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Things have been pretty busy and with other things have affected my mental health quite abit. Things are getting better though. I will be remaining logged in from now on...


I apologize for the long absence..How is everyone? I have 3 GOOD news relating to Win Toolkit.


1. My laptop is working now.

2. In about 2-3 weeks time I will have LOTS of spare time and will pick up Win Toolkit again. I mean like 8 hours a day spare time, which is much more than I had before!

3. I get to pick my final year project soon or 'propose' one. That is when i'm going to propose Win Toolkit  :D


I have still be checking the forum but mostly without login in. Been getting lots of PMs which I'm sift through now lol. I've learned so much new techniques in the last 2-3 months that I will definitely be implementing them in Win Toolkit!



P.S. Does anyone know a location for latests Windows updates? I wish to update my ISOs :)


Feel free to 'bump' topics that require my attention. If you have sent me an email which I haven't replied to, feel free to resend it. 


EDIT: I think i have to fix the links to the current ISOs :(

Yes, welcome back!
Yes McRip has quit due to lack of support and I'm sure he got tired of everyone pestering him for updates and his site/server kept getting attacked.  I think KUC is still sort of around, but I'm not sure if it's up to date and it seems he has gotten burned out a bit as well.  If he is around, he definitely isn't as active.  In the meantime, RicaNeaga is trying to take up the slack as you can see here and here.  I think that's currently your best option, unless you want to do it manually yourself via MU / WU.
We'll look forward to your future work!
Cheers and Regards

Great to see you're back! :) Hope you won't mind, but I'll try to help you by making a list of stuff that users need fixing ASAP. I think such a to-do list that you can prioritize is required since you're time for this project is obviously limited.


And on top of that list is support for the new updates database method developed by burfadel and abbodi1406 - see here. Such a method, that gets the hotfixes directly from Microsoft servers, via a .xml list with the Microsoft links, will be server-issues-free (unless Microsoft decides to modify at some point the links for the hotfixes, but that's unlikely), but I think will require some extra stuff from your app. For example, the hotfixes are archived by Microsoft, so it would be fantastic if Win Toolkit unarchives them directly after download, and deletes the archives, saving on the disk only the hotfixes.


I'll also leave a post there, but please also contact them yourself, Lego. :)

I only lurk on this forum for the most part, but I was worried that something bad happened when nobody was able to get ahold of you.  I'm glad you're (mostly) OK!  Mental health issues can be awful, so I wish you the best in feeling better. 

And on top of that list is support for the new updates database method developed by burfadel and abbodi1406 - see here. Such a method, that gets the hotfixes directly from Microsoft servers, via a .xml list with the Microsoft links, will be server-issues-free (unless Microsoft decides to modify at some point the links for the hotfixes, but that's unlikely), but I think will require some extra stuff from your app. For example, the hotfixes are archived by Microsoft, so it would be fantastic if Win Toolkit unarchives them directly after download, and deletes the archives, saving on the disk only the hotfixes.


Being able to use this download method, combined with locally keeping only the hotfixes, and only downloading whatever hotfixes are missing, seems the most sustainable approach for the long term.


Cheers and Regards


And on top of that list is support for the new updates database method developed by burfadel and abbodi1406 - see here. Such a method, that gets the hotfixes directly from Microsoft servers, via a .xml list with the Microsoft links, will be server-issues-free (unless Microsoft decides to modify at some point the links for the hotfixes, but that's unlikely), but I think will require some extra stuff from your app. For example, the hotfixes are archived by Microsoft, so it would be fantastic if Win Toolkit unarchives them directly after download, and deletes the archives, saving on the disk only the hotfixes.


Being able to use this download method, combined with locally keeping only the hotfixes, and only downloading whatever hotfixes are missing, seems the most sustainable approach for the long term.


Cheers and Regards



I have been checking in from time to time to see if Legolash2o has returned.  I am glad to see that he has become somewhat active again.


