Posted January 10, 201411 yr Hello everybody, Project continues into that: Project:Create Windows-Image that includes really ALL and NEWEST Updates there are available. My steps:1. Use WTK/WHD for get ALL Updates for your destination-system(s).2. Use AIO-Integrator (WTK), choose your destination-image(s).3. Integrate all updates from update-folder in follow order:(Will follow soon, look updates) Greez Edited April 7, 20159 yr by Z3R07
January 11, 201411 yr If I were you, I'd go with this setup (actually, I use it myself and I am happy with it) Updates that are offered via WU by mooms: .NET Framework 4.5.1 Full x86/x64 by ricktendo: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013 by ricktendo: That's all you will need to have full updated ISO. Have fun. oh....go with WinToolkit v14.1.27 (stable version) Edited January 11, 201411 yr by dareckibmw
January 11, 201411 yr Lol, more than 700 updates, that's insane !also, your'e integrating IE9, IE10, and IE11, no wonder it doesn't works ! dareckibmw is right, follow his instructions and you will have a perfectly up-to-date (with the least bloat possible) Windows 7 image.
January 11, 201411 yr Author Thanks for answers.Yay thats much, but thats the goal: much as possible. The other update packs includes 176 updates more as WHD Updates (normal: General,Hotfix,Security)The mooms update pack include exactly 3 (KB2786400;KB2836943-v2;KB2883150) more as WHD, - Thx iv added these to my personal repo.Newly a info-message in WinToolKit have notify me a usefull tipp: "some of those [additional] updates may cause errors during install"Now im begin to test some and see that i can integrate all "normal" updates.So the problem exist with any of the update(s) in this special "additional" area.The masterquest is: Which one of these create this error?Ahh BTW: yay iv exclude now old IE (extra cabs) and some language stuff, thx.The beauty ricks 4.5 + other runtimes i do integrate at last, if all other is done.Realy good ones, found no better 4.5 pack as this. Update1+3:LOL! After excluding KB2506143, i can integrate ALL of "extra" WHD area without any errors. Update 2:I found some infos in web about bsod problems after install these updates: KB2859537; KB2808735; KB2840149; KB2506143.Yay, iv no see any problems by install them yet, but i remember i had bsod after integrating ALL old mcrip repo.I would recommend to skip minimum KB2859537. - Or its fixed now or other information avaiable ? Edited January 11, 201411 yr by BrokenZer0
January 11, 201411 yr I don't see any advantages to integrate as much as possible, only inconveniences
January 11, 201411 yr Author Same advantages as just integrate general, security and hotfix updates. Ofcs thats hard work to create a working one, but thats the project.If i need anything optional, so i have a updated optional. Edited January 11, 201411 yr by BrokenZer0
January 11, 201411 yr First only integrate only one Internet Explorer. You don't need to have ALL the updates, just the LATEST updates. The reason some of the updates are no longer in a source is because they have been 'superseded' and the old one is no longer required. I just tend to use Windows Hotfix Downloader updates and that's pretty much it. You can also just use RicaNeaga's source. As long as the source has been updated recently, you only need 1.
January 11, 201411 yr You have to understand that QFE/LDR hotfixes are not meant to be used in general usage (that's the purpose of GDR).Their purpose are to fix particular bug(s), and they are only distributed by MS by express demand of a customer (generally a sys admin, not the average Joe).They are not meant to be blindly installed/integrated as you are doing ! QFE/LDR hotfixes are not as much tested as GDR, and they can do more harm than good (new bugs, regressions, etc...) if not carefully and wisely used.Even GDR updates are sometimes buggy and must be removed for Windows Update.... Also, as Lego as stated, they are many in your list that are superseded, and it is very time consuming to maintain an up-to-date list of all KB. The names are pretty self explanatory: GDR means General Distribution ReleaseLDR means Limited Distribution Release.QFE, the ancient name of LDR, means Quick Fix Engineering. If you really want as much update as possible, use this (and only this):
January 11, 201411 yr Author Hey Liam! Mhh okay i see they mostly may are superseded ones, example KB2820197 (DrWin) by KB2900986 (WHD) - or? But:1. I dont understand why so much old superseded updates still in other Update-Packs? Just mistakes or other reason?2. I would like to integrate also all additional updates (from the WHD), but why it fails? They may not integratable? Okay, thats i understand, but what mean this option then exactly?I remember that allow by "mixed" updates install also the LDR part of it, the same way of GDR - or not?So i may have to deactivate this option to result the install without error ? Explain:With WHD i mean exactly the Windows Hotfix Downloader Tool. So what i mean and planing is:At the moment, i can integrate General, Hotfix, and Security Updates without any problems.After removing KB2506143 (and old IE and other uneeded) i can also integrate complete Extra (folder).But, - i can not still integrate the Additional Updates. - That is what i want: integrate these additionals.(Okay these other more updates from other updatepacks seems to be superseded ones, - no need more now.) I hope, now is clear what i mean, my english sucks.. :/ BTW: KUC Tool still works.But i also recommend WHD, at the moment i check with KUC Tool for successfull integrating generals. Edited January 11, 201411 yr by BrokenZer0
January 14, 201411 yr You can not integrate these updates in "Additional":Not IntegratableSUR ToolWinREWMF4.0 and you have to integrate Platform before IE11 CABs BTW, Additional take the precedence over Extra Edited January 14, 201411 yr by abbodi1406
January 15, 201411 yr Author Okay, i will test n report.Thank u very much for the infos.Update:GREAT! It Works now! I can integrate ALL!I love you abbodi1406, ur the ZEN Master! Project finished successfully! Edited January 16, 201411 yr by BrokenZer0
January 18, 201411 yr Author Okay my main monster x64 iso is done.Updated ISO: 5.15 GB 724 Updates includes. But idk, 6 updates find by WU first desktop run, so may some troubles has exist.
