH%"cd ..goto mount:existsclsecho.echo Directory for choosen Architecture allready existsecho Mount or delete existing directory or abort?echo. choice /n /c "MDA" /m "(M)ount, (D)elete, (A)bort?" if errorlevel 3 goto abort if errorlevel 2 goto delPE if errorlevel 1 goto mount:abortExit:delPErd /s /q "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%"goto %ARCH%:mountcls"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Mount-Wim /WimFile:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\winpe.wim" /Index:1 /MountDir:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount"echo.echo You can now start customizing the image,echo press any key if you have finished.echo.pauseclsecho.echo Do you want to integrate drivers?echo. choice /n /c "YN" /m "(Y)es, (N)o?" if errorlevel 2 goto umount if errorlevel 1 goto intdrv:intdrvIF NOT EXIST "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers" GOTO missingcolor 0Fclsecho.echo Do you want to integrate unsigned drivers?echo. choice /n /c "YN" /m "(Y)es, (N)o?" if errorlevel 2 SET drvmode= if errorlevel 1 SET drvmode=/Forceunsigned"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" "/Image:%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Add-Driver "/Driver:%cd%:\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers" /Recurse %drvmode%clsecho.echo Driver integration finished, unmounting now.goto umount:missingclscolor FCecho.echo The following path doesn't exist:echo.echo %cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\Driversecho.echo Create the directory and place your drivers there.echo.pausegoto intdrv:umountecho."%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Commitclsecho.echo Unmouting the Image has been finished.echo Do you want to create an ISO from the PE folder?echo. choice /n /c "YN" /m "(Y)es, (N)o?" if errorlevel 2 goto finished if errorlevel 1 goto iso:finishedecho.echo Finishedtimeout /T 3 /nobreakExit:isocopy "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\winpe.wim" "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\ISO\sources\boot.wim"cls"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\oscdimg.exe" -n -b"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\etfsboot.com" "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\ISO" "%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\WinPE_%ARCH%.iso"echo.echo Finishedtimeout /T 3 /nobreakExit

























- Added the missing " for driver integration thx @mr_smartepants

- Added a dialog that asks for unsigned driver integration

- Removed ²³ from file and foldernames because of errors

- Added a dialog that asks for integration of a prepared folder with files to add to the pe image

- Moved Drivers Folder to %cd%




- Dialog that asks for integration of a prepared folder with files to add to the pe image

- For PXE use, Dialog that ask for data (credentials) to mount a network share to start a windows setup after pe has booted

- A General Dialog that asks for a file to execute after pe has booted

- Move Drivers Folder Destination to %cd% because it's a bit boring the always renew the Drivers folder while testing



This should only work complete under Windows 7 x64 and maybe Windows 8 x64 no way for Windows XP.

If anyone finds it usefull, have fun with it :)



Greetz X23

Edited by x23piracy

"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Add-Driver /Driver:"%cd%:\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers /Recurse 

This line is missing the end quote from the /Driver: path.

Should be:



"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Add-Driver /Driver:"%cd%:\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers" /Recurse 
  • Author



"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Add-Driver /Driver:"%cd%:\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers /Recurse 

This line is missing the end quote from the /Driver: path.

Should be:



"%programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\%ARCH%\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"%cd%\WinPE_%ARCH%\mount" /Add-Driver /Driver:"%cd%:\WinPE_%ARCH%\Drivers" /Recurse 


thx i was making the batch working from anywhere so i missed it :D



Greetz X23

  • Author



- Added the missing " for driver integration thx @mr_smartepants

- Added a dialog that asks for unsigned driver integration

- Removed ²³ from file and foldernames because of errors




- Dialog that asks for integration of a prepared folder with files to add to the pe image

- For PXE use, Dialog that ask for data (credentials) to mount a network share to start a windows setup after pe has booted

- A General Dialog that asks for a file to execute after pe has booted

- Move Drivers Folder Destination to %cd% because it's a bit boring the always renew the Drivers folder while testing


Download: See first post.



Greetz X23

Edited by x23piracy

  • Author



- Added a dialog that asks for integration of a prepared folder with files to add to the pe image

- Moved Drivers Folder to %cd%




- Dialog that asks for integration of a prepared folder with files to add to the pe image

- For PXE use, Dialog that ask for data (credentials) to mount a network share to start a windows setup after pe has booted

- A General Dialog that asks for a file to execute after pe has booted

- Move Drivers Folder Destination to %cd% because it's a bit boring the always renew the Drivers folder while testing


Download: See first post.



Greetz X23

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