As for the above suggestion, I also believe that downloading directly from MS (and keeping the updates locally) would be the best option.   If there is any help that is needed to test these, I would like to volunteer.

Welcome back Lego!


I have still be checking the forum but mostly without login in. Been getting lots of PMs which I'm sift through now lol. I've learned so much new techniques in the last 2-3 months that I will definitely be implementing them in Win Toolkit!



There should be an option to disable messenger in your messenger (how that sounds) :) and forgot about PM's for good.

  • 2 weeks later...

Great you're experimenting on this subject. Please take into consideration that on the latest available ''stable'' build after all the updates from the prerequisites folder are moved to the ''normal'' area, the updates cannot be sorted alphabetically anymore.


And also that the ''load from sub-folders'' option (load updates from a folder that also has subfolders) generates again similar nasty issues, like updates beeing sorted weird (and not alphabetically) by default, and, again, the sorting doesn't work (again, if you don't remeber th discussion from some time ago, ''alphabetically means Microsoft order - KB9xxxxx frist, the KB2xxxxxx, and after that updates maybe with a ''z'' in front if their name - like in my case, IE11 renamed).


and again, I'm not asking to do this by default (to install IE11 after all updates), I'm sure you have your reasons for keeping the ''prerequisites'' (now I see they're called important) area as it is, but please let users to have a choice on this, so to have the ability to integrate the updates in Microsoft alphabetical order.


And thanks again for coming back and keeping this greeat project alive!!! :)

  • Author

Well i've just had to abandon the idea as it was WAY to much work. However, when I 'propose' Win Toolkit for my final year project and it gets approved. I will definitely be experimenting in this area again. The method I was about to use would have sorted ALL the sorting issues you where having.


When it gets approved. I will be pretty much starting from scratch but and will probably drop XP support. Also possibly rewritten in C++ LOL!


I'm tempted to upload a test build for everyone to use (with IE11 support)?


EDIT: I've made IE install after updates.

Hey... good to have you back!


As for the Windows updates... I use WSUS Offline, which holds files with where to download which updates... Might be useful... Just download, unpack and select at least one product to download updates from. It will also download file lists...




Kinds regards, and best wishes for 2014 (in advance)



the Netherlands

Just got the notice that the new Win Toolkit version was available, and so are you Lego.  Great news!


May I throw in my two cents for an update downloader that you might use for inspiration?  In my case I only need GDR updates and I use Windows Updates Downloader for this purpose:






WUD uses .ulz "Update Lists", which are compressed XML specs that download update .msu files (and .exes etc. for Optional updates) directly from Microsoft.com.  New Update Lists are typically available about a week and a half after Patch Tuesday.


WUD also sets the Last Modified date on downloaded files to the date advertised on Microsoft's servers.  Since updates are not necessarily released in numerical order, and re-releases break such order anyway, and there are actually several different numerical sequences being used by MS, it makes more sense (to me at least) to sort updates by Last Modified date (which is what I do when I add them to the Updates + Languages tab in Win Toolkit).


Note also that the current version of WUD has a minor bug with parsing Update Lists for Windows releases that include a Service Pack.  In this case the program Option to use "Product as subfolder" does not work correctly.  The current workaround is to edit Update Lists manually, or just not use the option (it's not enabled by default).  More on that bug here:




Thanks again for Win Toolkit, it definitely is the current tool of choice for integrating Windows updates.




I can release a build every night for the next 3 days if people want that?



About McRip button, I was going to make it prompt and ask the user if they would like to go to the WHD's site for updates.


If it is a working build (with problems fixed), I do not have a problem with that.


As for the "McRip button", I am not sure what 'WHD' stands for, but if it is another way to get updates for Windows then that would probably be best.


I can release a build every night for the next 3 days if people want that?



About McRip button, I was going to make it prompt and ask the user if they would like to go to the WHD's site for updates.


If it is a working build (with problems fixed), I do not have a problem with that.


As for the "McRip button", I am not sure what 'WHD' stands for, but if it is another way to get updates for Windows then that would probably be best.



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