January 18, 201411 yr Author I think it was about 2,4 GBUsed different update sources, have anti-twined and a bit cleaned.Some of them was cabbed - the other msu, old IE and langs deleted, also the 4 bsod updates and they ones whos cannot integrate.LDR-Option activated,and all other swms withouth ultimate deleted and ofcs rebuild image after integrating.
January 19, 201411 yr Okay my main monster x64 iso is done.Updated ISO: 5.15 GB 724 Updates includes. But idk, 6 updates find by WU first desktop run, so may some troubles has exist.Why do you try to integrate Win7 german SP1 if you use already an ISO with SP1? (What you need is, I think, a Language-Pack.Or why do you don't use a german ISO? From your Post #1: My steps:1. Download and use original Windows 7 SP1 Refresh Ultimate en-us untouched ISO + WinToolkit v14.1.29 Test 13 From your INI (Post #14) #UpdatesC:\Users\Zer0\Desktop\Updates\2-Updates\German Win7 SP1 BTW, it's better if you don't use blanks in the path! MfG, Thiersee
January 19, 201411 yr Author Nah thats just the german language pack. "SP1" means, thats the LP for ISOs which have already SP1 integrated, thats its.It exist LPs for RTM and for SP1 ISOs, and im not sure, but remember it exist may another for "SP1-Refresh". Yap, im ever use original enu language, but need german-lp for familiy and friends' computers. Okay thank you, for next ones i use "DOS-Paths" (withouth empty space in names and all.) Edited January 19, 201411 yr by BrokenZer0
January 19, 201411 yr If I remember right, I think you said some of the updates show up as blue but they still integrate correctly? Are you sure? I thought Win Toolkit considers stuff in blue as duplicates so it ignores them, or am I confused? By the way, I can't imagine that the McRip update list you added has any valid, non-superseded updates that none of the other packs have, since it is months old. Also, you say that if you found any updates with the same name but were not "twins", that you kept them both. That makes no sense. Surely one of them is "right" and the other is "wrong". Bottom line, while many do not agree with your approach, I understand your desire to "have them all" to be prepared. Once you come up with your list, I would suggest sharing it, not only here but with the other list's sites as well for feedback. They might be able to shed some light on why they have omitted some you added. Wanting them all is one thing, but needlessly taking up space and time for updates that have been superseded or are totally not necessary, is just wasting your time and disk space and asking for future potential problems. mooms and many others prefer to go for a minimalist, efficient, just enough to satisfy MU/WU approach and that is perfectly fine, and is better in some cases. But you are not the only one who prefers to have them all. KUC took that approach as well, as far as I know. Cheers and Regards
January 20, 201411 yr Author For first, thank you for much reply. I will try a fav of methode for answering: parallel lining.(And sorry for my bad english i mostly try to write with own words, google translate creates crap) If I remember right, I think you said some of the updates show up as blue but they still integrate correctly? No, they were blue and at the end, some updates (probably the blues) were not integrated.Idk how WTK handles, for drivers the blue show u just which drivers a duplicates, nothing more i think. By the way, I can't imagine that the McRip update list you added has any valid, non-superseded updates that none of the other packs have, since it is months old. These updates from McRip-Repo iv no found in example WHD-Repo (left folder, right whats include all folder). Also, you say that if you found any updates with the same name but were not "twins", that you kept them both. That makes no sense. May iv to explain a elemental philosophy:Yes, i want all as possible updates, then i have all up-to-date if a need any of them.Also i want newest programs which newest features and all, u can compare it with beta users or the complete linux philosophy.For this, I take it upon myself to even possibly get error. But this way is better for me, cuz i can enjoy and test new things/methodes.Stable/normal is for general mass of peoples, my favorite way is: No risk - No fun. Another thing is: Its very hard work and take (too) much time to search/compare all updates for supersededs or other. Maybe 1 of 10 updates is