Posted July 11, 201311 yr Do WTK have a possibility to accept a .MSP-file (Adobe-Reader Update-File) in the tab "Silent-SFX"? Thanks a lot for the answer. Thiersee Edited August 15, 201311 yr by Thiersee
July 22, 201311 yr Create WinRAR SFX Compression: StorePlace SFX script commands in tab commands: ----- START SFX SCRIPT ------;The comment below contains SFX script commandsSetup=msiexec /p <msp file name> .msp REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus /qnTempModeSilent=1Overwrite=1----- END SFX SCRIPT ------ Why apply an .msp to Adobe? Read: Download Adobe Customization Wizard XI: Edited July 22, 201311 yr by Jim Brisse
July 23, 201311 yr Author Thank you for your answer! ......Why apply an .msp to Adobe?.......I need it for the italian language, there is no version 11.0.3 of the reader, only 11.0.0 and the .msp-update
July 26, 201311 yr Thiersee I found something that you can use, It's not my work but I've used it in the past, I just had to remember which computer I kept it on... MSP patch files An MSP-file contains a patch to be applied to a MSI-file (or an AIP). A patch is usually an update to a new version of a software product. A typical example for MSP-files are updates for Adobe Reader. Creating a patch file is an alternative to creating a new MSI-file. A patch from an MSP-file can be applied to an already installed software product by double-clicking the MSP-file, or by issuing the commandmsiexec /p patch.msp REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus (the options are important, otherwise it only updates the locally cached copy of the MSI-file). It is possible let windows installer install an MSI-file plus one or more MSP-files in one step with a command like this:msiexec /I package.msi PATCH="c:\directory\patch.msp" It is not possible to do specify an MSP-file when deploying software with GPO, like it can be done with MST files. It is possible to slipstream one or more patches from MSP-files into an MSI file and to deploy that with GPO. Slipstreaming requires these steps:extract the MSI file into an empty directory with the command: msiexec /qb /a "%msi%" TARGETDIR="%aip%"apply the patch from the MSP-file with the command: msiexec /qb /a "%msi%" /p "%msp%" Notes:The result is not a self-contained MSI-file, but an AIP (Administrative Installation Point).If you don't want to enter commands manually, see my BAT-script belowreplace %aip% with the full path to an empty directory (will become the AIP).replace %msi% and %msp% with the path to those files (don't know if this must also be the full path).do the second step inside the all as admin or it may fail (for example when trying to do this for Adobe Reader).to apply a MSP-file to an AIP instead to a MSI, run only the second command inside the AIP-directory. If you don't want to do this manually, use my batch ApplyMSP.bat. Simply create a new directory, copy the MSI-file, the MSP-file and this BAT-file there.Then double-click on the BAT. It will display the name of the MSI-file and of the MSP-file that it has found. Then it asks if the MSI is an MSI or an AIP.I used this to slipstream Adobe Reader versions 10.0.1 and 10.0.2. ----- START SCRIPT ------ @echo offrem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------remrem Description:rem Creates slipstreamed updated AIPrem by applying a patch from a MSP-file either to arem MSI-file or to an administrative installation point (AIP).remrem Use:rem 1. create new directoryrem 2. copy AIP or MSI-file thererem 3. copy MSP-file there as wellrem 4. copy this batch there as well and execute itremrem Notes:rem - must be run with admin rights (if patching Adobe Reader 10)rem - should be run on PC where Adobe Reader was never installedrem - if patching MSI-file will create directory AIP and put all output thererem - installation does not need just the new MSI-file. Copy the whole AIP path!rem - resulting MSI-file should be renamed to reflect new version numberremrem For more info and newer version of this:rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------rem Verify that we have admin rights"%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" >nul 2>&1if errorlevel 1 echo ** WARNING: this may require admin-rightsset error=rem Search MSI- and MSP-filecall :search msiset msi=%rc%if not %error%.==. goto errorcall :search mspset msp=%rc%if not %error%.==. goto errorecho.echo ------------------------------------------------echo Will patch MSI-fileecho %msi%echo.echo with patch from MSP-fileecho %msp%echo ------------------------------------------------echo.echo Do you want me to apply the patch to a MSI-file,echo or to an Administrative Installation Point (AIP)?echo.echo Note: If you select MSI, I will extract the MSI-fileecho to a new AIP, otherwise I will use the existing AIP.echo.echo Please enter MSI, AIP, or Q to quit.set /p type="Reply: "echo.if %type%.==msi. goto doMSIif %type%.==MSI. goto doMSIif %type%.==aip. goto doAIPif %type%.==AIP. goto doAIPif %type%.==q. goto endif %type%.==Q. goto endecho ** ERROR: unknown reply %type%goto error:doMSIif exist AIP\NUL goto dupeaipmkdir AIPcd AIPset aip=%CD%echo ** Extracting MSI-file to AIP %aip%msiexec /qb /a "%msi%" TARGETDIR="%aip%"if errorlevel 1 goto err1echo ** Searching extracted MSI-file in AIPcall :search msiset msi=%rc%if not %error%.==. goto errorecho ** Found MSI-file in AIP: %msi%:doAIPecho ** Applying patch from MSP-filemsiexec /qb /a "%msi%" /p "%msp%"if errorlevel 2 goto err2echo ** SUCCESSpausestart explorer /e,.goto end:searchset rc=for %%i in (*.%1) do set rc=%%iif "%rc%."=="." goto no%1set dupe=for %%i in (*.%1) do if not "%%i"=="%rc%" set dupe=1if not %dupe%.==. goto dupe%1set dupe=set rc=%CD%\%rc%if not exist "%rc%" goto whoopsgoto:eof:nomsiecho ** ERROR: no MSI-file foundset error=1goto end:dupemsiecho ** ERROR: more than one MSI-file foundset error=1goto end:nomspecho ** ERROR: no MSP-file foundset error=1goto end:dupemspecho ** ERROR: more than one MSP-file foundset error=1goto end:whoopsecho ** UNKNOWN ERRORset error=1goto end:dupeaipecho ** ERROR: directory AIP already existsgoto error:err1echo ** ERROR: extraction of MSI-file to AIP failedgoto error:err2echo ** ERROR: applying patch failedgoto error:errorpause:end ----- END SCRIPT ------ Save as ApplyMSP.bat
August 15, 201311 yr Author Create WinRAR SFX Compression: StorePlace SFX script commands in tab commands: ----- START SFX SCRIPT ------;The comment below contains SFX script commandsSetup=msiexec /p <msp file name> .msp REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus /qnTempModeSilent=1Overwrite=1----- END SFX SCRIPT ------.....It works, thanks a lot! Thiersee
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