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Win 7 install error "Windows Setup could not configure......"

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I don't understand why appear, but the message "Windows Setup could not configure Windows to run on this computers hardware" is a bit frustrating





Using a sp1 refresh media as base, and the configuration file attached.


i tried different language in setup, a new vm, a rebuilded image, a rebuilded image without DP, always the same error.




thanks for the support,




Edited by theSLug

I have the same problem and tried to integrate the chipset drivers without any luck.

It has to do something with the updates because when i add no updates the installation works fine.


Using a clean Windows 7 SP1 image with 9 silent installers, 5 LP's and WLAN/LAN / Chipset drivers works fine.

I am trying to figure out wich update or exactly what is causing the error but it seems pretty hard.


Maybe someone else can be of help ?


have u tried not to add-ons and just install with drivers only?

u coud also install silent add-ons with cmd, after windows has finished.

I use rt 7 lite on my win 7 x64 and all drivers goes smooth

u coud try windows downloader integrator, easy and fast, it supports vista, win8,7 and x64

Edited by digital john

tried another version of wintoolkit (141-14) and it gave me an error while adding some updates so i randomly chose another version (141-25) and this one works fine with everything.


i think it's a bug in the newer version..


@digital john


without the updates everything worked fine but as soon as i add windows updates i get the error after the installation.

version 141-25 did the trick for me i guess..

i tried rt 7 lite and some other programs but i keep getting back at wintoolkit, either way thanks for your help


preset is added so you guys can take a look

Windows 7 AIO x64.ini

that is caused by a Windows Update integred... some updates is giving that error... but i dont know what update is the problem.

I think I figured this out.   I was having the same problem, and did a lot more googling and studying, and posting.   It seems that you can NOT just

download ALL windows updates since SP1, dump them into a folder, and integrate them.   There are specific updates that are known toxic to

offline integration, and also other updates that have newer versions, requiring the original to be uninstalled first.


I just last night was able to make my very first working image with almost all updates integrated.


Ricktendo and a few others pointed me at KUC, a windows update tool that automates the process of building a repository folder

that contains only those updates that will work together for offline integration onto an SP1 image  (DISM, RT7lite, Wintoolkit).

KUC is located at;   http://windows-update-checker.com


Basic summary:


a.  You start with a standard fresh Win 7 SP1  install on a machine, or a VM if you wish.


b.  You run KUC, using their "getting started guide" :


      It looks complicated, but not.  You do not need to study and learn all that detail.

      Just blindly follow the tutorial PRECISELY.


     It was written when SP1 was much younger and there were fewer new updates.

    So instead of running it for 3 loops, I actually had to run 9 loops before it was

    satisfied with all proper updates, and with bad ones removed.


    What does this  "loop" mean?   You basically run KUC repeatedly.  Each time you run it,

    it will remove some obsolete updates, download new ones, add some more.  You run it

    again, it adds a few more, adjusts others.   When you finally run it and it shows none to

    remove and no more to add, you are done.


c.  The result is that the "repo" folder will have all the PROPER and COMPATIBLE updates,

     and will have excluded known problem updates and incompatible updates.


d.  You now have a running VM or bare metal machine with a proper set of updates.

     You ALSO have a repo folder with the proper updates to add to an ISO image.

     Next, we will make an integrated ISO.


e.  Take a fresh Win 7 SP1 DVD and copy the files into a folder like C:\Win7DVD

      Do this with 7zip.   WARNING:  If I used 7ZIP by double clicking on the windows ISO file, I ran

      into trouble (duplicate copied files, attempts to overwrite other files, etc).   But if I used the START

      menu, and right clicked START AS ADMINISTRATOR,  and then inside 7zip navigated to the ISO

      image and extracted it with defaults, then it worked fine when I integrated everything back into a new DVD.


f.    Finally, use this other tutorial at KUC's site;


      to do the ACTUAL integration of your new repo updates into your offline dvd image and burn a new dvd or iso.


This is the ONLY process that worked for me.  All the others failed. And I had tried DISM, RT7 and WinToolKit.

The key point, even if you use something other than KUC, is that you MUST find a way to build a folder of

updates that are compatible with each other, compatible with offline updates of an install image, and exclude the

known problem updates.

I also want to thank Ricktendo (these forums) and KUC's author for their rapid replies and support

while I was learning this process yesterday.



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