realy new, but then i have 1 new updates, the other are overwriten/supersed by WTK or MAY make troubles in future installed. (In Windows altime exist troubles, no matter if i integrate "troubles-updates" or not. ) Surely one of them is "right" and the other is "wrong". But who somebody tell me which is the right one ? (100+ updates to compare)Maybe one of them is with LDR-Part, maybe one is localicated, - where from i should know?So i integrate just all, spare much time and asking/troubling and all, and MAY i have any wrong in image.. - no matter. Once you come up with your list, I would suggest sharing it, not only here but with the other list's sites as well for feedback. Mh, idk, here is for just for fixing errors/support and test WTK.May the others dont interest in my list, example the community packs, i really dont understand, why i find Win8 Updates in a pack for Win7. May they have all a reason for their handle. Iv learned in my live, that most peoples no cares anybody opinion, they say "take it or leave it". The reason for i give feedback for WTK for example: I really love this tool, works great and Liam give support/cares everybodys opinion. Other tools/peoples disappoint me. May they can not explain the updates or say promise anything and then nothing. Example u remember RT7Lite? I remember a thread about v3.0, i was waiting so much time - then: A total flop. That all need time and much patience - no my favorite way. Also:I think they all known other updatepacks, so theyve reasons or dont care. Mostly peoples r obstinate, so i see no really a reason to tell her my results...Maybe somebody use google and see this thread, so he may exclude Win8/WinXP Update from Win7 UpdatePack.. *laugh* Wanting them all is one thing, but needlessly taking up space and time for updates that have been superseded or are totally not necessary, is just wasting your time and disk space and asking for future potential problems. I try to find out with WTK which ones i realy dont need and delete from image, im also a fan of minimal.(May hard to understand, otherwise i want all, otherwise i want minimal, after create FULL im going to make my personal lite.)After my 2014 ISOs are done, i think i delete next time all other without WHD n KUC, for sure the crappy german packs with Win8 updates and local stuff.ATM iv antitwined all, so iv just only which iv integrated, the rest of Mcrip u can see in spoiler up here, iv much (3 TB) disk space, so i can keep some for test.Regards! Edited January 20, 201411 yr by BrokenZer0
January 20, 201411 yr After my 2014 ISOs are done, i think i delete next time all other without WHD n KUC, for sure the crappy german packs with Win8 updates and local stuff.If you mean with "crappy german pack" the pack from Dr. Windows or WinFuturePack (or, they are primarly for updating running systems, NOT for integrating from scratch!If you want to use them for an integration, you have some work to do. And now in german, only for you:die eierlegende Wollmilchsau gibt es auch bei Windows nicht! MfG, Thiersee
January 20, 201411 yr Author Yes, much work. But i think its the work for Pack-Creators to build a compatible, error-free and up2date bundle.They call this thing "latest"/"all include"/"for all systems", and release some crap, - no way.You integrate an update, you install ISO on ur system, and it results in bsod.Im sure u would also going a bit angry. Idk, may its just my philosophy: if i make some, i make it full.I would it make different, i not say down in ground with WinFuture, but i prefer other ones.German answer:Linux ist immerhin kostenlos.
February 1, 201411 yr Author Give u that (Found with AntiTwin): In other existing updatepacks was include an update thats earlier release as WHD.So no all of that is superseded, local or crap stuff.. Greez Edited March 9, 201411 yr by BrokenZer0
March 9, 201411 yr Author Iv great news! Iv create a new working update-check-method for checking for supersedes.And all updates there were in other packs are complete superseded or still in update-list (WHD).That's amazing! Means you just need WHD (or AD in WTK i dunno) for get ALL Updates! Yeah! Edited March 9, 201411 yr by BrokenZer0
March 9, 201411 yr to brokenzer0 : did you find how to automatically set higher process priority for setup.exe ? I now have my fully functional integrated updates x86/x64 on usb and I love that. thank you
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