January 2, 201510 yr Author Hello Thiersee, Happy New Year too ! 1) You're right, I've updated the script (no version bump, it's very minor) you can replace it with this if that bothers you and don't want to redownload ::NoJavaInstecho ================================================================================echo ================================================================================echo. JRE x86 and/or x64 redistributable not found. echo. Place it/them in the same directory than this script.echo. Correct JRE install name for x86 is "jre-XuXX-windows-i586.exe".echo. Correct JRE install name for x64 is "jre-XuXX-windows-x64.exe".echo ================================================================================echo ================================================================================pausegoto :eof2): Also reported by Escorpiom. That's not something I can fix.
January 2, 201510 yr If you add the -ai switch the SFX is ran silently.If you want it silent when double clicked or ran without any switches, you have to modify the script.You have to understand the syntax of a 7zip SFX. There is many topics explaining it here, or see the help file. Does this silent switch still apply to this? I'd like to make it silent installer, no progress bar visible.
January 2, 201510 yr Author Yes, it's stated in the first post:Available switches:-ai - Silent install with Web plugins-ai1 - Silent install without Web pluginsAnd also shown in the GUI of the SFX:
January 2, 201510 yr I see the GUI as well..... I added -ai1 switch in SFXMaker and still have the progress bar. I didn't touch the script, though. Edited January 2, 201510 yr by dareckibmw
January 3, 201510 yr Author If you use -ai1 (or /ai1), you should only see the extraction progress, the install itself is silent. Why using SFXMaker anyway, can't you run the SFX with the switch ?
January 3, 201510 yr It was more convenience for me. I'll try to make SFX with winrar if I still remember how, lol
January 3, 201510 yr Author If you want a fully silent install (noGUI), you can use this code: :CONFIGECHO ;!@Install@!UTF-8!> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO SetEnvironment="swUninst_x64=HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall">> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO SetEnvironment="swUninst_x86=HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall">> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO SetEnvironment="DelOldVer=%%%%P:hidcon:cmd /c For /F \"tokens=2 delims={}\" %%a In ('Reg Query %%swUninst_%%%%P%% ^| FINDSTR \"{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F[0-9A-F]*}\"') Do MsiExec /x{%%a}">> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO GUIMode="2">> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO MiscFlags="4">> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO RunProgram="%%DelOldVer%% /qn">> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO RunProgram="jre_inst.msi /qn WEB_JAVA=0">> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c \"%programfiles%\\Java\\jre%MAJ%\\bin\\jqs.exe\" -unregister">> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c \"%programfiles(x86)%\\Java\\jre%MAJ%\\bin\\jqs.exe\" -unregister">> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO AutoInstall="%%DelOldVer%% /qn">> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO AutoInstall="jre_inst.msi /qn WEB_JAVA=1">> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO AutoInstall="x86:hidcon:cmd /c \"%programfiles%\\Java\\jre%MAJ%\\bin\\jqs.exe\" -unregister">> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO AutoInstall="x64:hidcon:cmd /c \"%programfiles(x86)%\\Java\\jre%MAJ%\\bin\\jqs.exe\" -unregister">> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO ;!@InstallEnd@!>> "%~dp032.cfg"ECHO. >> "%~dp032.cfg"GOTO :EOF:CONFIG_64ECHO ;!@Install@!UTF-8!> "%~dp064.cfg"ECHO SetEnvironment="swUninst=HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall">> "%~dp064.cfg"ECHO SetEnvironment="DelOldVer64=hidcon:cmd /c For /F \"tokens=2 delims={}\" %%a In ('Reg Query %%swUninst%% ^| FINDSTR \"{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F[0-9A-F]*}\"') Do MsiExec /x{%%a}">> "%~dp064.cfg"ECHO GUIMode="2">> "%~dp064.cfg"ECHO MiscFlags="4">> "%~dp064.cfg"ECHO RunProgram="x64:%%DelOldVer64%% /qn">> "%~dp064.cfg"ECHO RunProgram="x64:jre64_inst.msi /qn WEB_JAVA=0">> "%~dp064.cfg"ECHO AutoInstall="x64:%%DelOldVer64%% /qn">> "%~dp064.cfg"ECHO AutoInstall="x64:jre64_inst.msi /qn WEB_JAVA=1">> "%~dp064.cfg"ECHO ;!@InstallEnd@!>> "%~dp064.cfg"ECHO. >> "%~dp064.cfg"GOTO :EOF:CONFIG_AIOECHO ;!@Install@!UTF-8!> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO SetEnvironment="swUninst_x64=HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO SetEnvironment="swUninst_x86=HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO SetEnvironment="DelOldVer=%%%%P:hidcon:cmd /c For /F \"tokens=2 delims={}\" %%a In ('Reg Query %%swUninst_%%%%P%% ^| FINDSTR \"{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F[0-9A-F]*}\"') Do MsiExec /x{%%a}">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO SetEnvironment="DelOldVer64=hidcon:cmd /c For /F \"tokens=2 delims={}\" %%a In ('Reg Query %%swUninst_x86%% ^| FINDSTR \"{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F[0-9A-F]*}\"') Do MsiExec /x{%%a}">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO GUIMode="2">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO MiscFlags="4">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO RunProgram="%%DelOldVer%% /qn">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO RunProgram="x64:%%DelOldVer64%% /qn">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO RunProgram="jre_inst.msi /qn WEB_JAVA=0">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO RunProgram="x64:jre64_inst.msi /qn WEB_JAVA=0">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO RunProgram="x86:hidcon:cmd /c \"%programfiles%\\Java\\jre%MAJ%\\bin\\jqs.exe\" -unregister">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO RunProgram="x64:hidcon:cmd /c \"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\\Java\\jre%MAJ%\\bin\\jqs.exe\" -unregister">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO AutoInstall="%%DelOldVer%% /qn">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO AutoInstall="x64:%%DelOldVer64%% /qn">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO AutoInstall="jre_inst.msi /qn WEB_JAVA=1">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO AutoInstall="x64:jre64_inst.msi /qn WEB_JAVA=1">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO AutoInstall="x86:hidcon:cmd /c \"%programfiles%\\Java\\jre%MAJ%\\bin\\jqs.exe\" -unregister">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO AutoInstall="x64:hidcon:cmd /c \"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\\Java\\jre%MAJ%\\bin\\jqs.exe\" -unregister">> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO ;!@InstallEnd@!>> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"ECHO. >> "%~dp0AIO.cfg"GOTO :EOF Default install (no switch): no web plugins.-ai switch: web plugins.
January 3, 201510 yr @hamzaaan: I don't understand your comment? How is a cmd different than a bat file? Can't i just copy and paste this text into a file and save it as a batch and run it like the cmd in the OP? @hamzaaan: I don't understand your comment? How is a cmd different than a bat file? Can't i just copy and paste this text into a file and save it as a batch and run it like the cmd in the OP? Yes you can!! Dont worry! I made it a long time ago.The only problem is that Im not able to create dula(86-64) silent instalation of Java 8.25 :please: :crying_anim02: not work for memake the file cmd and upload for meplease.
January 4, 201510 yr Author Version 2.1What's new:- Now with LZMA2 compression (slightly better compression and less memory intensive)- The maker will ask you if you want a GUI or NoGUI SFX
January 4, 201510 yr Version 2.1What's new: - Now with LZMA2 compression (slightly better compression and less memory intensive)- The maker will ask you if you want a GUI or NoGUI SFX YOU ARE THE BEST!!!! PERFECT JOB!!!! MANY THANKS Edited January 4, 201510 yr by stashmajcherc
January 4, 201510 yr Version 2.1What's new: - Now with LZMA2 compression (slightly better compression and less memory intensive)- The maker will ask you if you want a GUI or NoGUI SFXHi Mooms, the problem I had has gone, maybe my Java-installation was not OK; I uninstalled it, made the dual-installer, installed Java again and started the Multi Maker (2.1) again. This time almost all OK, only one bug (or feature , or both):it uninstall java from my system and does NOT install it again!I must start the AIO on my own. 1 suggestion:may be you put a title line in the questions (x86, x64 or both and Gui/no GUI) showing the version of the Multi Maker. Thiersee Edited January 4, 201510 yr by Thiersee
January 4, 201510 yr Author version 2.2Whats new:- Added a title in the script (with version number)- The 2 questions are now asked in the beginning, in a blue shell to get the attention- Optimized the scriptThis time almost all OK, only one bug (or feature , or both):it uninstall java from my system and does NOT install it again!I must start the AIO on my own.Sorry, can't reproduce it, try with v2.2 and report.
