Posted March 21, 201311 yr Hi, I had to do a system restore to fix my issue I had awhile back. Now a partition named SYSTEM RESERVED it is 100mb is visible. How can I hide it again (Without destroying it)
March 21, 201311 yr It would depend on what you mean by "hiding" it. If the partition actually shows up as a drive letter in Windows explorer, then you need to go to "Administrative Tools" > "Computer Management" > "Storage" > "Disk Management". Once there, select the partition that has the drive letter you want to remove. Right click on that partition and select "Change drive letter and paths". When the dialog box shows up, select remove the drive letter. If the drive is showing up because you are booting from it, then you are going to have to fix your booting to another partition. You would have to use a partition program to make those changes. Technically you can do it with diskpart to make another partition active, but I will leave that as an exercise for you if this one is your problem. Side note: If the partition is the standard one Windows 7 creates on an empty disk (and you want to get rid of it), you are going to have to "pre-partition" the drive, or use the command line tool diskpart to partition before Windows 7 gets a hold of the partitions (<Shift>+<F10> will get you to a command prompt in the setup program).
March 22, 201311 yr Author The Drive titled System reserved is what I want to hide (Drive E:)
March 23, 201311 yr Author Windoes 7 will not allow me to remove it. Say;s something about pagefile, crashdumps ect. Now what?
March 23, 201311 yr Logged in as an Administrator, go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced system settings (on the left) -> (should now show the Advanced Tab of System Properties) Under "Performance" -> Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Under "Virtual memory" -> Change... -> Then: Set the Paging File Size for each disk separately. For "C:", depending on how familiar you are with doing this you can set this however you like. If you are not familiar with this, I would suggest clicking the "Custom size" radio button and then setting BOTH Initial size AND Maximum size to whatever is shown below as "Recommended". Then click "Set". For all other drives shown click the "No paging file" radio button and then click "Set". Once you have set this for all your drives, then click "OK". Keep clicking "OK" until you get out of there. Be aware that you will have to restart your system for the settings to take effect. Once you have restarted your system, follow the instructions above again to be able to verify that the settings "took" and they are like you intended. If not, try again. Once they are correct, cancel out of all those boxes, then try crashfly's instructions again and see if it will allow you to do it now. Cheers and Regards
March 23, 201311 yr From the description that Quicken2k gave, it sounds as if "E:" drive is the partition that is being booted from. Assuming the "C:" drive is bootable, the fix is a simple as changing the primary "C:" partition to active. If the "C:" partition is *not* bootable, then the op has a more complicated set of issues to work through (and likely changing active partitions at this point would render the system un-bootable). Before doing anything, you need to find a bootable media (likely a CD/DVD) in which you can fix the active partitions (especially if you want to change them and have no other bootable media). Using the Windows 7 setup DVD can be used in this situation, however it is limited to basic tools. Here is a link to the Five Best System Rescue Discs. You might want to start there before messing anything up. In addition, you should prepare a backup for all of your data. If you change something and cannot go back, you will likely have to format and start over. Not having a backup of your data will be like rubbing salt into the wound. These are my suggestions for now.
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