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I am going try this today... thanks

- Mount your wim image with dism
- Run KUC with params (listed above changing X:\path) poining to your mounted folder
- Use it the same way you use it to scan a online install
- Let KUC create packages.txt, scan it, download and create the necesary scripts
- Use cmd scripts to copy, remove and/or add updates into the mounted image (/online will change to /image:<your_path> so when you execute them, the updates will be integrated vs installed on your current pc)

Its the same as scanning your current image, only its scanning the mounted wim/vhd, more info in the FAQ

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After spending half the day or more experimenting with the new KUC method I realize this will be a bit more complicated than I thought and I have many questions and a bunch of errors. Since this is no longer just a question about the reboot issue I think I should ask any KUC questions in the proper KUC forum.


If I continue with my original method I will use the poweroff.exe method for the 1st reboot since I can't figure out the error in the shutdown method.


My thanks to everyone

@compstuff, when you get a method that works for you, I would love to see you spell out in detail the steps you use to get there, since it seems the results you desire, ie agreement between KUC, McRip, and WU/MU, should be what we all desire.  (With possibly a sysprep'd build for installation efficiency.)


Cheers and Regards

  • Author

Unfortunately I got this:


Huh? this is straight as forward as scanning a online image, just dont go nuts on updating all components, only update those you use


  • Author

I definitely agree that this seems to be the Holy Grail... The method I have been using actually works but its complicated and in my opinion is too difficult to maintain so I am now experimenting with a completely new method and will report back

@compstuff, when you get a method that works for you, I would love to see you spell out in detail the steps you use to get there, since it seems the results you desire, ie agreement between KUC, McRip, and WU/MU, should be what we all desire.  (With possibly a sysprep'd build for installation efficiency.)


Cheers and Regards

  • Author


Thanks.. just got home from work and anxious to try my next round of tests with the info you all provided but I will wait until I am fresh in the AM.

  • Author

I wanted to provide a bit more of an update on this so here goes:


I have completely modified my method of doing integration's and with everyone's help the method now works GREAT. Its even much quicker to do AND provides a finished product that is quicker to install... HOMERUN!!! I also expect that it will be easier to maintain which means a tremendous amount to me because frankly this had gotten so overwhelming that I was spending more time prepping and maintaining than I was producing a finished product.


Basically I use KUC to integrate updates OFFLINE and then I use WinToolkit to integrate my SFX items, ONLINE only updates, reg settings, tweaks, scripts etc.


The OFFLINE KUC takes 30 min for 297 Normal updates and 30 min for 186 LDR updates, I do need to run a 2nd additional update pass for KB2736782 but that takes 1 minute so it's negligible. I then have an image that's ready for my next items.


My WinToolKIt step adds the following:

MicrosoftFixit50470::/quiet /norestart;NO;638.00 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\01-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50470.msi;Always Installed