January 4, 201510 yr There is a problem in the > 2.0 maker:On my x64-machine the UAC-daemon is switched off / disabled, so the checking of "admin Rights" runs in an endless loop,because the uac-daemon is not responding.Can you enhance your checkscript, so it´s not depend on the presence of active uac directly ?I have always admin-rights on my machine as User "Administrator" - so uac is normaly never needed for me ;-)
January 4, 201510 yr Author @Himan:The BatchGotAdmin code is not mine, but you can easily fix the script, just remove those lines in the beginning: :: BatchGotAdmin::-------------------------------------REM --> Check for permissions>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin.if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( echo Requesting administrative privileges... goto UACPrompt) else ( goto gotAdmin ):UACPrompt echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" exit /B:gotAdmin if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0":--------------------------------------
January 4, 201510 yr This time almost all OK, only one bug (or feature , or both):it uninstall java from my system and does NOT install it again!I must start the AIO on my own.Sorry, can't reproduce it, try with v2.2 and report. I can confirm it with 2.2 too!I tested many times on my working machine (UAC disabled, account with admin-rights), then I tried it on a VM (VirtualBox) with UAC (standard): same problem. I'll try now your hint to Himan and reports later. Thiersee Edit: It does not work, neither without the code nor with the changed one :sad02:! Edited January 4, 201510 yr by Thiersee
January 4, 201510 yr Author @Thiersee: this code is only for checking if the batch have admin rights & re-launching it with them if not, hence the UAC prompt. edit:I see the problem now, when the script launch the installers to extract the MSI, Java is also uninstalled !Apparently it's a new feature starting from Java8u20.... Detect older versions (8u20 and later versions). Starting with Java 8 Update 20 (8u20), on Windows systems, the Java Uninstall Tool is integrated with the installer to provide an option to remove older versions of Java from the system. The change is applicable to 32 bit and 64 bit Windows platforms. I don't understand why the uninstallation is automatically done, maybe because the previous install was an admin install ?I will try to come with a fix....
January 4, 201510 yr @Thiersee: this code is only for checking if the batch have admin rights & re-launching it with them if not, hence the UAC prompt. edit:I see the problem now, when the script launch the installers to extract the MSI, Java is also uninstalled !I will try to come with a fix....I'm happy, NOT because of the fault, but because you saw it! Thiersee
January 5, 201510 yr Author Version 2.3 of the script is on the first post. What's new: - Major rewrite, update is very recommanded over previous 2.x versions - No more need to launch the script as admin- msi are now extracted with ResourcesExtract like in v1.x of the maker- No more admin install point- x64 & dual installers can now be created on x86 Windows (even XP)After some researches, I've found a way to extract the x86 MSI with ResourcesExtract: the x86 setup is compressed with UPX, once uncompressed the MSi can be extracted without launching the setup first, like the old Java setup (x64 setup is not compressed with UPX). Now the maker behave like in v1.x:That eliminate the need to run the script as admin, and the bug with the auto uninstallation.That means both issues mentioned by Himan and Thiersee are now fixed !I've also found that creating an admin install point is not needed anymore.Bonus: it is now possible to create the x64 & dual installers on x86 Windows.
January 5, 201510 yr Hi Mooms, very good job, it works now :beerchug:! Just one question: if the original java installers are already present, I get a warning (error?) from UPX, but the dual installer will be completed without issues: not present (will be downloaded): already present:Thanks a lot Thiersee Edited January 5, 201510 yr by Thiersee
January 5, 201510 yr Author You can ignore it, it's purely informative.It's because the setup was uncompressed by UPX the first time you ran the script.Inevitably, the following times you launch the maker, you can read in red: NotPackedException: not packed by UPX
January 5, 201510 yr Quite strange..the new version 2.3 doesn't work here!The same mistake like 1.3 version.The version 2.1 -made perfect job to me?Is there any chance to find 2.1 version?Thanks in advance
January 5, 201510 yr Author @stashmajcherc: Previous versions have a bug: Java is uninstalled when the script launch the installer(s) to capture the MSI.Version 2.3 is much better, read my previous posts. Do you have tried to run the script in the root folder of one of your drive ?Or simply from a folder with no space in its path ?I'm fairly sure the error is caused by a space in the folder's path, as I've tried to explain : C:\Program Files\JAVA-Multi_Maker - a space between Program & Files)C:\progs\JAVA-Multi_Maker - no spaceDo you understand now ?
January 6, 201510 yr Sorry mooms-it seems that im an idiot!!! everything is fine now!Cheers!Best Regards!
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