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Do WTK have a possibility to accept a .MSP-file (Adobe-Reader Update-File) in the tab "Silent-SFX"?


Thanks a lot for the answer.



Edited by Thiersee

  • 2 weeks later...

Create WinRAR SFX


Compression: Store
Place SFX script commands in tab commands:


----- START SFX SCRIPT ------

;The comment below contains SFX script commands
Setup=msiexec /p <msp file name> .msp REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus /qn

----- END SFX SCRIPT ------


Why apply an .msp to Adobe?


Read: http://www.mockbox.net/server-stuff/configmgr-sccm/302-install-adobe-reader-x-1001-using-sccm?hitcount=0


Download Adobe Customization Wizard XI: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=5515

Edited by Jim Brisse

Thiersee I found something that you can use, It's not my work but I've used it in the past, I just had to remember which computer I kept it on...


MSP patch files


An MSP-file contains a patch to be applied to a MSI-file (or an AIP).


A patch is usually an update to a new version of a software product.


A typical example for MSP-files are updates for Adobe Reader.


Creating a patch file is an alternative to creating a new MSI-file.


A patch from an MSP-file can be applied to an already installed software product by double-clicking the MSP-file, or by issuing the command
msiexec /p patch.msp REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus  (the options are important, otherwise it only updates the locally cached copy of the MSI-file).


It is possible let windows installer install an MSI-file plus one or more MSP-files in one step with a command like this:
msiexec /I package.msi PATCH="c:\directory\patch.msp"


It is not possible to do specify an MSP-file when deploying software with GPO, like it can be done with MST files.


It is possible to slipstream one or more patches from MSP-files into an MSI file and to deploy that with GPO. Slipstreaming requires these steps:

extract the MSI file into an empty directory with the command:  msiexec /qb /a "%msi%" TARGETDIR="%aip%"

apply the patch from the MSP-file with the command: msiexec /qb /a "%msi%" /p "%msp%"


The result is not a self-contained MSI-file, but an AIP (Administrative Installation Point).
If you don't want to enter commands manually, see my BAT-script below
replace %aip% with the full path to an empty directory (will become the AIP).
replace %msi% and %msp% with the path to those files (don't know if this must also be the full path).
do the second step inside the AIP-directory.
do all as admin or it may fail (for example when trying to do this for Adobe Reader).
to apply a MSP-file to an AIP instead to a MSI, run only the second command inside the AIP-directory.


If you don't want to do this manually, use my batch ApplyMSP.bat. Simply create a new directory, copy the MSI-file, the MSP-file and this BAT-file there.
Then double-click on the BAT. It will display the name of the MSI-file and of the MSP-file that it has found. Then it asks if the MSI is an MSI or an AIP.
I used this to slipstream Adobe Reader versions 10.0.1 and 10.0.2.


----- START SCRIPT ------


@echo off

rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Description:
rem    Creates slipstreamed updated AIP
rem    by applying a patch from a MSP-file either to a
rem    MSI-file or to an administrative installation point (AIP).
rem Use:
rem    1. create new directory
rem    2. copy AIP or MSI-file there
rem    3. copy MSP-file there as well
rem    4. copy this batch there as well and execute it
rem Notes:
rem - must be run with admin rights (if patching Adobe Reader 10)
rem - should be run on PC where Adobe Reader was never installed
rem - if patching MSI-file will create directory AIP and put all output there
rem - installation does not need just the new MSI-file. Copy the whole AIP path!
rem - resulting MSI-file should be renamed to reflect new version number
rem For more info and newer version of this:
rem http://www.klaus-hartnegg.de/gpo/msp.html
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

rem Verify that we have admin rights
"%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 echo ** WARNING: this may require admin-rights

set error=

rem Search MSI- and MSP-file
call :search msi
set msi=%rc%
if not %error%.==. goto error
call :search msp
set msp=%rc%
if not %error%.==. goto error

echo ------------------------------------------------
echo Will patch MSI-file
echo    %msi%
echo with patch from MSP-file
echo    %msp%
echo ------------------------------------------------
echo Do you want me to apply the patch to a MSI-file,
echo or to an Administrative Installation Point (AIP)?
echo Note: If you select MSI, I will extract the MSI-file
echo to a new AIP, otherwise I will use the existing AIP.
echo Please enter MSI, AIP, or Q to quit.
set /p type="Reply: "
if %type%.==msi. goto doMSI
if %type%.==MSI. goto doMSI
if %type%.==aip. goto doAIP
if %type%.==AIP. goto doAIP
if %type%.==q. goto end
if %type%.==Q. goto end
echo ** ERROR: unknown reply %type%
goto error

if exist AIP\NUL goto dupeaip
mkdir AIP
cd AIP
set aip=%CD%
echo ** Extracting MSI-file to AIP %aip%
msiexec /qb /a "%msi%" TARGETDIR="%aip%"
if errorlevel 1 goto err1
echo ** Searching extracted MSI-file in AIP
call :search msi
set msi=%rc%
if not %error%.==. goto error
echo ** Found MSI-file in AIP: %msi%

echo ** Applying patch from MSP-file
msiexec /qb /a "%msi%" /p "%msp%"
if errorlevel 2 goto err2
echo ** SUCCESS
start explorer /e,.

goto end

set rc=
for %%i in (*.%1) do set rc=%%i
if "%rc%."=="." goto no%1
set dupe=
for %%i in (*.%1) do if not "%%i"=="%rc%" set dupe=1
if not %dupe%.==. goto dupe%1
set dupe=
set rc=%CD%\%rc%
if not exist "%rc%" goto whoops

echo ** ERROR: no MSI-file found
set error=1
goto end

echo ** ERROR: more than one MSI-file found
set error=1
goto end

echo ** ERROR: no MSP-file found
set error=1
goto end

echo ** ERROR: more than one MSP-file found
set error=1
goto end

set error=1
goto end

echo ** ERROR: directory AIP already exists
goto error

echo ** ERROR: extraction of MSI-file to AIP failed
goto error

echo ** ERROR: applying patch failed
goto error



----- END SCRIPT ------


Save as ApplyMSP.bat

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Author

Create WinRAR SFX


Compression: Store

Place SFX script commands in tab commands:


----- START SFX SCRIPT ------

;The comment below contains SFX script commands

Setup=msiexec /p <msp file name> .msp REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus /qn




----- END SFX SCRIPT ------


It works, thanks a lot!



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