MicrosoftFixit50531::/quiet /norestart;NO;646.50 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\01-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50531.msi;Always Installed
MicrosoftFixit50688::/quiet /norestart;NO;655.50 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\01-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50688.msi;Always Installed
MicrosoftFixit50848_KB2665946::/quiet /norestart;NO;964.00 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\01-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50848_KB2665946.msi;Always Installed
MicrosoftFixit50877::/quiet /norestart;NO;1.00 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\01-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50877.msi;Always Installed
MicrosoftFixit50897::/quiet /norestart;NO;1.12 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\01-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50897.msi;Always Installed
MicrosoftFixit50907::/quiet /norestart;NO;961.50 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\01-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50907.msi;Always Installed
MicrosoftFixit50908::/quiet /norestart;NO;965.00 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\01-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50908.msi;Always Installed
MicrosoftFixit50939::/quiet /norestart;NO;1.03 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\01-MSFixit\MicrosoftFixit50939.msi;Always Installed
rootsupd::/Q;NO;383.63 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\02-Roots\rootsupd.exe;Always Installed
rvkroots::/Q;NO;160.16 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\02-Roots\rvkroots.exe;Always Installed
Kels_Runtimes::;NO;6.24 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\03-KelsRuntime\Kels_Runtimes.EXE;Always Installed
VBCFJRedist_AIO_x86_x64::/y /norestart;NO;26.40 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\04-VisualC\VBCFJRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe;Always Installed
Windows6.1-KB2861191-x64::N/A (Not Needed);NO;314.14 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\05-DotNet\Windows6.1-KB2861191-x64.msu;Always Installed
Windows6.1-KB2861698-x64::N/A (Not Needed);NO;701.69 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\05-DotNet\Windows6.1-KB2861698-x64.msu;Always Installed
Windows6.1-KB2863240-x64::N/A (Not Needed);NO;472.76 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\05-DotNet\Windows6.1-KB2863240-x64.msu;Always Installed
Windows6.1-KB2889631-x64::N/A (Not Needed);NO;14.11 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\05-DotNet\Windows6.1-KB2889631-x64.msu;Always Installed
dotNetFx451::/y /norestart;NO;46.16 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\05-DotNet\dotNetFx451.exe;Always Installed
MSXML4-KB2758694-ENU::/quiet /norestart;NO;1.97 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\06-MSXML4\MSXML4-KB2758694-ENU.exe;Always Installed
mbamv1updatex64::/quiet /norestart;NO;2.79 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\07-KB2724074-BitLocker\mbamv1updatex64.exe;Always Installed
MicrosoftCodecPack_amd64::/qb /norestart;NO;13.64 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\08-MS-CodecPack\MicrosoftCodecPack_amd64.msi;Always Installed
Silverlight_x64::/q /norestart;NO;15.14 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\10-Silverlight\Silverlight_x64.msi;Always Installed
java::-ai1;NO;28.49 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\11-Java\java.exe;Always Installed
FS_AiO_x64_full::;NO;44.49 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\12-Flash-Shockwave-AIO\FS_AiO_x64_full.exe;Always Installed
AdbeRdr::;NO;58.34 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\13-Acrobat\AdbeRdr.exe;Always Installed
KB890830-x64::/Q;NO;19.93 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\14-KB890830-MSRT\KB890830-x64.exe;Always Installed
mbam-setup::/VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART;NO;9.81 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\15-MBAM\mbam-setup.exe;Always Installed
MBAMfiles::;NO;179.00 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\15-MBAM\MBAMfiles.EXE;Always Installed
MBAM_Step2::;NO;97.79 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\15-MBAM\MBAM_Step2.exe;Always Installed
MSEInstallx64::/s /runwgacheck /o;NO;12.85 MB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\16-MSE\MSEInstallx64.exe;Always Installed
MSE_Step2::;NO;962.50 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\16-MSE\MSE_Step2.EXE;Always Installed
cleanup::;NO;166.50 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\17-Cleanup\cleanup.EXE;Always Installed
Finish::;NO;166.50 KB;R:\_Step-2-KUC\18-Finish\Finish.EXE;Always Installed



I run a few RunOnce scripts to perform the following: (with the exception of the office install these are very quick items that take only a few minutes)


Remove_OLD-IE 3rd reboot Phase 2
RunOnce_WU_KB2533552 4th reboot Phase 3
RunOnce_WU_Update 5th reboot Phase 4
RunOnce_RemoveOld 6th reboot Phase 5
office_install 7th reboot Phase 6
I did try to test the finish script shutdown command one more time using the various methods discussed here and nothing worked except the poweroff.exe method so I am sticking with that.
I will now work on the next area which is adding drivers to this working image. I am not sure yet what method I will use so I am open to suggestions, especially since the ones I have received so far have made a world of improvement for me. My THANKS to ALL!!!!

Edited by compstuff

I can maybe help you with drivers, I can make you a personal driverpack for just your machines and I am pretty good at getting the latest

If you can make me a hardware report with AIDA64 (TXT form, edit/remove your serial) and/or Save HWID's tool I can build it (PM me the results)

OK, dumb question. (I'm sure I'll do a face palm when you tell me. :) )  What exactly are the Microsoft FixIt files, and where do you get them / how do you create them?


For the drivers, assuming you need to deal with more than one computer, with possible different hardware involved, I would suggest using the DriverPack SAD2 script.


Cheers and Regards

Fixit files are nothing but regtweaks (most of the time, sometimes they restrict a file with a security vulnerability until a update is released) it should suffice to scan for the changes and apply them using a REG file (rather than using an installer)

You could probably even make yourself a wintk addon with these tweaks and save an extra step

  • Author

No slap  :) that's a very valid question and I think these are often overlooked. They are various MS fixes for specific items and released in .msi format. I can't actually pinpoint how I found them because it was over a period of time that I found them all but I did make a recent post about them and thanks to PointZero I learned that Komm actually maintains a repo of them.







...and yes that's the method I am looking at now SAD3



That's a neat idea I never thought of that


OK, dumb question. (I'm sure I'll do a face palm when you tell me. :) )  What exactly are the Microsoft FixIt files, and where do you get them / how do you create them?


For the drivers, assuming you need to deal with more than one computer, with possible different hardware involved, I would suggest using the DriverPack SAD2 script.


Cheers and Regards

Edited by compstuff

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