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I am shocked that all windows installations I installed with a wintoolkit  image have users with password expiration enabled..., I rechecked the unnattended creator to see if I miss some options, but there is none, I am missing something?



Edited by budgy

1 - You can use a registry file:


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System]"DisableChangePassword"=dword:00000001


2 - You can add inside your Autounattend.xml file (change the user name to your needs):


 <settings pass="oobeSystem">

<FirstLogonCommands>                <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">                    <Order>1</Order>                    <Description>Le mot de passe n'expire jamais</Description>                    <CommandLine>cmd /c wmic useraccount where "name='Antoine'" set PasswordExpires=FALSE</CommandLine>                    <RequiresUserInput>false</RequiresUserInput>                </SynchronousCommand> 

Edited by myselfidem

  • Author

thaks for your response, but, what is the reason the user is added with password expiration enabled?

when using a stock win7 dvd you dont have this problem, is a win toolkit issue?

Edited by budgy

  • Author

password expiration is disabled by default

from your link:

Password expiration allows you to set a maximum password age in days (42 by default) of a user account before it expires and they must change their password.

By default, password expiration is disabled. This will show you how to enable or disable password expiration for a user in Windows 7.



But for some reason is enabled in all images I create with wintoolkit, dont know if is a wintoolkit issue or what, but stock windows 7 images Not enable password expiration.

  • Author

I am suspecting that..., I will do more research tomorrow, do you know where is this "feature" documented? I cant find any reference about that

Its a pitty that you discover after 42 days +o- (expiration time?) that all your win7 installations (more than 50) have expired passwords...

Edited by budgy

I am shocked that all windows installations I installed with a wintoolkit  image have users with password expiration enabled..., I rechecked the unnattended creator to see if I miss some options, but there is none, I am missing something?



when using a stock win7 dvd you dont have this problem, is a win toolkit issue?



password expiration is disabled by default


But for some reason is enabled in all images I create with wintoolkit, dont know if is a wintoolkit issue or what, but stock windows 7 images Not enable password expiration.



This only happens when you create your user account with autounattend.xml


So, bottom line, it appears this behavior is a byproduct of using autounattend.xml, and NOT anything to do with the use of Win Toolkit.


Cheers and Regards

  • 5 months later...

So, bottom line, it appears this behavior is a byproduct of using autounattend.xml, and NOT anything to do with the use of Win Toolkit.


Cheers and Regards

I've just encountered this "password renewal" for the first time, which was a bit of a shock as I never use passwords. This was one of the first hits on a goggle search.

I will say that this is the first time (approx 5 weeks ago) that I've used my slipped install with autounattend.xml for real. Every other time has been in VBox which obviously got changed every 30 days when testing the new update installs so it never had a chance to appear.

I've now added the FirstLogonCommands piece mentioned above to my autounattend.xml file. Something new to test in VBox!

Bit OT.

I had managed, with Macrium Reflect, to keep my system going for just under 3 years, but thought it was about time I did a fresh install, odd things were starting to happen (for one, Acrobat XI kept disappearing/not loading, resolved that by installing Foxit!). Hence my first real tryout of the slipped install from usb.

And I'd like to thank the abundant suppliers of useful information here, Legolash with WinToolkit comes first!, that have helped me build up a decent install disc with slipstreaming, Setupcomplete.cmd, firstlogon.cmd etc. etc..

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